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Ibc 2000-2012 seismic category in Title/Summary

kogeo seismic toolkit

kogeo seismic toolkit

kogeo seismic toolkit is a free and open toolkit for 2d/3d seismic data analysis. The program features: import/export/transform 2d/3d SEG-Y, SU or even bitmap data (images) in various sub-formats. Also features data editing is possible in many ways using kogeo, from simple filters to multi-trace or neural network attributes and more.

  • Publisher: Philipp Konerding
  • Home page: www.kogeo.de
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
Seismic Toolkit

Seismic Toolkit

STK (Seismic Tool Kit) software is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: various filters, spectral analysis, polarization, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, instrumental response...etc. Signals processed in STK must be in SAC format.

  • Publisher: domi_reymond, ptrv
  • Last updated: February 7th, 2019
Geogiga Seismic Pro

Geogiga Seismic Pro

Geogiga Seismic Pro is the complete full-featured seismic data processing and interpretation software package adapted to near-surface geophysics. This release introduces three new applications - DW Tomo3D, Surface3D, and EFit, and contains lots of improvements, such as geometry QC, first break picking, trigger delay correction, trace display.

  • Publisher: Geogiga Technology Corp.
  • Home page: www.geogiga.com
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Ibc 2000-2012 seismic category in Description

Tesseral 2-D Full-Wave Modeling

Tesseral 2-D Full-Wave Modeling

Tesseral 2D is a program designed for full-wave modeling of complex structures to pre-stack depth migration. The program allows assigning different seismic acquisition geometries, numerical model building of complex seismic sections and modeling propagation of seismic waves in heterogeneous medium for the scalar, acoustic, elastic and elastic anisotropic wave equations.

  • Publisher: Tesseral Technologies Inc.
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2014
Structural Codes Assistant

Structural Codes Assistant

Structural Codes Assistant is a simple software for better understanding of equivalent seismic loadings. Main Features: - Automated calculation of seismic loadings. - Calculation of lateral forces, story moments, diaphragm forces and story shears. - Vertical distribution of seismic base shear. - Automated import of story data from CSI ETABS.

  • Publisher: RobustStructures
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2014


PaleoScan is a new generation of software, which improves the seismic interpretation process. Unlike traditional approaches, PaleoScan uses a minimization method to build a geological model. Based on this, PaleoScan proposes a suite of applicative modules to generate horizons, faults, attributes, geo-bodies and correlate wells, with a sub-seismic seismic resolution.

  • Publisher: Eliis
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2012
Seismic Eruption

Seismic Eruption

Seismic/Eruption: A program for the visualization of seismicity and volcanic activity in space and time. The program, which runs under Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, has an extensive database of events. A number of pre-defined maps are included which illustrate the seismicity in various parts of the earth.

  • Publisher: Alan L. Jones
  • Home page: serc.carleton.edu
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022


The SEISAN seismic analysis system that helps you analyze earthquakes. With SEISAN it is possible using local and global earthquakes to enter phase readings manually or pick them with a cursor, locate events, edit events, determine spectral parameters, seismic moment, azimuth of arrival from 3-component stations and plot epicenters.

  • Publisher: University of Bergen
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2015

Additional Ibc 2000-2012 seismic category selection

ASDIP Retain

ASDIP Retain

ASDIP RETAIN is a structural engineering software utilized by engineers for design of retaining walls. ASDIP RETAIN is based upon the latest IBC / ACI 318 specifications. ASDIP RETAIN software is also able to design masonry stems per the latest MSJC provisions.

  • Publisher: ASDIP Structural Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Category Tabs for Keep

Category Tabs for Keep

With Category Tabs for Google Keep, you can now sort your new and existing notes by color. When you want to view the notes you have sorted by color, simply click on the note color you wish to view. If you would like to view your entire collection of notes/checklists, there is an “All” option next to the color options (this option is set by default).

Category Manager

Category Manager

This application is a great tool for organizing your tasks, e-mail messages, contacts and many more. The main principle of this program is dividing all items into categories. By the way each category can include items of different types, for example, contacts and tasks. It includes a great help file where you can find all required information about its functional elements and features.

  • Publisher: Michael Bauer Software
  • Home page: www.vboffice.net
  • Last updated: October 7th, 2012
Seismic Waves

Seismic Waves

Seismic Waves is a Windows program which illustrates how wave propagate from an earthquake hypocenter to seismic stations throughout the earth. One sees waves propagating out from the epicenter on a three-dimensional view of the earth at the same time one sees waves propagating through a cross-sectional view of the earth.

  • Publisher: Alan L. Jones
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Seismic Analysis

Seismic Analysis

GeoSonics' comprehensive software to display and analyze data from Geosonics' data recorders. It features Compliance reports, Waveform plotting, FFT computation, and a sophisticated export facility. The latest release includes support for GeoSonics' Micro II Seismographs and new models of printing seismograph.

  • Publisher: GeoSonics Inc.
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
Seismic Duck

Seismic Duck

Your task is to find and extract oil from underground anticlines, curved "hills" of sandstone. You find these anticlines by sending sound waves into the ground and recording the echos on a seismogram. The anticlines have characteristic echos that hint where to drill for oil. The difficulty increases as you play. See how far you can get before going broke!

  • Publisher: Arch D. Robison
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2012
IObit Uninstaller

IObit Uninstaller

It is designed to quickly remove every unwanted program with all associated files for a safe, fast and light PC. Logged programs, folders, registries or any leftovers will be scanned and displayed at a glance for you to quickly clean up all leftovers.

  • Publisher: IObit
  • Home page: www.iobit.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024
Seismic Acquisition Modeling

Seismic Acquisition Modeling

The Seismic Acquisition Modeling system determines the acquisition response of different configurations. Input parameters include gun depth, streamer depth, water depth, sea floor reflectivity, source wavelet type and bandwidth. In many cases it is the seismic acquisition method that has limited the resolution.

  • Publisher: explorationist
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2012
Canon Quick Menu

Canon Quick Menu

this program gives you access to the main functions of your Canon printer in an easy way. shows shortcuts to different functions in two arms forming an L-shape. It also has an expanded view with all your printer's functions sorted by categories. If you have a Canon printer, this program will be useful for you.

  • Publisher: Canon Inc.
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2020
Corel VideoStudio

Corel VideoStudio

Corel VideoStudio is software that is filled with a lot of “deliciousness’s” and various beautiful things. As any other program of Corel this program distinguishes by its user-friendly and intuitive interface and inimitable style. You will be surprised how easily and quickly you can create your own home video with professional results!