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Instant ram booster portable in Title/Summary

Instant RAM Booster

Instant RAM Booster

Instant RAM Booster is a very powerful and effective Memory management system. This program increases computer's performance very effectively by providing its user with an option to free up memory by deleting programs and processes that consume system resources. Instant RAM Booster is of great help when a computer tries to launch a program that needs much RAM while the system is low on memory.

RAM Booster Expert

RAM Booster Expert

RAM Booster Expert is a powerful memory optimizer. It free up RAM memory and make your computer faster and stable. It allows you to instantly free up memory when your system slows down.

  • Publisher: Bodrag S.R.L.
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
RAM Booster

RAM Booster

RAM Booster offers to boost your system by optimizing the RAM. Its easy-to-use interface displays real-time graphs of available physical and virtual memory. Options offer the opportunity of clearing the clipboard, allowing the software to automatically start along with Windows, and performing automatic memory optimization.

  • Publisher: RAM Booster.Net
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2012

Instant ram booster portable in Description

Chris-PC RAM Booster

Chris-PC RAM Booster

Chris-PC RAM Booster can automatically manage your computer memory and pagefile usage. It monitors your RAM usage and frees up memory for newly opened programs, if the available memory is low. It features a wide set of options and settings for personal customization of RAM memory usage including low memory threshold to start the freeing up process



Optimizes your cache to act as a ram booster, boosts up your computer speed, frees up RAM memory and makes your computer run fast and stably.It boosts the physical memory available to Windows 2000/2K/XP.You can specify the free memory level that triggers automatic optimization, specify how much memory you want to free up and set your computer in general settings or page file settings

  • Publisher: CareWindows
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2008
Airy Memory Cleaner

Airy Memory Cleaner

Memory Cleaner is what you need.. This excellent memory optimization tool helps your PC run faster by boosting some key components of Windows 7/Vista and Windows XP. Airy Memory Cleaner save you time and make your computer run as new.

  • Publisher: Airy Software
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2013
Cloud System Booster

Cloud System Booster

Cloud System Booster is a powerful system optimization and maintenance suite that helps you keep your computer in top shape. Running the cleaning and optimization utilities that Cloud System Booster includes, from time to time, will ensure that the performance level of your system doesn't only remain of a satisfactory status, but actually gets a notable boost.

  • Publisher: Anvisoft
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2015
Kingsoft PC Doctor

Kingsoft PC Doctor

Kingsoft PC Doctor, which focuses on providing computer users excellent privacy cleaner, registry cleaner and, brilliant Windows optimization service, is your best free professional and easy-to-use Windows Diagnosis and Optimization software.

  • Publisher: Kingsoft Security
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2012

Additional Instant ram booster portable selection

RAM Booster Pro

RAM Booster Pro

Increases your RAM and speeds up your computer.

  • Publisher: AISoftwares
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2012


RamBooster is a program that monitors and frees RAM if necessary. RamBooster does it automatically, without modifying your system in any way. The main windows of RamBooster show you by default the target level of free RAM (by default, 1 Mb.), your Free RAM at this moment, and the percent of Free RAM and CPU usage.

  • Publisher: RamBooster
  • Last updated: February 15th, 2008
Mz Vista Force

Mz Vista Force

The Mz Vista Force program provides all you need to boost your computer's performance, optimize Window's Vista settings and your Internet connection. At launch, the program presents a sleek, easy to navigate interface that is packed with useful features and utility choices that you can customize. In the Tweaks Section, Performance Tweaks 1 and 2 enable you to tweak CPU Priority Control settings

  • Publisher: Mz Ultimate Tools
  • Home page: www.mztweak.com
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2010
Max RAM Optimizer

Max RAM Optimizer

Max RAM Optimizer increases your pc

  • Publisher: Max Secure Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


Portable multi-tabbed file manager featuring extended file find, search templates, reports, font image audio video preview, thumbnails, icon extraction, history, favorites, time stamping, directory print, batch rename, and much more...

  • Publisher: Donald Lessau
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2008
Memory Optimizer Expert

Memory Optimizer Expert

Memory Optimizer Expert is a program for RAM management and defragmentation. The program is easy to install, and no configuration is required. The interface is well designed and easy to use even for casual users. Three main tabs are used to manage the various functions of the program: System Performance, System Process, and Statistics.

  • Publisher: MemoryOptimizerExpert.com
  • Last updated: January 26th, 2011
Chily Memory Optimizer

Chily Memory Optimizer

It happens many times that a number of applications are working in the background without us noticing, and they usually take up a lot of memory. Chily Memory Optimizer, helps you in cleaning up your primary memory (RAM) by optimizing these applications. And all this optimization is done within seconds with a click of the button.



Instant power boost without restarting your PC, ensuring that your applications enjoy optimum use of all resources.

  • Publisher: Markement GmbH
  • Last updated: June 6th, 2011
Memeo Instant Backup

Memeo Instant Backup

Memeo Instant Backup can help you protect your information by creating copies of the files you store on your hard drive. Using this tool is incredibly easy as it can automatically detect what is on your drives. Thus, all you need to do is to select the target location, which can be another hard drive or even a portable device. However, that it does not allow uploading your backup to the cloud.

  • Publisher: Memeo Inc.
  • Home page: www.memeo.com
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
Windows 7 Booster

Windows 7 Booster

A Lightweight and portable application that beginners and advanced users may tinker with to tweak system settings and improve overall performance. Protect your online privacy and keep your computer secure. A single file that can easily be transferred To boost any PC at will with low CPU and RAM consumption.

  • Publisher: UIDubai
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2014