Ideal body weight calculator code in Title/Summary

MB Free Ideal Body Weight Calculator
MB Free Ideal Body Weight Calculator is an interesting health software designed to calculate the ideal body weight of a person which is calculated based on the gender and height of the person. This software gives best results when used for adults.
- Publisher:

Chemiasoft Molecular Weight Calculator
Easily calculate weight of molar mass withChemiasoft Molecular Weight Calculator. Some features: -Easy to use molecular weight calculator -Calculate molecular weight or molar mass of any chemical formula -Insert elements from an embedded periodic table
- Publisher: Chemiasoft
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2011

Body Fat Calculator
Body Fat Calculator determines body fat using tape measure or skin fold calipers. Support for both 3-fold and 7-fold Jackson – Pollack methods of calculating. Simply enter your measurements and the calculator will display your body fat percentage as well as the total pounds of body fat and your lean body mass.
- Publisher: Asgard Capital, LLC
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Ideal body weight calculator code in Description

Archimedes is a unique package of over 150 medical calculators. All the included calculators are intuitive, easy-to-use and perfectly capable of eliminating the headache of having to deal with manual calculations that involve complicated variables and intricate formulas.
- Publisher: Skyscape, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 18th, 2013

Is your weight normal for your age, height and gender? Did you know that being underweight can unhealthy just as being overweight can? How many calories per day do you really need? What's your Precent Body Fat and Lean Body Mass?
- Publisher: Design und Develop
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

FinitySoft BMI Calculator
The body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is a statistical measurement which compares a person's weight and height. Therefore, this diagnostic tool called BMI Calculator will help you to identify obesity problems. With this powerful tool everybody can easily get important and valuable information regarding their weight. And with that, improve in a positive way your diet.
- Publisher: FinitySoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Dhaatu The Periodic Table of Elements
Dhaatu gives you the following information about each of the 116 elements of the modern Periodic Table: - Name - Symbol - Atomic Number - Atomic Weight - 1st Ionization Potential - 2nd Ionization Potential - Electronegativity - Atomic Radius - Boiling Point - Melting Point - Electronic configuration - Density - Name(s) of the discoverer(s) - Year of discovery
- Publisher: Dhaatu
- Last updated: December 24th, 2010

Dhaatu: The Periodic Table of Elements
This software gives you vast information about all the elements of the modern Periodic Table. Name, atomic number, atomic weight,boiling and melting points of each element and much more. Molecular weight calculator, Periodic Table wallpaper included.
- Publisher: Dhaatu
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Additional Ideal body weight calculator code selection

Molecular Weight Calculator
This program can calculate the molecular weight and percent composition of chemical formulas and amino acids, providing a graphical user interface to edit the formulas and parsing options. It recognizes user-definable abbreviations, custom elemental isotopes, and can display up to 20 compounds simultaneously.
- Publisher: Matthew Monroe
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 9th, 2012

Area Volume and Weight Calculator
Area, Volume and Weight Calculator is a simple program to calculate the area of 2D shapes like rectangle, circle, triangle, trapezoid, and ellipse. It can also calculate the area, volume and weight of 3D shapes like cube, cylinder, sphere, pyramid, hexagon, cone, etc.
- Publisher: Lemosoft Design Studio
- Last updated: June 25th, 2015

MSO - Weight Calculator
With this tool you have the ability to instantly calculate the weight of a piece of metal based on its alloy type and form. The dimensions can be quickly and easily entered. Weights for over 400 combinations of the most popular forms and alloys in any dimension can be calculated right from your desktop.
- Publisher: Metal Suppliers Online, LLC.
- Last updated: May 28th, 2008

ColorMania is a color picking utility designed for Windows PCs. It might prove to be of good use to graphic designers or developers who are looking for a quick and easy way to determine color codes on their computers. ColorMania lives on your System Tray from where you can access its main screen and settings.
- Publisher: Blacksun Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

CalorieKing Nutrition and Exercise Manager
Personal profiling feature tells you exactly how many calories you need every day to lose, gain or maintain your ideal body weight. You'll be astounded when you see exactly how the calories add up during the day when you can record every calorie you intake. You'll also see exactly what changes you need to make to achieve your weight goals.
- Publisher: CalorieKing Wellness Solutions, Inc.

Drug Calculations for Health Professionals
Drug Calculations for Health Professionals is a simple application that allows health professionals and medicine students to learn or practice how to make common drug calculations. Among the subjects it includes, you will find fluid dosages, IV drip rates, dose by body weight, common abbreviations, to name but a few.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 12th, 2008

Body Balance Comfort Select
It is an application which allows you to manage you weight measurements through the Body Balance device. Main Features: - Automatic recognition of up to 8 persons with individual name. - Precise measurement of all relevant body values personal action recommendations through concise symbols.
- Publisher: Soehnle
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 6th, 2013

VidaOne Diet & Fitness
VidaOne Diet & Fitness is the premier Windows application to track all aspects of your diet, fitness and health, in a contemporary and easy-to-user user interface. It includes hundreds of features, such as comprehensive data entry that allows you to create your own data fields if needed, etc.
- Publisher: VidaOne
- Last updated: January 2nd, 2013

Weight Loss Calculator
Weight Loss Calculator is a free weight loss calculator. Calculate the amount of calories you need to reduce from your daily intake in order to lose weight. The above calculator is fully functional, so if you want to use it yourself, go ahead. Please note it can't replace getting professional medical advice.
- Publisher: CalendarScripts
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

Timex Trainer
Timex Trainer, developed by the famous watch maker, is a free and easy-to-use application to keep track of your workout activities. This program allows you to set goals and then register the actual training, so that you can compare both records later on. It produces several graphical reports and supports Timex Data Recorder devices.
- Publisher: Timex
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2008