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Internet telephony dialer in Title/Summary

Freshtel internet phone

Freshtel internet phone

Freshtel Internet Phone is a smart program to make calls across the globe. Users can save their contacts in grouped manner using this application. While it is free, and you can call another Freshtel user for free, you will need to pay the rates defined by the program to call any other landline or mobile phone number.

  • Publisher: Freshtel UK
  • Last updated: January 4th, 2010
Universal Internet Dialer

Universal Internet Dialer

The multi option, easy way to connect to Internet Service Provider Main Features: - dial an Internet Service Provider with ease - single user or multi user - can dial using lists of phone numbers and user names - multiple account capabilities secure encrypted user passwords

Dialer Queen

Dialer Queen

Dialer Queen is a powerful internet dialer with a plenty of useful features. Take a look: Dialer Queen controls your Internet connection and automatically redials if connection lost. Features: -Supports skins; -Keeps the detailed statistics for each connection; -Multiple languages support .

  • Publisher: Elibriz Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Internet telephony dialer in Description



deltathree's PC to Phone Dialer enables users to place and receive calls from any PC to any phone worldwide. The deltathree PC to Phone Dialer has a friendly user interface, easy installation, voicemail access, and many more exciting VoIP features. Customize our dialer with your brand name - choose the images, links, logos, and more.



Hotfoon is an inexpensive internet telephony service that lets you make Phone to Phone and PC to Phone calls across the world. The Hotfoon dialer is easy to download and install. The download is just 208KB. It is fast, simple and secure. Once you press the Download button, the Dialer software will start downloading. Save it on your desktop and double click on it to launch the dialer.

  • Publisher: Spokn Communications Pte Ltd
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2010


UtelPhone Is Best Sarvice For Calling Card & Mobile dialer Card. UTELPHONE is one of the leading VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)Service Provider Specializing in Internet Telephony Solutions for business, VoIP reseller programs and VoIP carrier services across varied areas of expertise.

  • Publisher: U-TelPhone
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012


Efonica's next generation softphone will instantly transform your PC into a full service communications device. Efonica's advanced soft client enables your end users to place and receive VoIP calls from any computer to any phone worldwide. Offering the latest features in Internet telephony technology.

  • Publisher: Efonica
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2009


FREEMINUT is one of the leading VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Service Provider specialising in Internet Telephony Solutions for businesses, VoIP reseller programs and VoIP carrier services across varied areas of expertise. It includes world class quality VoIP Call Termination at cost-effective rates.

  • Publisher: FreeMinut
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2009

Additional Internet telephony dialer selection



ActionVoip is a free piece of software aimed at voice communication, a voice over IP utility. It permits for calls to be made from computers to regular phones, with no charge being applied for certain destinations, while others can be called at low rates. Both mobile and fixed phones can be called, SMS messages can also be sent and computer to computer calls can be made.



FreeCall is a client for making VoIP calls. The term VoIP (voice over IP) makes reference to communication protocols and technologies involved in supporting voice communications that are performed over IP (Internet Protocol) networks, like the Internet. In order to install the utility, you need to make a user account first. A bandwidth test will then be performed, as well as sound device tests.

  • Publisher: Dellmont Sarl
  • Home page: www.freecall.com
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2015


ifonePlatinum Ltd is a broadband phone service Provider company. It is dedicated to delivering customer management and billing solutions for entrepreneurs, VoIP reseller, call shop reseller and A-Z termination, All kind of VOIP solution. We offer international voice termination services through our Points of Presence and regional offices.

  • Publisher: Design4voip
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2010


iCall is a PC application which lets you make calls directly from your computer in a fast and easy way. With the help of the iCall, you can get in touch with your family and friends via voice calling, meet face-to-face with clients via superior HD video calls and chat with your colleagues logged in on other IM accounts.

  • Publisher: iCall, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 26th, 2017


Provides and simplifies access to Skype service by reading incoming and outgoing Skype alerts using speech and refreshable braille display, as well as making Skype much easier and more accessible to screen reader users. SkypeTalking is the accessibility plugin for the Skype Internet telefony service.

  • Publisher: Hrvoje Katic
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2010
PC Dialer

PC Dialer

PC dialer is a perfect solution for making PC to Phone Calls via internet. It is a fast and small utility which once installed on PC, removes the need of any IP Phone. PC Dialer enables users to place and receive low cost calls from any computer to any phone.

  • Publisher: Go2Call
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2010


PhonerLite enables your PC to use it for Internet telephony (VoIP , Voice over IP ). Pre-conditions are a full-duplex sound card , a microphone and speakers (alternatively a headset), an Internet connection and an account from a provider supporting the protocol SIP. PhonerLite supports several SIP profiles, each configurable independently.

  • Publisher: Heiko Sommerfeldt
  • Home page: www.phonerlite.de
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Phone Dialer-7

Phone Dialer-7

Utility for dial and store phone numbers by computer. May be usefully if you have many mobile phones and want use union phone book, for example, for family, or for company working with big data base of phone numbers etc. Just press one key for dial a phone number. So it can save a lot of time. Main dialog window has two list box: phones and phone book.

Fonality HUD

Fonality HUD

Fonality is an Internet telephony software. It can be used to call people's telephones through Internet. It is built on the cloud platform. Fonality solutions deliver the services suited to your business needs. Now, HUD serves is a software application that brings all of the power and control of a traditional operator switchboard to your desktop

  • Publisher: Fonality
  • Last updated: June 1st, 2011
WebPhone Dialer

WebPhone Dialer

WebPhone Dialer is the software used by WebPhone for the PC to Phone service that uses Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to place calls over the Internet. VoIP technology is less expensive than traditional phone service so the savings are passed on to you. With great low rates, WebPhone is a smart alternative to traditional phone service for long distance and international calling.

  • Publisher: WebPhone
  • Home page: www.webphone.com
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2008