Hyperterminal citect in Title/Summary

HyperTerminal is an award winning terminal emulation program capable of connecting to systems through TCP/IP Networks, Dial-Up Modems, and COM ports.
- Publisher: Hilgraeve, Inc.
- Last updated: July 12th, 2010

HyperTerminal Private Edition
HyperTerminal Private Edition is capable of connecting to systems through TCP/IP Networks, Dial-Up Modems, and COM ports. You can use a TCP/IP network to connect to systems on the Internet or your network using Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) or use a Dial-Up modem to dial into modem based systems. Also you can talk directly to many different types of devices using serial COM ports.
- Publisher: Hilgraeve, Inc.
- Last updated: February 18th, 2009

BECtLogger is something that you should check out if you work with Citect. BECtLogger connects to your Citect server(s) and continuously stores alarms, periodic trends (without any configuration at all anywhere) and tags of your choice including array and string tags. No configuration or programming at all is necessary neither in BECtLogger, SQL Server nor in CitectSCADA.
- Publisher: Beijer Electronics Automation AB
Hyperterminal citect in Description

HyperACCESS is the official FULL-POWERED version of HyperTerminal Private Edition. It is the product from which HyperTerminal Private Edition is derived. Main features: - Many additional terminal emulators and file transfer protocols. - Record and play back logons and repetitive steps with VBS (Visual Basic Script)
- Publisher: Hilgraeve Inc.
- Last updated: February 17th, 2010

Moxa Active OPC Server Lite
Active OPC Server is a software package provided by Moxa that operates as an OPC driver for an HMI or SCADA system. It offers seamless connection from Moxa's ioLogik series products to SCADA systems, such as Wonderware, Citect, and iFix. Active OPC Server meets the latest standard of OPC DA 3.0, which allows connections to various kinds of devices and host OPC machines.
- Publisher: Moxa
- Home page: www.moxa.com
- Last updated: January 20th, 2012

Cisco ACL Editor and Simulator
Cisco ACL Editor and Simulator can create Standard and Extended ACLs, edit Standard and Extended ACLs and simulate their use on a Cisco Router. You can save both Standard and Extended ACLs in their respective files and export all the ACLs to the Clipboard for pasting into HyperTerminal.
- Publisher: Gareth O. Evans FdSc BSc
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2008

KVH Flash Update Wizard
The KVH Flash Update Wizard allows you to update the software in virtually any TracVision antenna – without the need for HyperTerminal! It also allows you to enter antenna commands and view diagnostic data. For instructions on how to connect a PC to your TracVision model, select the Wizard's Help menu.
- Publisher: KVH
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

COM Inspector
COM Inspector is a great tool for anyone who needs to connect to a modem or other serial device, but doesn't know what the current settings of the device may be. An example would be needing to connect a data logger to a modem, but not knowing the modem baud rate, parity, and stop bit settings so the logger can be set appropriately.
- Publisher: SimpleComTools
- Last updated: May 29th, 2012
Additional Hyperterminal citect selection

CitectSCADA is an industrial control system that enables you to monitor a process. The program enables you to increase the return on your assets by delivering a highly scalable, reliable control and monitoring system. Its primary function is to collect information (data) and provide an interface to control specific equipment.
- Publisher: Schneider Electric
- Home page: www.citect.schneider-electric.com
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2016

Free Serial Port Terminal
Free Serial Port Terminal provides you with a visual means of sending and receiving data through your serial ports. The program lets you choose what port you want to monitor, allowing you to open and close it manually. It also includes a big box where all the transmit/receive data and all the messages are displayed with the same look and feel of Microsoft Windows HyperTerminal utility.
- Publisher: joku.lt
- Last updated: December 6th, 2009

Indigo Terminal Emulator
Indigo Terminal Emulator is a powerful terminal based communication software tool for telnet and serial terminal communications. Indigo offers many tools and features that are unmatched in other terminal software solutions. Indigo supports scripting and simultaneous connected terminal sessions.
- Publisher: shadeBlue
- Last updated: April 20th, 2014

HypoTerminal is the simplest terminal software to communicate through COM port. Though HyperTerminal is enough for most users: it only sends one byte/packet when used with the virtual COM port and it's is not included in Windows Vista/7. HypoTerminal is very easy to configure, for beginners.
- Publisher: Recursion
- Home page: www.recursion.jp
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2021

Blue Terminal
Blue Terminal is a serial emulator program for Windows only, and is customised to work with the Bluegiga range of bluetooth modules. Blue Terminal is designed to build on previous terminal emulators, such as Telix, Windows3 Terminal, Hyperterminal and Putty.
- Publisher: ESDN
- Home page: esdn.com.au
- Last updated: September 26th, 2014

The Slave level converter changes signals from a RS232C interface of a PC to the M-Bus and in reverse. With a PC and the software WinSlave a M-Bus slave can be simulated . A terminal software (Hyperterminal,...) can display the logs of a M-Bus master on a PC.
- Publisher: Relay GmbH
- Home page: www.relay.de
- Last updated: January 8th, 2010

Course topics include: - Relay communication interfaces, including front-panel, HyperTerminal, and acSELerator® SEL-5030 Software - SELogic® control equations - Common terminology associated with SEL products - PC operations related to installing, configuring, testing, and setting SEL products - SEL-4000 Relay Test System
- Publisher: Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
- Home page: www.selinc.com
- Last updated: November 30th, 2009

CitectHistorian helps your plant and IT personnel to optimize operational efficiency by providing a powerful, enterprise-wide reporting tool that collects, historizes and delivers meaningful reporting data from multiple, disparate systems. It enables you to make more effective decisions to optimize operational performance.
- Publisher: Schneider Electric
- Last updated: May 31st, 2012

Features: Controls VFD and LCD compatible modules - USB / RS232 COM Port support - USB to i80/M68 Parallel, SPI, async using USB3 - Easy double click Run List creation - Send BMP files to display - Transmit and Receive Windows - 'HyperTerminal' and Programming Windows - View and Export Hex code
- Publisher: ItronUK
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2011

CitectSCADA Service Pack A
CitectSCADA now provides you with an even more holistic picture of your process than before. Real-time data values and traceability are improved thanks to quality time-stamped data that uses tag extensions for all tags. Changes can now be applied during production much faster via server-side online changes which eliminate the need to restart or interrupt the system.
- Publisher: Citect
- Last updated: December 21st, 2009