I-speed viewer editing in Title/Summary

Will easily allow you to fine tune your TCP/IP parameters tomaximize your throughput for your dialup internet connections. iSpeed has builtin optimal configurations that will set your configurations to those found to provide the greatest throughput on a number of different systems at the click of a button. iSpeed will automagically calculate the optimal values for certain settings based on the values of other settings if desired. Now support Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0 SP3.
- Publisher: High Mountain Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

iSpeed for Windows
The settings for TCP/IP connections established when installing Windows do not typically give you the optimal throughput for your TCP/IP network connections. The simple changes that are facilitated by using iSpeed can easily increase your speeds!
- Publisher: High Mountain Software
- Home page: www.hms.com
- Last updated: October 13th, 2003

Fly Free Photo Editing & Viewer
Fly Free Photo Editing & Viewer is a program for easy digital image edition. Perfect for creating calendars, invitations, greeting cars, and more. You can create PowerPoint presentations, and share your photos to your Facebook and Flikr, or e-mail them to your friends.
- Publisher: 5DFly Software Inc.
- Last updated: August 15th, 2011
I-speed viewer editing in Description

PDF-XChange PDF Viewer
Though it’s a free PDF viewer, it comes with a lot of additional options and features that it will surely please a lot of users. Furthermore, it doesn’t only offer view-related options and functions, like zooming and rotating the pages, adding bookmarks, choosing different view modes, using handy navigation tools, and so on, but it also offers powerful editing and management features.
- Publisher: Tracker Software Products Ltd
- Home page: www.tracker-software.com
- Last updated: June 29th, 2020

PDF Preview for Windows 8
A free light-weight PDF viewer that offers decent capabilities and performance as well as versatile functionalities to open, view, zoom, rotate, print, and convert PDF documents. It's extremely useful for those that typically stick to the Windows 8 desktop experience.
- Publisher: PDFLogic Corporation
- Last updated: October 25th, 2012

GIF Viewer
Most Windows operating systems provide you with inefficient solutions for viewing or editing GIF files. GIF Viewer is a simple application that can help you with this issue and you don't even have to pay a buck to use it. By using this GIF image viewer you will be able to check your favorite image animations, rotate the GIF and convert it to various image formats within seconds.
- Publisher: Stefan Wobbe
- Last updated: January 27th, 2011

Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight
Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight is a reporting tool created for the Silverlight platform. The first part of the product is a set of ASP.NET components for viewing and editing in the Web browser.
- Publisher: Stimulsoft
- Last updated: July 29th, 2015

Turgs vCard Viewer
You no longer need to open your e-mail client to browse your vCard collection. Turgs vCard Viewer is a standalone application that you can use to view any number of electronic business cards in VCF format. The app supports all variants of vCards, including the various vCard versions, iCards, hCards, xCards, etc., and all Windows OS.
- Publisher: Turgs Software
- Home page: turgs.com
- Last updated: June 13th, 2017
Additional I-speed viewer editing selection

i-SPEED Viewer
i-SPEED Viewer is a program that provides playback, processing, editing and saving functions for i-SPEED video files. i-SPEED Viewer also allows you to share i-SPEED video files. You can load your video files and the program displays the time line, the frame ticks, comment markers and the range, selection and bookmark indicators.
- Publisher: iX Cameras
- Home page: www.ix-cameras.com
- Last updated: March 20th, 2015

Free Hex Editor
HHD Software Hex Editor is a powerful yet easy to use editor that enables you to work with ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data. This incredible program allows you to view, modify, analyze hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard, insert new data and delete existing data, as well as perform other editing actions.
- Publisher: HHD Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

FastStone Image Viewer
FastStone Image Viewer is a user-friendly image browser, converter and editor. It has a nice array of features that include image viewing, management, comparison, red-eye removal, emailing, resizing, cropping, retouching and color adjustments. The full-screen mode provides quick access to EXIF information, thumbnail browser and major functionalities via hidden toolbars.
- Publisher: FastStone Soft
- Home page: www.faststone.org
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Microsoft Office Excel Viewer
If you don’t have Microsoft Excel available in your computer you don’t have to worry, because with Microsoft Excel Viewer you’ll have the possibility to access to all the files created with Excel 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000 and 97. This program is a viewer, so it’ll allow you to see the files and print them, but it won’t allow you to edit the files created by Excel.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: April 9th, 2013

STDU Viewer
Designed to open and view those file formats in which scientific and technical documentation is generally distributed, STDU Viewer is a small, free, and unusual file viewer. The range of file types it supports does cover most image-related documents, such as PDF, DjVu, XPS, JBIG2, or WWF. E-books and comic books are also supported, as well as pure image files in TIFF, BMP, JPEG, or PSD format.
- Publisher: STD Utility
- Last updated: May 15th, 2015

Free Photo Viewer
Free Photo Viewer does exactly what its name suggests. However, it also allows you to organize your photo collection and displays it as a slideshow. Besides, you can use it to perform basic editing operations. Free Photo Viewer can display virtually any picture format currently used, including RAW - the source format used by most cameras.
- Publisher: 10-Strike Software
- Home page: www.exifsoftware.com
- Last updated: June 17th, 2016

File Viewer Lite
File Viewer Lite is a light and free tool that will allow you to open, browse, and view more than 150 types of files. The list includes all the best-known text-based documents, spreadsheets, image files, audio files, video files, camera RAW images, font files, Web files, etc. It not only displays the full contents of the file, but also any detailed and format-specific information stored in it.
- Publisher: Sharpened Productions
- Home page: windowsfileviewer.com
- Last updated: February 16th, 2021

TextMaker Viewer
TextMaker Viewer stays in the background and when the user clicks on one of the Microsoft Word, OpenOffice.org and Pocket Word documents, on the context window appears "Open with TextMaker Viewer" to allow the application to display the document in its original format. As a document viewer, the user is not allowed to edit ot modify the displayed document.
- Publisher: SoftMaker Software GmbH
- Last updated: October 26th, 2020

SketchUp Viewer
Sketchup Viewer lets you preview models created with SketchUp. Its graphical user interface is quite similar to that of SketchUp, which flattens the learning curve for those users who have previous experience with this popular tool. SketchUp Viewer has a lot of elements that allow rotating the model, adding cameras and setting a viewing path.
- Publisher: Trimble Navigation Limited
- Home page: www.sketchup.com
- Last updated: October 2nd, 2022

EPS Viewer
EPS Viewer is a simple application that allows you to visualize images saved in EPS file format. EPS (or Encapsulated PostScript) is a graphic file format with increasing popularity. Besides allowing for the visualization of these files types, one of EPS Viewer's primary functions is its ability of resizing the imported EPS files.
- Publisher: IdeaMK
- Last updated: February 26th, 2010