Icq msn yahoo in Title/Summary

Free Facebook MSN Video Chat Fun
Have more fun with your friends. Add realtime special fun effects, face detection effects to facebook, MSN, Skype, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, CamFrog's video chat. Support take snapshot and record the video to AVI, WMV, FLV Video.
- Publisher: Viscom Software
- Home page: www.viscomsoft.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Messenger Backup
Backup and restoring your favorite messengers (ICQ, AIM, Yahoo! and MSN) conversations, buddy list, received files, bookmark to a compressed file and much more! Messenger Backup also include a Scheduled Backup and Chat Logger features!
- Publisher: Troy Phillips
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

Bricksoft IM VCL Component
IM VCL Component is VCL interface to MSN/Yahoo/ICQ/AIM/Jabber/GTalk protocol. It is specially designed for the easy creation of custom MSN/Yahoo/ICQ/AIM/Jabber/GTalk system. You can send and receive messages to and from other public IM client via IM server
- Publisher: Bricksoft
- Last updated: January 7th, 2009
Icq msn yahoo in Description

Chat Assistant
Chat Assistant for ICQ, MSN, Yahoo and AOL Instant Messenger is an amusing chat tool can make your chat more interesting. It is designed to automatically send the selected text to the message area box in the IM/Chat program e.g. ICQ, MSN Messenger, mIRC, AOL Instant Messenger, chat room based on WEB, etc.
- Publisher: SkeSoft
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Camersoft Audio Recorder
Camersoft Audio Recorder is best audio recording software, it could record all audio and sound of your PC and save as MP3.
- Publisher: Camersoft Studio
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Skype Recorder
SKYPE Recorder is a powerful program that enables you to record and replay any Skype call. The program is designed to work with Skype, AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and Net2Phone. The audio content can be recorded from any source, including microphone, line-in, or speakers.
- Publisher: Goldenfoundsoft
- Last updated: June 9th, 2014

Argentum Backup
Argentum™ Backup is a handy, small backup program that lets you easily back up your documents and folders. It safely protects you from accidental deletes, overwrites, and viruses. Backups are stored in Zip files and can be created both manually and automatically (on the schedule).
- Publisher: Argentum Corporation
- Last updated: June 17th, 2010

Advanced Backup
This backup utility features backup of E-mail messages and address book, database of your messenger: ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, Windows registry, Windows shell settings, and anything you wish to protect from hardware failure or accidental erasures.
- Publisher: Creabit Development
- Last updated: May 16th, 2008
Additional Icq msn yahoo selection

HTTP Debugger
Capture, analyze and debug all HTTP communications between the web browser on the client side and the web server on the other side. Internet software developers can use HTTP Debugger to analyze the communication between their programs and Internet.
- Publisher: SoftX
- Home page: www.softx.org
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2016

MSN Webcam Recorder 2013
MSN Webcam Recorder 2013 is a program that allows you to record your Webcam activity in full-screen, windowed and fixed-region. The program enables you to make recordings from various chatting applications such as AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger and Screen. It loads the video compressors dynamically on your system for the best power and flexibility and it allows you to record sounds.
- Publisher: Goldenfoundsoft
- Last updated: December 9th, 2013

Trillian Password Recovery
Trillian Password Recovery is a nifty little application that will search a system for a Trillian account and it will automatically decrypt and decode the passwords for that account. It automatically detects the location of the installation path from the registry. It supports both versions of Trillian i.e. Basic and Pro.
- Publisher: Reactive Software
- Last updated: April 27th, 2012

DashBoard FX
Some features: - Instant buy/sell signals on your software screen, as well as by Email, SMS and IMs - Analyze the market and formulate your own trades without any complicated indicators - Easy-to-read visual indicators allow you to compare technical analysis across all currency pairs - Highly customizable user interface, currency options, and trading style.
- Publisher: FX Universal, LLC
- Last updated: July 29th, 2022

Digsby is a multiprotocol IM client that lets you chat with all your friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber with one simple to manage buddy list. Digsby is an email notification tool that alerts you of new email and lets you perform actions such as 'Delete' or 'Report Spam' with just one click.
- Publisher: dotSyntax, LLC
- Home page: www.digsby.com
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020
- Publisher: S-unno
- Last updated: July 16th, 2012

SpotAuditor is the best password recovery software. The software recovers over 40 programs passwords: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, FTP, hotmail, Microsoft Office Outlook passwords, recovers passwords behind the asterisks.
- Publisher: Nsasoft US LLC
- Home page: www.nsauditor.com
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

Crawler Smileys
Crawler Smileys is an easy to use and free program to add funny emoticons right into your massages and send eCards when chatting with your friends or sending them e-mails. Crawler Smileys works with ICQ, MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, etc. and with many webmail applications.
- Publisher: Crawler, LLC
- Last updated: October 10th, 2008

Scopserv Communicator is an audio/video Internet phone and instant messenger , Jabber (XMPP), AIM/ICQ, MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, and a whole lot of other useful features. Free Software, and is freely available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. It supports some of the most popular VoIP and instant messaging protocols. Scopserv Communicator is completely Open Source.
- Publisher: ScopComm
- Publisher: Mohammad Ahmadi Bidakhvidi
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008