Idman 608 in Title/Summary

PSP 608 MultiDelay
PSP 608 MD is perhaps the most fully featured delay plug-in available on the market (VST, AudioUnit, RTAS and AAX format for Mac OSX Universal Binary and VST, AAX and RTAS format for Windows). It offers you a creative tool that is not only functional, but inspiring. Each tap has selectable feedback, stereo image and position.
- Publisher: PSPaudioware
- Last updated: February 1st, 2013
Idman 608 in Description

Network Scanner Utility
It can be used to easily and quickly import scanned images stored in the mailbox of the scanner to TWAIN interface-compatible applications operating on Windows.
- Publisher: Fuji Xerox
- Last updated: April 18th, 2012

KORG M50 Editor
KORG M50 Editor is a brilliant new synthesizer distilling the sonic essence and functionality of the M3 series into a seriously portable and affordable new instrument.Features: - Rich and vivid sound using the same "EDS" (Enhanced Definition Synthesis) tone generator found on the upper-end M3
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Last updated: August 8th, 2012

The FS2 can be used as two separate frame synchronizers/format converters, or the two channels can be combined. The FS2 supports analog and digital I/O, with full input and output crosspoint matrices, allowing any I/O port to be assigned to either processor. With support of all broadcast video formats, the FS2 makes matching up disparate video and audio systems simple.
- Publisher: AJA Video Systems.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 21st, 2012
Additional Idman 608 selection

Manzanita MP2TSME
Manzanita MP2TSME is a useful and reliable video toolkit.Features: - Insert / extract 608 & 708 closed captioning data into / from an existing video elementary stream - Trim video elementary streams to start with a sequence header - Display detailed information about each picture in an input video elementary stream - Copy specified range of access units from input video elementary stream
- Publisher: Manzanita Systems