Imagine learning in Title/Summary

Imagine Learning
Imagine Learning is an innovative language and literacy browser extension. Imagine Learning harnesses the power of technology to teach language and literacy to students around the world. Imagine Learning lessons and activities are designed for Pre-K through 6th grade students.
- Publisher: Imagine Learning
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 16th, 2017

ERDAS IMAGINE is a powerful remote sensing and image analysis program. It is a gateway to multiple integrated geospatial technologies, intuitively guiding a user through their experience with powerful tools and functionality. You can easily create robust data analysis, including Python scripting, export to OGC WPS and batch processing commands.
- Publisher: Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2014

The Imagine Web Plugin
The Imagine Web Plugin allows you to view the projects embedded in the browser. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera web browsers work with the Imagine Logo plugin. You need to be running a Windows based operating system (98,2000 or XP) too for the plugin to work.
- Publisher: Logotron Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 27th, 2012
Imagine learning in Description

Learning Essentials for Microsoft Office
Learning Essentials for Microsoft Office 2.0 provides a lot of tools for students and teachers to improve Microsoft Office applications. It includes the following applications: Learning Essentials for Students Learning Essentials for Teachers Learning Essentials Content Development Kit It mainly contain a lot of templates to help students and teachers in school / office work.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2020

This program lets you produce electronically the sound of this instrument, as well as others such as the tanpura, which produces a droning sound that can serve as the background track for your tabla solos. It would be better if you know something about music in general, and Hindi music in particular.
- Publisher: RiyazStudio
- Last updated: August 8th, 2013

SESE Interactive
SESE Interactive Software, award-winning designer uses proven formula to make it easy and exciting to combine the teaching of history, geography and science, so that each complements the other perfectly. It has been produced in line with the strands and strand units of the revised S.E.S.E. curriculum for third and fourth class (with supplementary activities for fifth and six classes).
- Publisher: Learning Horizons Ltd.
- Last updated: November 24th, 2010

PhraseExpander is a useful tool for those who write complicated repetitive things. This application allows you to create text templates, assign them to an abbreviation and then easily insert them into your documents or mails (by using the respective abbreviation).
- Publisher: Andrea Nagar
- Last updated: January 26th, 2016

TeamPlayer4 Pro
Multi-user, multi-cursor tool: TeamPlayer4 allows for multiple users to interact and collaborate on one PC, desktops or system. Multiple attached mice (and optional keyboards) give each user a unique cursor on the PC desktop.
- Publisher: DicoLab bv
- Last updated: May 31st, 2016
Additional Imagine learning selection

Imagine Picture Viewer
Imagine Picture Viewer is a simple but handy image viewer and editor. The program allows you to view your pictures on fullscreen or in a presentation. You also will be able to resize, rotate, flip and crop images very easily. You can also adjust brightness, contrast, color balance, blur and sharpen in seconds.
- Publisher: Arnab Datta & Jaibatrik Dutta
- Last updated: November 15th, 2009

Learning Lodge Navigator
Install VTech Learning Lodge Navigator™ for InnoTab® to redeem your free V.Coins and download e-books, games, and apps. Additional content may require an SD memory card (not included).Internet connection required for Internet-enabled functions on both PC and Macintosh computers
- Publisher: VTech
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2016

Feature Analyst for ERDAS IMAGINE
Feature Analyst works seamlessly within the ERDAS IMAGINE environment. Feature Analyst for ERDAS IMAGINE is available in both Standard as well as Professional versions Feature Analyst for ERDAS IMAGINE integrates image processing and feature extraction capability in a single platform.
- Publisher: Visual Learning Systems
- Last updated: November 17th, 2010

MicroWorlds EX
MicroWorlds EX is not a tool, but rather a collection of tools assembled to provide the means you need to do all the types of explorations you can imagine. By tools, we don’t mean just gizmos and gadgets (although there are definitely some of those in MicroWorlds EX)
- Publisher: LCSI
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2014

Typing Instructor Platinum
This program, as its name implies, lets you learn how to type fast and accurately in an easy and fun manner. It has a nice interface, and the learning activities are designed to be visually attractive and fun so all in the family can use the program. Also, the cost is rather affordable. A very good program.
- Publisher: Individual Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Tekla Structures Learning
Tekla Structures Learning edition is fully functional Building Information Modeling software for engineering and construction students for self-learning, school projects and course work. This program includes the functionality of Tekla Structures full configuration, excluding the steel and precast fabrication functionality.
- Publisher: Tekla Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 27th, 2014

Learning English and Armenian Language
Learning English & Armenian Language is part of a unique suite of language learning applications that will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly and easily. It translates in both directions between English and Armenian and pronounces the English and Armenian translation aloud with native Armenian.
- Publisher: Armenian Dictionary Software
- Last updated: November 14th, 2009

Autodesk Learning Assistance
Autodesk Learning Assistance™ delivers the information you need to master new techniques and increase productivity. Each lesson takes less than five minutes to view and includes a Try It mode to practice what you learn.It follows many familiar browsing and viewing standards to make it easy to use.
- Publisher: Allen Communication
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2008

AnyLogic Personal Learning Edition
AnyLogic Personal Learning Edition is a simulation software tool that allows you to model in three major paradigms. From supply chain and logistics to manufacturing and market analysis, all business areas are utilizing AnyLogic simulation software for better decision making throughout the entire business lifecycle.
- Publisher: AnyLogic North America
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 29th, 2018

Opus is a professional notation software, intuitive and equipped with an incredible array of functions, adapted to the needs of every type of user. Ease of use, power, short learning curve, new technology, localization: these are the main reasons why musicians are more and more choosing Opus. You cannot imagine how can be easy to read, edit and write a digital score with Opus. Opus is created to operate using today's technology.
- Publisher: flugwerkzeuge
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 11th, 2012