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Hybrid opc in Title/Summary

InTek Hybrid OPC Server

InTek Hybrid OPC Server

InTek Hybrid OPC Server is the first OPC Server product in the world that capable to run multi-protocol over single serial communication port/channel. Support the utilization of Port Server (Serial to Ethernet) for serial communication over Ethernet TCP/IP network.

  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018


Hybrid encrypts and decrypts files for storage on your computer. It uses the well known Blowfish encryption algorithm with 448 bit encryption. Hybrid offers an easy to use interface with drag and drop support and integrates into the Windows shell.

  • Publisher: Selur
  • Home page: www.selur.de
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2008
CLOTHER Hybrid for V4

CLOTHER Hybrid for V4

CLOTHER Hybrid is the easy way to get photorealistic clothes for your digital woman that actually FIT! CLOTHER Hybrid gives you the ability to use photorealistic clothing textures with your favourite skin texture without the need for advanced graphic programs and, more importantly, without losing your precious time.

  • Publisher: ZEW 3D
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2008

Hybrid opc in Description

OPC Netlistener

OPC Netlistener

The server allows supervising device processes (watchdog) and provides the operator with the CPU load data as an OPC variable. In addition it shows the CPU load of the host computer.The server sends ICMP (ping) or SNMP-requests to the supervising hosts, and presents these as an OPC-item. Or it supervises cyclical processes on the host to check for program errors.

DeviceXPlorer OPC Server

DeviceXPlorer OPC Server

DeviceXPlorer supports five types of protocol (OPC, DDE, FastDDE, Net DDE, and SuiteLink) for communication with upper-tier applications. The role of OPC is to wrap a variety of field equipment in the manufacturing premise where equipments exist by the united specifications of "OPC".

  • Publisher: TAKEBISHI
  • Last updated: April 16th, 2012
PI OPC (OPCInt) ICU Control

PI OPC (OPCInt) ICU Control

The PI OPC Interface is an OPC DA COM Interface for bidirectional communication between an OPC Data Access (DA) Server that supports v1.0a and 2.05 of OPC DA standard and an OSIsoft PI System. The PI OPC Interface collects data from OPC servers via the DA (Data Access) standard and writes them to the PI Server. It interoperates with any OPC Server.

  • Publisher: OSIsoft, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2012
OPC Server Toolkit Demo

OPC Server Toolkit Demo

OPC Server Toolkit lets the programmer to create robust and highly effective OPC Servers within the shortest possible time. This toolkit eliminates the necessity of implementing all of the numerous OPC interfaces and COM programming. Toolkit can be used with any development environment supporting C++ language and dynamic linking.

  • Publisher: Graybox Software
  • Last updated: January 2nd, 2015
MatrikonOPC Funnel

MatrikonOPC Funnel

MatrikonOPC Funnel provides a single gateway to all your process data. Now your applications only have to make one simple connection to access all of your plant data. Features include: -Supports aliases: rename tags with useful descriptions to make it easier to configure clients -Perform simple calculations for a specific point

Additional Hybrid opc selection

OPC UA Local Discovery Server

OPC UA Local Discovery Server

OPC UA Local Discovery Server is a special OPC-UA service that provides information about other OPC-UA servers available. If you want to retrieve a list of OPC Unified Architecture servers registered on a local or remote computer, call the DiscoverServers method, passing it the name or address of the remote machine (use empty string for local computer).

  • Publisher: OPC Foundation
  • Home page: opcfoundation.org
  • Last updated: August 5th, 2016
OPC Factory Server

OPC Factory Server

OPC Factory Server is a program designed for client applications that need real-time access to production data. The program is compatible with drivers ranging from SCADA, MES, ERP to Excel under Windows, that can be easily integrated in your automation architectures.

  • Publisher: Schneider Automation
  • Last updated: July 15th, 2014
Matrikon OPC Server for Simulation

Matrikon OPC Server for Simulation

MatrikonOPC Simulation Server is a free utility used to help test and troubleshoot OPC applications (clients) and connections. Testing applications on "live" OPC servers may result in loss of actual production data. The MatrikonOPC Simulation Server creates an simulated environment so that in the event of a problem, no real process data is lost.

OPC Core Components Redistributable (x86)

OPC Core Components Redistributable (x86)

This release of the Core Components adds support for x64 systems. The Core Components Redistributables installer will install everything that a developer needs (e.g. headers, assemblies outside of the GAC, etc) provided Visual Studio 2005 or later is installed on the machine.

  • Publisher: OPC Foundation
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2011
Hybrid Control Designer

Hybrid Control Designer

Hybrid Control Designer configuration software is a Windows-based PC application for configuring HC900 controllers. Its drag and drop placement methods and soft-wiring of analog and digital function blocks allow a custom control strategy to be easily created.

  • Publisher: Honeywell International Inc.
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2015
CoDeSys OPC-Server

CoDeSys OPC-Server

CODESYS OPC Server is a standard interface that enables you to access the IEC 61131-3 Process Data of a controller via OLE for process control. It allows you to exchange data (read / write) with the controller for example for visualizations or for process data logging programs.

  • Publisher: 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH
  • Home page: www.codesys.com
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2012
Delta OPC

Delta OPC

Delta OPC is a Delta communication tool. SCADA and OPC clients can communicate with and monitor Delta products by means of Delta OPC. Besides, users can set communication and devices which they want to monitor by means of OPC configurators. Users can set the signal function generated by a PC to simulate the state of a register or the value in a register in a PLC.

  • Publisher: Delta Electronics INC.
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2014
Cognex In-Sight OPC Server

Cognex In-Sight OPC Server

Cognex In-Sight OPC Server is a program that can be used to publish the OPC tags to an OPC Client. The program supports OPC Data Access clients based on versions 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0 of the OPC Specification. It also allows HMI, SCADA and programming environments to access various data from In-Sight sensors.

  • Publisher: Cognex Corporation
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2012
iFIX OPC Client

iFIX OPC Client

The MatrikonOPC Client for Intellution FIX and iFIX enables users to access OPC DA servers for the transfer of real-time data. This OPC I/O Driver eliminates approximately half of the driver configuration as the OPC server's point information is automatically accessed.

  • Publisher: GE Fanuc Automation Americas, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
AVerMedia H810 USB Hybrid DVB-T

AVerMedia H810 USB Hybrid DVB-T

AVerMedia H810 USB Hybrid DVB-T is a driver designed for AVerTV Pilot USB program. It contains the latest video and audio codecs, in order to offer you the best TV quality. AVerTV Pilot provides you not only analog TV programs, but also the latest digital TV shows. That means, with AVerTV Pilot, you can watch TV at home or even when you’re driving or on a ride.

  • Publisher: AVerMedia TECHNOLOGIES, Inc.
  • Home page: www.avermedia.com
  • Last updated: April 13th, 2011