Internet cafe monitoring system in Title/Summary

Internet Cafe Cyber Cafe PC Game Self Service Server
Weavefuture Internet Café Cyber Café Self Service Payment System will save staff cost and make your Internet Café business into more profitable business. This self service payment system is consisted of 3 parts, Internet Café Self Service Payment Station (Payment Station), Self Service Server and Self Service Client.
- Publisher: Weavefuture Inc
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2012

Coin Op Internet Cafe Kiosk Timer Demo
Save your hiring cost, management cost, make more profit, the Weavefuture Coin Op Internet Cafe Kiosk Timer for Weavefuture Muilt Coin Acceptor AK5 It charge user by time of his usage.
- Publisher: Weavefuture Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 5th, 2008

Internet Cafe
Antamedia Internet Cafe controls, secures, and enhaces the running of your Internet cafe, gaming center, library, school or hotel public computers. The software restricts access to the system, desktop, drivers, folders and programs.
- Publisher: Antamedia
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Internet cafe monitoring system in Description

Cybera Server
Cybera is a cyber cafe management system designed for Windows XP Pro and Windows 2000. It works on the client-server model where one computer, the server controls a group of other computers: the client workstations. Cybera controls the access to the workstations and permits customers to use them in several different ways.
- Publisher: Samuel Monsarrat
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

CyberLeader Server
CyberLeader Internet Cafe Software is an excellent management, monitoring and billing system for Internet and Gaming cafes, coffee shops, hotels, schools, restaurants, libraries and other institutions that provide computers for public usage. CyberLeader Server: this module is used by cafe's staff, and is usually installed on the front desk computer.
- Publisher: CyberLeader Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
- Publisher: My Cafe' Cup Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008

Sniffer system working in client-server architecture. It grabs network packages basing on specified words. It can send report emails automatically. Additional options allow to examine network machines states (Services, Logged on users, Sessions etc).
- Publisher: StenSoft software Poland
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2010

CafeTrac is cyber cafe visitor tracking and security software which is designed for identification, tracking and recording of cyber cafe customers. CafeTrac software records the internet cafe visitor and customer Identity with Photo and scanned identity document. All customer data including photo identity, scanned identification and customer signature are stored in CafeTrac database.
- Publisher: Thar Bionics Pvt. Ltd.
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Additional Internet cafe monitoring system selection

Cisco Video Monitoring System
An intuitive user interface allows for quick configuration of the motion detection settings. Ten motion detection windows can be created in the SWVMS16 interface, regardless of the number of motion detection windows natively supported by the camera. Configurable motion detection settings and external input triggers reduce storage needs by recording only video of interest.
- Publisher: CISCO
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2010

This software is specifically designed to suit the needs of Internet cafes and allows you to manage credit and customer accounts stored on one or several hundred SiteKiosk client machines from one central location - whether the clients are connected by a local network or over the Internet.
- Publisher: PROVISIO GmbH / LLC
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Internet Cafe XP
Internet Cafe XP is freeware!With Internet Cafe XP you can manage many things! It is a stand-alone engine,you don't need some additional Programs or Librarys! With Internet Cafe XP you can tweak you computer. Main Features: - Disable registry editor(regedit) - Disable Run - Disable Control Panel - Disable Task Manager - Restrict Running
- Publisher: avert Software
- Last updated: December 24th, 2010

System Explorer
System Explorer is a powerful software tool that shows you detailed information about your system running processes, performance parameters, open connections, etc. Besides, the program can also analyze your system processes to detect suspicious behavior and hidden threats, thus, it keeps your system free of harmful viruses and rootkits.
- Publisher: Mister Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 9th, 2017

PEARLS Monitoring System
World Council's PEARLS monitoring system is the only software of its kind to combine a powerful relational database with an internationally proven methodology for improving operational efficiency. PEARLS provides credit union managers with concise, easy-to-read reports that reveal institutional weaknesses and trends.
- Publisher: World Council of Credit Unions, Inc
- Last updated: October 30th, 2013

Sentry-go Monitoring System
The Sentry-go Monitoring System provides a framework for your monitoring solution. It can incorporate one or more Sentry-go Plus! monitoring components, Quick Monitor Packages or a combination of the two.Whether you're looking to expand a Quick Monitor Package, or implement a tailored solution based on your own choice of component, Sentry-go provide a totally flexible solution.
- Publisher: 3Ds (UK) Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Yellow Activity Monitoring System
The Yellow Activity Monitoring System is a low-cost, low-maintenance system that aids with the management of plant and heavy-vehicle activity. This rugged, fully electronic system provides a means of easily and accurately monitoring the working patterns of a vehicle fleet.
- Publisher: Kinetic Electronic Designs
- Home page:

TrueCafe has been designed to help you run a cybercafé. It can keep track of the time each customer spends on an Internet connection. The program supports all types of computers and portable devices, including laptops, tablets, smartphones and game consoles. Fortunately, its interface is quite intuitive, so you will not have any problem to use it.
- Publisher: TrueCafe, Ltd.
- Last updated: April 14th, 2017

WinPatrol is an all-in-one system optimization tool that can be used to manage Startup Programs, Internet Explorer add-ons, Scheduled Tasks, Windows Services, Cookies, Delayed Start items, association of File Extensions, etc. The WinPatrol Plus version has additional features such as the management of ActiveX Controls, and securing Registry Keys against modification.
- Publisher: BillP Studios
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 1st, 2016

Pro Surveillance System
Pro Surveillance System is a program that enables you to control your DVR, SVR, NVR, NVS, IPC and NVD devices. The program can be used as a central monitoring system and it allows you to control your network cameras from a dashboard in a multi-screen layout.
- Publisher: Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: March 25th, 2022