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Indian stock forecast in Title/Summary



To view the Predictive Graphs a separate Graph Viewer Software is supplied along-with the Graph's Data Files. Besides displaying the graph user can see the Date and Time at a Cross-Hair point using the Mouse.Shares Stock Market Forecast Predictions Graphs Services using Astrology.

Stock Market Forecast Tools

Stock Market Forecast Tools

This software package comes with a set of tools for stock market forecasting. It features technical indicators based on neural networks, Elliott Wave prediction, candlestick forecast composite model, etc. It also features pattern recognition filters and predictors.

  • Publisher: Addaptron Software
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021


Smartstock 7.2 is a complete portfolio management tool for the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). It uses a powerful, fully researched asset allocation algorithm, which will minimize the risk on your investments. It will tell you when to buy, sell and hold your investments, so you can efficiently manage your portfolio and make profit. All completely free!

  • Publisher: Gyarsi Systems Network (p) Ltd
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2009

Indian stock forecast in Description

Angel Market Watch

Angel Market Watch

Angel Market Watch is a desktop application that gives an encompassing snapshot of the Indian stock market. Angel Market Watch features: overview of Indian Stock market with latest news, latest stock quotes, overview of commodities market with latest news, etc.

  • Publisher: Angel Broking Ltd, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 15th, 2012


FeedsPlus is a NSE Stock Realtime Data Provider Tool for your Technical Analysis Tools Like AmiBroker Or MetaStock. With FeedsPlus you get real time 5 seconds Tick Data for Indian Stock Market, 1 min 15 days backFill and downloads in .csv or .txt format, EOD Backfill and downloads in.csv or .txt format, Bhav copies [BSE, NSE, NSEFO] downloads in .csv or .txt format.

  • Publisher: FeedsPlus
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2011
YouTrader Terminal

YouTrader Terminal

This gives you power to make you successful & disciplined trader. This analyze the scripts for you where possible movement can happen and where the professionals would be interested. This is so thin that even not takes a MB in your machine. So what are you waiting for? Just Download it and check yourself the power of YouTrader.

  • Publisher: Ravindra Pandit.
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
EOD Downloader

EOD Downloader

Purpose of this tool is to have an open source tool to download/process EOD , F&O and real time data from Indian stock exchange websites and promote future developments from community.Features: Download EOD data from NSE & BSE and convert it to ASCII format Scheduled download and import into MS database. Download EOD data from NSE & BSE for a specific symbol on entire life.

  • Publisher: r61211
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Stock Analyzer

Stock Analyzer

This free software uses 19 intelligent and classic technical analysis methods, new Quotes (delayed 15 minutes) and historical Quotes to analyze stock, displays 18 charts in a window and marks buy/sell signals last 30 days on charts. It can also display Dow's real time intraday charts, stock intraday chart indicators and many good articles about Market Update, Stocks on the Move, News Index, Market Analysis and Forecast, Stock Analysis and Picks, IPO Research, Stock News, Message Boards, Stock Price Forecast, Stock Evaluator and Company Profile.

Additional Indian stock forecast selection

stockezy Toolbar

stockezy Toolbar

Welcome to stockezy, India's first social investing community designed to connect Indian Stock Market investors. stockezy provides an effective platform for like-minded investors to exchange ideas, share business insights and grow to make educated financial decisions. stockezy is your free web-based social utility to build new connections, collaborate and work together for mutual benefit.

  • Publisher: stockezy
Horoscope Explorer

Horoscope Explorer

This program is based on the Vedic astrology system, which allows you to forecast your future tendencies according to your birth date and other information. Also, it allows you to enter your data and those of your loved one to see if you both are astrologically compatible. The trial version has many limitations that prevent to test the program fully.

  • Publisher: Public Software Library India Pvt Ltd
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2010
Inventoria Stock Manager

Inventoria Stock Manager

Manage and monitor your inventory with Inventoria to help streamline your operations and boost profits. Inventoria is designed to be as intuitive to use as possible, so after a quick installation, you’ll be streamlining your inventory processes within minutes.



Investar is a software program developed with the intent to help analysts, investors or traders to perform technical analysis on the Indian Market stocks and keep track of capital gains. It also helps users to better manage financial situations or taxes.

  • Publisher: Proseon Inc.
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018
Indian Cricket Captain 2003

Indian Cricket Captain 2003

Indian Cricket Captain 2003 is a stats based cricket simulation. It was written as a part of my project for my final year engg. in Visual Basic 6. Ever since I learnt C I wanted to make a game on cricket that would be fun and realistic at the same time. I've strived hard to give this game a professional look and feel and also at the end of the day generate realistic scores.

  • Publisher: abhisheksil
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2008
Indian Radio

Indian Radio

Indian Radio is a handy program that allows you to listen to a large number of Indian radio stations, and watch TV channels such as Sun TV, Ishara FM, etc. The interface allows you to view the available radio stations and TV channels provided you have checked the "Display Radio Channels" or "Display TV Channels" boxes.

  • Publisher: MurGee
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2009
Indian Movie Player

Indian Movie Player

Indian Movie Player is a simple tool that lets you search the Internet for Indian movies that can also be instantly watched for free on your computer. It’s basically a customized search engine that locates movies on various websites which also allow playing those movies for free.

  • Publisher: Indian Movie Player
  • Last updated: April 13th, 2014
Stock It Easy

Stock It Easy

Stock It Easy is an inventory management application that lets you keep track of any data such as persons, collections of items, prices, transactions, documents, and so on. The best thing about this tool is its customization possibilities. It lets you tweak every aspect of the interface as well as of the created databases in order to completely suit your particular needs.

Stock Screener Lite

Stock Screener Lite

Stock Screener Lite is a freeware software that scan, filter, and screen stocks that meet a predefined set of rule(s). It also can plot, print graph, display Technical Indicators and also various chart format (Line, Candlestick and etc.). The rule(s) that is being used can either be of a Technical Analysis (TA) background, Candlestick Pattern or both.

  • Publisher: Zeebob Software
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008