Irma rot in Title/Summary

This program is similar to many astronomy programs in that it is meant to take several images and merge them. It works with jpg (and png) format so you can use it with images taken with digital cameras, enhance the contrast, and finally it's much simpler.
- Publisher: Guillaume Dargaud
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 7th, 2008

AssayZap Demonstration
AssayZap is a universal assay calculator for RIA, ELISA, IRMA, colorimetric or any other type of assay. Counts of up to 2^31 can be handled. Standard curves can be fitted by 2-parameter, 4-parameter or 4-parameter weighted fit, or by the unique interactive manual fit which permits all standard curves to be fitted, whatever their shape.
- Publisher: Biosoft
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011
Irma rot in Description

GraphEditPlus helps DirectShow application developers in editing graphs. This program allows you to load and save .grf files compatible with MS GraphEdit. It can also connect to remote graphs (in ROT - Running Objects Table); all graphs in GraphEditPlus are always available in ROT.
- Publisher: Dee Mon
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Apimac Clean Text
Eliminates all text formatting from a text preparing it for pasting and performs other useful functions, such as removing empty lines, removing multiple spaces, removing tab characters etc.
- Publisher: Apimac
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 22nd, 2008

Software Virtualization Agent
Altiris Software Virtualization Solution (SVS) is a new way to use software. By placing data and programs into managed units called Virtual Software Packages(VSP's), SVS allows you to instantly activate, deactivate, or reset applications and to completely avoid conflicts between applications, without altering the base Windows installation. Say goodbye to "DLL Hell" and "Registry Rot".
- Publisher: Symantec
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 16th, 2008
Additional Irma rot selection

The program determines the rotation to apply to each image for an optimal alignment. It optionally saves each aligned image in the same directory with Aligned in the name. Then it merges all the images and it produces several images based on statistical computations: An image where each pixel is the brightest of all the original images
- Publisher: Briansoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 14th, 2014