Install bangla font nokia c5-00.2 in Title/Summary

TamilBible Font
You may easily install fonts onto the computer by clicking with the right mouse button on the downloaded (unzipped) file and select 'install' or: by opening the fonts folder through Windows Explorer. Usually this folder is either C:\WINDOWS/Fonts or C:\WINNT\FONTS. Once this folder is open, select the fonts you wish to install from an alternate folder and copy and paste them into the fonts folder
- Publisher: TamilChristian
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Akkhor Bangla
Akkhor Bangla is a software developed to help it's users easily write Bangla. The program is very easy to use and the main features are: - write bangla phonetically by using the bangla keyboard or the mouse click -convert any text into pictures -type arabic language
- Publisher: Akkhor
- Last updated: November 1st, 2009

Bangla Voice Clock
Bangla Voice Clock 3.37 is a time announcing and alarm clock. Bangla Voice Clock can announce the time in selectable intervals of 15, 30, 60 minutes. You can preset six alarms and schedule as many events as you like, specifying when should you be reminded.
- Publisher: SMP Systems
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008
Install bangla font nokia c5-00.2 in Description

MICR E13B Match font
Three high precision MICR E13B fonts for check printing in TrueType and PostScript OTF format for Windows and macOS OS X, or Linux. These fonts are meant to produce the special encoded magnetic numbers at the bottom of checks.
- Publisher: Match Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 29th, 2023

Cfont Pro
CFONT PRO FEATURES: -Supported Fonts-built in support for TrueType, OpenType, Bitmap, and Postscript Type 1 fonts -Preview Fonts-Preview fonts from any folder, CD, disk, or network drive. See what the fonts are before you install them -Font Engine-Extremely powerfull font engine provides a detailed view of your installed fonts with a complete property listing of each.
- Publisher: Veign
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Unlike many others font managers, FontMagic can very fast preview any TTF font from any source (disk, CD, ZipDrive..) with full detailed description and copyright or trademarks. You have also the option to install the font to windows or just temporary...
- Publisher: Mediachance
- Last updated: April 29th, 2008

Figma Font Helper
The Figma Font Helper allows browsers to access the local fonts stored on your computer. When you're designing in Figma, your local fonts will appear in the font library. You can install the font helper from your Account Settings. After downloading and installing the font helper, you must restart your browser.
- Publisher: Figma, Inc.
- Last updated: December 8th, 2018

Kurdish Fonts
Kurdish Fonts is a font pack allowing you to read and write kurdish characters without getting an encoding issue or an unsupported language issue. This means that any kurdish website will correctly display after you install this font pack. Only install this if kurdish fonts don't work properly on your computer.
- Publisher: Kurdistan Computer
- Last updated: March 10th, 2013
Additional Install bangla font nokia c5-00.2 selection

BanglaWord is a smart word processing application, specifically designed for writing Bengali documents. Bangla text is entered using only the vowels (swarabarnas) and the consonant (banjonbarnos).The conjunct characters (juktho okkors) are placed automatically by the system if possible otherwise when indicated by the user.
- Publisher: BanglaSoftware Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 29th, 2020

Shoshi English to Bangla Dictionary
Shoshi English to Bangla Dictionary is a complete dictionary software with all the current words.
- Publisher: PicoTech
- Last updated: December 8th, 2014

Myanmar3 is a new Unicode 5.1 font that is used in Myanmar3 Office and it is released by Myanmar Unicode and NLP Research Center, a non-profit organization by Myanmar Computer Federation. Download and install the font inside FONTS folder which resides in Windows directory.
- Publisher: nwehtarkhin22
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2012

Nafees Web Naskh
Character based Nafees Web Naskh Open Type Font for writing Urdu in Naskh script based on Unicode standard. This updated version has complete support of Aerabs for Urdu and updated glyphs for Latin characters. Guidance and calligraphy of basic glyphs for the font has been provided by Syed Jameel-ur-Rehman.
- Publisher: CRULP
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2008

MultiTranse Oriental
MultiTranse Oriental is a simple tool that lets you quickly translate a text among different languages. Unlike other similar translation tools, this one can accurately translate to and from oriental languages without requiring you to install additional font packs or any other additional software.
- Publisher: Tialsoft software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

AL Font Installer
On viewing it is possible to change color of a background, color of symbols, size of the chosen font. Besides, it is possible to set a string or character set for viewing. You can install a font by one pressing of the button. There is an opportunity to see all character set of the chosen font.
- Publisher: AL-Software Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 30th, 2008

Pretty Logo
Pretty logo can help you quickly create a nice, professional logo, it prepare all materials for you to create the logo, such as color palettes, symbol libraries, fonts, effects, templates and so on,all you need to do is just select and mix them together,a pretty logo is quickly completed.
- Publisher: Pretty Ray,Inc.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Font Fitting Room Standard
Font Fitting Room is a preview and management tool for both installed and yet to be installed fonts, with full character map and multilingual name property support. It handles the most popular font types used on PC today, helps you to add them to and remove from system easier. These font types include True Type font(*.ttf, *.ttc), Open Type font(*.ttf, *.ttc,*.otf),PostScript Type 1 font(*.pfm,*.pfb), and Microsoft Windows font(*.fnt, *.fon). Character map displays all the supported characters of a font, with a magnified window appeared for any selected char. You needn't install the font to see this feature. In this way you can get a full impression of the font before actually install it into system. Property shows name table strings for Open Type font, catagoried by locale. You can find how font typeface name presented in different locales, and many other useful information. Font Fitting Room is Unicode based which allows you to type sample sentence simultaneously containing any different locale characters. For example, you can preview Chinese and Korean characters in the same sample string. LCD ClearType tuning function is an add-on feature to make ClearType font smoothing more convenient.
- Publisher: ApoliSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

KING Font is a TTF character that was designed in order to help you change the regular appearance of your papers. All you need to do is get and install the font onto your computer then put it to work when writing your text documents to see how it will modify their aspect.
- Publisher: JRS Co.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2008

Nokia Care Suite
The official service software to test, repair, and update firmware on Nokia phones. The suite comprises a set of utilities to perform firmware-related tasks on Nokia devices, including testing device parameters, downloading official ROMs, refurbishing supported models, resetting software, phone recovery, changing language, among other options.
- Publisher: Nokia
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020