Icarus verilog altera in Title/Summary
Icarus Verilog
Icarus Verilog is a work in progress, and since the language standard is not standing still either, it probably always will be. That is as it should be. However, I will make stable releases from time to time, and will endeavor to not retract any features that appear in these stable releases. The quick links above will show the current stable release.
- Publisher: Icarus
- Last updated: December 27th, 2012
ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition
ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition is a free program that offers you support for simulating small FPGA designs. The starter edition has a limitation set at 10000 executable lines. The program allows you to create your own designs or choose from a vast library of simulators that you can test for various purposes.
- Publisher: Mentor Graphics Corporation
- Last updated: February 1st, 2016
Altera SDK for OpenCL
The Altera SDK for OpenCL allows the easy implementation of applications onto FPGAs by abstracting away the complexities of FPGA design, allowing software programmers to write hardware-accelerated kernel functions in OpenCL C, an ANSI C-based language with additional OpenCL constructs.
- Publisher: Altera Corporation
- Last updated: June 30th, 2015
Icarus verilog altera in Description
The solution that enables the designers to target low-to-mid density FPGAs and CPLDs.
- Publisher: Altera Corporation
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008
Synplicity Synplify & Synplify Pro
Synplify Pro® FPGA synthesis software, part of the Synopsys FPGA design solution, is the industry standard for producing high-performance, cost-effective FPGA designs. Its unique Behavior Extracting Synthesis Technology® (BEST™) performs optimization at a high level first, before synthesizing the RTL code into specific FPGA logic.
- Publisher: Synplicity Inc
- Last updated: September 14th, 2012
ModelSim is a program recommended for simulating all FPGA designs (Cyclone®, Arria®, and Stratix® series FPGA designs). ModelSim has a 33 percent faster simulation performance than ModelSim®-Altera® Starter Edition. ModelSim apears in two editions Altera Edition and Altera Starter Edition.
- Publisher: Altera Corporation
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012
Features: -Fast design analysis of complex ASIC/FPGA/SOC designs -Phase-Based Linting (PBL) Methodology -IEEE VHDL, Verilog and mixed-language designs -STARC VHDL or Verilog rule plug-ins -DO-254/ED-80 VHDL or Verilog rule plug-ins -RMM rule plug-in -Custom rule creation -Integrated result analysis and debugging environment
- Publisher: Aldec, Inc.
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011
SoC Embedded Design Suite
With Altera's Soc Embedded Design Suite (SoC EDS), you get all the tools you need to work more productively, improve software quality, and ultimately get to market faster. Main features: - Expedite SoC embedded systems development with utility programs and run-time software. - Jump start development with bare-metal and Linux application examples.
- Publisher: Altera Corporation
- Last updated: June 29th, 2015
Additional Icarus verilog altera selection
SynaptiCAD Product Suite
The SynaptiCAD Product Suite includes the following products: TestBencher Pro, VeriLogger Extreme, VeriLogger Pro, BugHunter Pro, DataSheet Pro, WaveFormer Pro, WaveFormer Lite, Timing Diagrammer Pro, GigaWave Viewer, Vhdl2Verilog, and Verilog2Vhdl. A license is required for all versions.
- Publisher: SynaptiCAD
- Home page: www.syncad.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008
Ever had trouble finding an opponent for a good game of chess? Icarus is the newest, easiest-to-use interface for the Internet Chess Club, where you can always pick up a game with an opponent on your level.
- Publisher: Random Software
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022
Guns of Icarus
The purpose of this game is to safely guard your airship while traveling between destinations. Do this by shooting down enemy aircraft and repairing your ship as it is damaged.In an apocalyptic future, you are a privateer ferrying goods across treacherous airspace. Protect your airship and yourself from an onslaught of pirates, and safely reach your destination to reap the rewards.
- Publisher: Shockwave
- Home page: www.shockwave.com
- Last updated: July 6th, 2010
Icarus - Uses List Analyzer for Delphi
ICARUS is a program that parses Delphi or Borland Pascal source code and generates a Uses Report. This report will help you remove unneeded units from your uses lists. You will also know which units that can be moved from the interface uses list to the implementation uses list.
- Publisher: Peganza
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012
Nexon Launcher
Nexon Launcher is a game downloader and launcher app for nexon.net MMORPG titles. You can play games such as Atlantica Online, Combat Arms, Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies, Dirty Bomb, First Assault, LawBreakers, Mabinogi, MapleStory, Riders of Icarus, Vindictus, War Rock.
- Publisher: Nexon
- Last updated: June 8th, 2013
Programmer's Notepad
Programmer's Notepad is an open-source text editor that I found to be very similar to the more popular Notepad++. In addition to basic text editing tools, it also offers many features that are especially useful for programmers, software testers, etc. It is a small application that runs on all the popular Windows versions.
- Publisher: Simon Steele
- Home page: www.pnotepad.org
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019
Quartus II Web Edition
Quartus II Web Edition FPGA design software includes everything you need to design for the following Altera® FPGA and CPLD families:- Cyclone®, Cyclone II, Cyclone III, Cyclone IV, and Arria® GX FPGAs - All MAX® CPLDs - Arria II GX FPGAs: EP2AGX45 - Stratix® III FPGAs: EP3SE50, EP3SL50, EP3SL70 etc.
- Publisher: Altera Corporation
- Last updated: September 16th, 2011
Quite Universal Circuit Simulator
Quite Universal Circuit Simulator is an integrated circuit simulator. By using this free program, you will be able to setup a circuit through QUCS´ graphical user interface (GUI). To do that, you can select eeach required component from the wide library the program has.
- Publisher: the Qucs team
- Home page: qucs.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2017
Quartus II Programmer
Quartus II Programmer is a program that enables you to add your programming and configuration files, specify programming options and hardware, and then proceed with the programming or configuration of the device. It automatically detects devices with shared JTA Programmer and prompts you to specify the correct device in the JTAG chain.
- Publisher: Altera Corporation
- Last updated: September 1st, 2014
Nios II Embedded Design Suite
Nios II Software Build Tools—a set of powerful commands, utilities, and scripts to manage build options for applications, board support packages, and software libraries. Nios II Software Build Tools For Eclipse—a fully integrated development environment built from the ground up using Nios II Software Build Tools as a foundation built entirely as plug-ins to industry-standard Eclipse.
- Publisher: Altera Corporation
- Last updated: October 14th, 2010