Http watch screenshot in Title/Summary

HTTP Watch
HttpWatch is an integrated HTTP sniffer for IE and Firefox that provides new insights into how your website loads and performs. Change the way that you develop, debug and tune websites today! Main features: - Seamless HTTP and HTTPS monitoring without changing network settings or adding proxies - See low-level HTTP information such as headers, cookies, etc and millisecond accurate timings.
- Publisher: Simtec Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 25th, 2010

Moo0 ScreenShot
Moo0 Screenshot lets you easily save your screenshot images into the specific folder. It currently supports 5 image formats: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG and ICO. When you want to save some screen/website images which you somehow can't, try out the "Window Part" button on this program. It can let you save any images surrounded by the same exact color.
- Publisher: Moo0
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 24th, 2014

Polenta ScreenShot
Polenta ScreenShot is a simple application that allows you to take screenshots in a snap. You can take screenshots of the whole screen or select a rectangular area or window. The application sits in your system tray and allows you to control everything from there.
- Publisher: Ganseh MahaSoft
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2010
Http watch screenshot in Description

AndroStream Server
AndroStream is an Android application to watch (Stream) all your videos (xvid, divx, mkv ...) located on your home computer, directly from your android device over wifi. You can also stream http/rtsp videos link just by selecting a weblink in the browser.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: April 4th, 2012

Screenshot It Enabler
Screenshot It Enabler is an Android application that enables a user to take a screenshot of their device from anywhere. Screeshots can then be edited, saved, or shared with others. Make sure you have the correct adb drivers for your phone installed on your computer. You can find the correct drivers for your phone by going to:
- Publisher: Edward Kim
- Last updated: January 20th, 2012

Activity Reporter
Activity Reporter has proved to be an effective, robust and user friendly software. In today's scenario, Data Security is a major concern for all Corporates to keep competitors at bay so that they should not be able to get hold of any critical information which would bring all the hard efforts to naught. You can use this software to monitor the activities of the computer.
- Publisher: Unistal Systems Pvt. Ltd
- Last updated: August 17th, 2012

Blu Ray Player
Blu-ray Player is a free application that allows you to play video and audio files of many formats from either a Blu-ray Disc or other devices. Generally, a Blu-ray contains videos that run at up to 40 megabytes per second, compared to the 3.5 megabytes per second of other conventional video formats.
- Publisher: spgsoft
- Last updated: April 11th, 2010

Wsnap is a screen capture tool that lets you take a screenshot of any portion of the screen. With this software in place, you can quickly create snapshots for your product page, multimedia presentation, technical manual, or a web article. Screenshots make your publication look appealing and more informative. Sometimes a single look at a screenshot is more helpful in understanding the functional peculiarity of a product than a page of the most detailed textual description. Unique to Wsnap is its ability to capture almost all screen elements, including 3D games, Flash animations, cascading menus and more. All this is done with one mouse click. Wsnap has a simple user interface that takes you a minute and a few clicks here and there to get started with your first screenshot. You can use the tool to capture the entire screen, active windows, controls, cascading and floating menus, as well as rectangular, elliptic, rounded corners and freehand areas. The program lets you capture the mouse pointer and add any watermark you want. Once the screenshot has been captured, you can save it to a file in the four most popular formats such as BMP, JPG, PNG and GIF. Additionally, the screenshot can be copied to the clipboard, opened in an external editor, published on the web, or sent by email. The program can be customized to suite your particular needs. If you are a fully fledged typist, you can customize hotkeys to trigger a particular capture action at a specified keystroke. With the hotkey support, you can capture a screenshot while working with another application. To be more productive, Wsnap provides you with the ability to make a list of actions that will be automatically executed, once the screenshot has been captured. This includes all the after capture actions you do with mouse clicks, for example, saving the screenshot to a file, coping to the clipboard, adding a watermark, or scaling the output to fit the required size.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Http watch screenshot selection

HttpWatch Basic
HttpWatch is an HTTP sniffer for web debugging, security testing, and performance tuning. It lets you debug the network traffic generated by a web page directly in the browser without having to switch to a separate tool. You can easily find weak SSL configurations and other security related issues on your web server using this tool.
- Publisher: Neumetrix Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 13th, 2022

HttpWatch Professional
HttpWatch Professional is a program that integrates with Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers to show you exactly what HTTP traffic is triggered when you access a web page. The program allows you to quickly see the values of headers, cookies and query strings. It also supports non-interactive examination of HTTP data.
- Publisher: Simtec Limited
- Last updated: March 16th, 2018

HttpWatch is a great program that records all the interactions between a browser and a webpage. This HTTP protocol sniffing allows developers to find out errors and improve their web creations. With tons of options that can be filtered, a great viewer and a log recorder, HttpWatch is an amazing program.
- Publisher: Simtec Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2021

Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin
Firefox users were awaiting a very long time a plugin with such features. It's an important achievement to the open source community, because in the past it was a very important drawback when trying to persuade IE users to switch to Firefox. Now any user can use Firefox as your default browser without losing any feature.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: September 5th, 2011

Baidu Browser
Baidu Browser is a free-to-use web browser for Windows OS. Baidu Browser’s built-in Media Downloader lets you easily download video and audio directly to your computer, so you can put it on your phone or tablet and enjoy it again and again. Log in with your Google account and all of your bookmarks, history, plug-ins, skins and settings will be seamlessly transferred over.
- Publisher: Baidu Inc.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2020

Active WebCam
Active WebCam is a program that captures images up to 30 frames per second from any video device including USB, web cameras, TV-boards, camcorders and from network IP cameras. The program performs simultaneous recording and broadcasting from unlimited number of cameras.
- Publisher: PY Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 26th, 2014

Light Alloy
Light Alloy is a compact media player designed to help you play most of the popular multimedia formats. Contains an expandable list of online radio stations which you can play and record, and a list to store your favorites. You also can watch Blu-Rays and DVDs with Light Alloy, but only if they are not encrypted
- Publisher: Vortex Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Screenshot Captor
Screenshot Captor is a tool designed for grabbing, manipulating, annotating, and sharing screenshots. It is optimized for taking lots of screenshots with minimal intervention with easy to add and edit callout arrows and text boxes. It features great special effects, including automatic active window enhancement, ragged edge splicing, pixelation, smart text removal, and many more.
- Publisher: DonationCoder
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 28th, 2019

Hit your Print Screen key and ScreenShot will save, modify, email, copy to clipboard, print and display your present screen. It is easy to use and even provides you with complete automation for each process. No nag-screens, includes cursor capturing.
- Publisher: GutmannSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 16th, 2009

VB Watch
How fast is your Visual Basic code? VB Watch Profiler finds it out! VB Watch also adds power error handling and ensures that no line of code is left untested. Includes Exe debugger.
- Publisher: Aivosto Oy
- Last updated: April 5th, 2008