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Info angel in Title/Summary

Info Angel

Info Angel

Info Angel is a wonderful personal information manager that has everything you need to keep all your important data in one place. You can add contacts by categories with detailed information, organize bookmarks, and add as many folders as you want including notes of everything that comes to your mind.

Autorun Angel

Autorun Angel

Autorun Angel is a tool for controlling Windows startup sections in order to provide security for your computer. Angel allows you to control software, drivers and various components launched automatically.Autorun Angel connects to Angel Cloud Engine in real time.

  • Publisher: NictaTech Software
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2020
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness

The Angel Of Darkness is the sixth installment of the game Tomb Raider. The game was released for PlayStation 2 and PC. Tomb Raider has always been a puzzle game, and if you like puzzles with nice graphics and a decent story, this is a top-of-the-line game. The graphics, as well as the environments, are excellent and Lara looks better than ever before.

Info angel in Description

Undersea World Aquarium

Undersea World Aquarium

Undersea World Aquarium features crystal clear blue ocean with live soft, and hard colorful coral, with real colorful tropical pragmatically animated fish including Yellow Tang, Black Tang, Yellow-Stripe Tang, gem Tang, and Rock fish.

Bet Angel (BETDAQ)

Bet Angel (BETDAQ)

Bet Angel is state of the art software designed for use on betting exchanges. Bet Angel sits between you and the exchange and allows you to place orders, faster, more effectively and with much more complexity than the traditional web site interface. A Betdaq version of Bet Angel Professional is also available - with all the familiar features; charting, ladder interface, one click betting and more

  • Publisher: Bet Angel Limited.
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2014
Bet Angel - Professional - Server Edition

Bet Angel - Professional - Server Edition

Bet Angel is now available on a VPS with an exclusive 'server' edition. With the server edition you run a specially modfied version of Bet Angel from a remote virtual server. A virtual server is a remote machine that you have exclusive access to via over internet. It is dedicated to you and you can run Bet Angel remotely on your server from any internet enabled device.

  • Publisher: Optic Limited
  • Home page: www.betangel.com
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2010
My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel is a program that creates a presentation quality certificate showing a Biblical accurate description and name of your personal Guardian Angel. Your birth date determines which Angel is given the duty to protect you throughout your lifetime. There are seventy-two Guardian Angels grouped into nine "Choirs' or families of eight each.

  • Publisher: Ken Kirkpatrick Software
  • Last updated: February 17th, 2012
Angel Writer

Angel Writer

Angel Writer is a free text editor very similar to Microsoft Word but with fewer options. With this program you can create all types of documents with formatted text, selecting background, background color, fill color, etc. Tthe user interface is very simple and easy to use. It looks almost exactly like Word, so there won´t be a problem finding things.

  • Publisher: Angelic Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2009

Additional Info angel selection

Tree Notes

Tree Notes

Tree Notes is a notes organizer for Windows that allows you to organize and manage all your notes in a tree structure with icons.Main features: - Manage both notes and spreadsheets. - 244 tree icons in 4 sizes to choose from. - Rich text notes formatting (images, find & replace, colors, etc). - Create bullet lists, numbered lists, and multi-level outlines in notes.

Epi Info

Epi Info

Epi Info is a free software tool for the rapid assessment of disease outbreaks. It can be used to develop small to mid-sized disease surveillance systems. The Form Designer module of Epi Info allows you to create questionnaires and data entry forms, with data validation, custom calculations, and conditional skip patterns.

  • Publisher: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Home page: www.cdc.gov
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2014
Angel SpeedPro

Angel SpeedPro

Angel SpeedPro is a trading platform that enables you to buy and sell stocks, commodities and currencies. The program provides features like Market Watch, Orders Book, Trade Book and Funds View. It also gives access to account related information such as My Portfolio, Trade Report, Funds Management and Backoffice Report.

  • Publisher: Angel Broking Limited
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2012
Sacred 2 Fallen Angel

Sacred 2 Fallen Angel

Join your friends through seamless drop in cooperative and competitive play on the same console or online for up to four players. In this game you will find an epic adventure in a massive game world that guarantees countless hours of enjoyment,hundreds of monster types to challenge your characters.

  • Publisher: Ascaron Entertainment GmbH
  • Home page: www.sacred2.com
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2010


Vroute.info is a flight data gathering and monitoring tool. It’s a unique application, as there is no other utility currently on the market that offers so many things as vroute.info. Basically, this comprehensive application puts together a very large flight planning database that contains almost 100,000 routes and a lot of useful VATSIM server information.

  • Publisher: vroute
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2017
Angel's Vox

Angel's Vox

Angel’s Vox is the very first audio player on the market designed specifically for audiobook enthusiasts. It saves your valuable time, helps to learn new foreign languages, has a lot of useful unique features for listening to audio books. Angel’s Vox has a sleep timer feature: you can shutdown, reboot, or log off Windows at the specified time.

  • Publisher: SuperUtils
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2012
Angel Alliance

Angel Alliance

Angel Alliance is a dynamic turn-based strategy MMORPG set in a world of heroes, magic, and Angels. The Dark Lord has imprisoned the Angels in the Abyss, and only the bravest heroes can save them. You need to acquire enchanted weapons, unlock powerful abilities, and gather new Angels in your quest to defend Etheria. You can fight alone, or alongside friends in a guild.

  • Publisher: Kabam, Inc.
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2015
MP3-Info extension

MP3-Info extension

MP3Ext is an extension for the Windows Explorer. It enhances it, so you can get information in many ways: -A PropertyPage is installed, where you can fully edit the ID3-Tag -An icon-handler for individual icons is included too -Tooltips, when you simply leave the mouse over the MP3-file (only with IE4.0 Active Desktop)

  • Publisher: Michael Mutschler
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2012
Bet Angel - Professional

Bet Angel - Professional

It includes many features specifically designed to aid you in different markets with strategies appropriate to each market and your specific trading or betting style. It is also very user definable, meaning that you can not only use the best possible trading and betting tools; but also tweak them to create your own unique position. This will help you maintain that critical edge in the market.

  • Publisher: Bet Angel Limited
  • Home page: www.betangel.com
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2015
AVS System Info

AVS System Info

AVS System Info is a program that will give you lots of information about your system. This program will show you all the details regarding your hardware, such as your motherboard´s manufacturer, model, serial number and BIOS; your processor´s manufacturer, version, voltage, frequency; how much memory your system has, and more.

  • Publisher: Online Media Technologies Ltd.
  • Last updated: January 13th, 2009