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Icq lite disable keyboard shortcuts in Title/Summary

ICQ Lite Banner Remover

ICQ Lite Banner Remover

The ICQ-Banner-Remover exempts your ICQ from advertisement and other annoying objects in the contact list and the chat window. Thereby the clarity rises remarkably and there is more space for the essential. The ICQ startup popup will not be disabled, you can do that manually in ICQ's options. Please take care of choosing the right Banner-Remover for your ICQ version.

  • Publisher: murb.com
  • Home page: www.murb.com
  • Last updated: August 23rd, 2013
ICQ Lite

ICQ Lite

ICQ Lite is a windows instant messaging software similar with the other instant messengers . ICQ Lite has a easy to use and friendly interface. To use this software you have to make an account on the ICQ network which is a simple procedure. Features: -text and video chating -can import contacts from social networks and more

  • Publisher: ICQ Ltd.
  • Last updated: September 7th, 2010
Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Goheer Keyboard Shortcuts is a light and easy-to-use software application created to allow you to assign key combinations (also known as "shortcuts") to certain Windows actions or action sequences. When the program is running, all the active shortcuts you have defined are available, permitting you carry out frequent tasks quicker, and save a lot of time.

  • Publisher: Goheer.com
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2008

Icq lite disable keyboard shortcuts in Description



Auto-Load Glass2k every time Winodws starts : If you want, Glass2k can start automatically every time you reboot your computer.Glass2k is a small little program that allows Windows 2000/XP users to make any window transparent. Right-click on any window or press the keyboard shortcuts (Control + Shift + [0-9]) to make any window transparent. It's that simple.

  • Publisher: Chime Softwares Ltd
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2008
ICQLite PictureChanger

ICQLite PictureChanger

With ICQLite PictureChanger you can remove the advertising banners from your ICQ Lite and replace the banner above your contactlist with an own picture. You can change this picture at will and with a click on it you can show the picture in its original size or open an url.

  • Publisher: Christian Zeller
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
Keyboard Shortcut

Keyboard Shortcut

Open Programs and pass command line arguments with a simple key press on the keyboard. Create Shortcuts / Hot Keys to Launch applications / open document files by pressing user defined hot key / keyboard shortcut.

  • Publisher: RTSoftwares.com
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2008


Screen2Avi is a handy application that records any activity on any area of your screen, and saves it as an AVI video file. It allows you to capture your entire screen or a specific area only, and it can record an audio stream together with the video, too. In addition, you can select and configure the codec for your AVI video, and define keyboard shortcuts for the main supported actions.

  • Publisher: TrustFm
  • Home page: www.trustfm.net
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2011
Computer Lock Up

Computer Lock Up

Computer Lock Up is a program that can lock your computer with a password while you are away, and prevent people from ejecting your CD/DVD ROM. The program can lock your PC automatically when Windows boots, upon pressing special hotkeys, or after a specified time of inactivity.

  • Publisher: Rixler Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Additional Icq lite disable keyboard shortcuts selection

Keyboard Shortcuts Assistant

Keyboard Shortcuts Assistant

Track user activity:With this feature turned on, the program continually collects the statistics of the hotkeys used and uses the results when displaying the list of the shortcuts, allowing you to filter the hotkeys in accordance to the frequency of their use. The Keyboard Shortcuts Assistant will periodically remind of unused shortcuts in the applications you most frequently use.

  • Publisher: Kos-Z Software
  • Last updated: December 31st, 2011
Disable Keyboard Buttons and Mouse Clicks Software

Disable Keyboard Buttons and Mouse Clicks Software

Block certain keyboard keys and mouse features.



EditPlus is a text editor for Windows with built-in FTP, FTPS and sftp capabilities. While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers. Syntax highlighting for HTML, PHP, Java, C/C++, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, Python and Ruby on Rails.

  • Publisher: ES-Computing
  • Home page: www.editplus.com
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2024


SnapMyScreen is a very simple free application that helps you take snapshots from your computer screen. The tool can grab three different types of areas, including free rectangular selections, Windows snips and full-screen captures. The screenshots can be saved as an image files, copied to the clipboard or opened in Paint for editing.

  • Publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2022
Hot Keyboard Pro

Hot Keyboard Pro

Using Hot Keyboard, you can record or play keystrokes, mouse actions; launch applications; paste text; open documents and create other types of macros. Execute macros by hot keys, text shorcuts, scheduler, window popups and system startup.

  • Publisher: Imposant
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022


Many users in various fields of activity find themselves in need of additional working space when the default Windows desktop becomes crowded with icons and windows. A useful solution to this issue comes from Dexpot. This program will provide users with four additional desktops and a lot of options to customize them.

  • Publisher: Dexpot GbR
  • Home page: dexpot.de
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


Volume² - advanced Windows volume control, a complete replacement for the standard Windows volume control. It lets you easily change your sound volume or mute your sound by rotating your mouse wheel, by using keyboard shortcuts of your choice, or by moving your mouse pointer to an edge of your display.

Messenger for Desktop

Messenger for Desktop

Most people think that there's no other way to use the ubiquitous Facebook Messenger on desktop computers and laptops than to access it by loading Facebook in a web browser page. Messenger for Desktop comes to prove otherwise. It lets you chat with your Facebook contacts without having to be glued permanenly to a web browser for this.



Typing the same foreign name, the name of your company or inserting the same logo in the exact same positions again and again can be both tiring and inefficient. FastFox offers you a simple tool where you can create and store your own shortcuts and auto-complete entries to help you save time and effort when creating new documents in the text processor of your choice, from Notepad to Word.

  • Publisher: NCH Software
  • Last updated: August 12th, 2013
MKV File Player

MKV File Player

MKV File Player is a lightweight video player that lets you load and play MKV (Matroska video) files. Its obvious main characteristic is simplicity. It offers only basic video file playing functions and just a few additional options: controlling the audio volume and delay, the playback speed and the embedded subtitles.

  • Publisher: mkvfileplayer.com
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2019