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Hydraulic investigator in Title/Summary

Hydraulic Investigator

Hydraulic Investigator

This PC-only program will aid you in selecting the proper pump for your needs. The download contains all the database files necessary. By entering Capacity and Head values (and possibly other criteria) the whole database is automatically searched through for suitable pumps. The pump curves can then be calculated by the press of a button.

File Investigator

File Investigator

File Investigator Tools allows you to identify file types with high accuracy. Imagine searching for files by categories rather than having to specify file extensions or a few file types. You can search by categories like Graphic Images, Personal/User Data, Spreadsheets, Digital Audio and Palm OS related files. You can perform the search from Windows and from the command line.

  • Publisher: Forensic Innovations, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 26th, 2016
Investigator Report

Investigator Report

The Investigator Report provides a full range of Case & Client Management functionality. It can handle an unlimited number of Cases & Clients. Our Detective Software is ideal for Investigators, Detectives, and Law Enforcement. The Investigator Report is a great tool for Private Eye professionals. The application provides case management, billing, date tracking, and calendaring.

  • Publisher: Mdansby.com
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2009

Hydraulic investigator in Description

DC Water Design Extension

DC Water Design Extension

The DC Water Design Extension integrates the EPANET hydraulic analysis software with ArcView GIS.DC WATER DESIGN EXTENSION is the free ArcView 3.x solution for network editing and hydraulic analysis with EPANET.DC WATER DESIGN EXTENSION is used to edit and analyze hydraulic analysis models in ArcView. The extension allows to create full EPANET hydraulic analysis models from GIS data.

  • Publisher: DORSCH CONSULT
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
Knight Hawk Supply Displacement Calculator

Knight Hawk Supply Displacement Calculator

Hydraulic Pumps, Motors and Valves Hydraulic Repair Parts. YOUR ONE-STOP SOURCE FOR HYDRAULIC PARTS, COMPONENTS, PUMPS, MOTORS, VALVES, HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC CYLINDERS, ACCESSORIES, SEALS, METRIC SEALS, AND SEAL KITS. Using an specific physics formula it will automaticly calculate you data.

  • Publisher: Knight Hawk Supply, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2017


This program was designed to support designing new central heating systems and regulation of already existing ones. This program also allows to design pipe systems in the chilled water installations. The program allows to perform full hydraulic calculations of heating systems which include: -selecting pipe diameters -specifying hydraulic resistance of the individual circulations

  • Publisher: SANKOM Sp. z o.o.
  • Home page: www.sankom.eu
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2011


Ariete is a water pipeline design and analysis application for Windows users. It involves not only the basic hydraulic designing but also the determination of pressure heads and flows conveyed by the system under different operational conditions, aimed at determining the capacity of the pipeline’s components to withstand the calculated internal pressures in the system.

  • Publisher: HidraSoftware
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2015
Virtual Forensic Computing

Virtual Forensic Computing

VFC seamlessly and expeditiously re-creates a virtual scene from either the original evidence drive itself or the forensic copy of the suspect's system. The VFC process normally takes less than a minute, with average system start up times of the virtual clone ranging from between 2-5 minutes.

  • Publisher: MD5 Ltd
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2012

Additional Hydraulic investigator selection

Disk Investigator

Disk Investigator

Disk Investigator helps you to discover all that is hidden on your computer hard disk. It can also help you to recover lost data. Display the true drive contents by bypassing the operating system and directly reading the raw drive sectors.

Hydraulic Calculator for the Fire Protection Industry

Hydraulic Calculator for the Fire Protection Industry

Canute designed this simple hydraulic calculator for use with its FHC training course to teach some of the fundamental principles of pressure loss calculations and the discard of water through a sprinkler head and other type's nozzles. With this free hydraulic calculator you can easily change any variable in the Hazen Williams pressure loss equation and see what change it has made straight away

  • Publisher: Canute LLP
  • Last updated: January 3rd, 2010
Adobe SWF Investigator

Adobe SWF Investigator

Adobe® SWF Investigator is the only comprehensive, cross-platform, GUI-based set of tools, which enables quality engineers, developers and security researchers to quickly analyze SWF files to improve the quality and security of their applications. With SWF Investigator, you can perform both static and dynamic analysis of SWF applications with just one toolset.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2012
Media Investigator

Media Investigator

Media Investigator will analyse all your memory card plus your hard drives and USB drives to recover all major digital image photos and movies along with several other file types like doc, xls, ppt, mdb, pdf, zip, etc. Scan as many of your drives as you want for free! See previews of your files before recovering. Save your scan results to be resumed at a later time.

  • Publisher: Data Recovery Systems
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2014
Flowtite Hydraulic Flow Calculator

Flowtite Hydraulic Flow Calculator

The Flowtite™ Hydraulic Flow Calculator is designed to analyze head loss and pumping energy requirements or slope gradients in different pipe materials. The Flow Calculator will assist the engineer in the process of pipe material selection. The flow loss and cost of frictional resistance are keys to the proper selection of pipe.

  • Publisher: Winkler Consulting
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2009
Elspec Investigator

Elspec Investigator

Elspec Investigator is a client application that communicates, receives, and displays data from the PQSCADA server system . The communication performed uses a standard HTTP protocol (port 80), so it is firewall friendly and can be easily used over local LAN and/or over the Internet.

  • Publisher: Elspec
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2012
AQUA Hydraulic Utilities

AQUA Hydraulic Utilities

The AQUA Hydraulic Utilities consists of an easy to use user friendly Life Cycle Costing program for the design of pipelines. The user friendly program is a valuable and time saving tool with which Engineers can design a pipeline over the full life span taking into consideration all the costs. The program can design a gravity or pumping system with varying or fixed demands.

CONTECH Bridge Solutions Inc. Hydraulic Tools

CONTECH Bridge Solutions Inc. Hydraulic Tools

CONTECH Bridge Solutions Inc. Hydraulic Tools, also known as the Culvert Calculator, provides users with the ability to perform several analyses including: Culvert Calculator; Hydrologic Analysis; Reservoir Routing.The software is a computer program that can be used by engineers and planners to analyze various hydrologic and hydraulic conditions where CONTECH structures may play a role.

  • Publisher: CONTECH Bridge Solutions Inc.
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012
Flo-tech Hydraulic Analyzer

Flo-tech Hydraulic Analyzer

The Flo-Check USB is ideal for testing, troubleshooting and diagnosis in mobile and industrial hydraulic applications, and for setting hydraulic components such as pumps, valves and motors. The unit is bi-directional and includes a low-resistance load valve and internal pressure relief discs.

  • Publisher: Racine Federated Inc.
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2011
Mobile Phone Examiner Plus Investigator

Mobile Phone Examiner Plus Investigator

MPE+ Investigator is a free version of MPE+ that allows you to review collected images from MPE+. Using this version, MPE+ collections can be reviewed by parties not experienced with mobile device examinations. MPE+ Investigator is a small download that does not require a Codemeter or license to operate

  • Publisher: AccessData Group, Inc.
  • Home page: www.accessdata.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2015