Islam finder pro .rar in Title/Summary

Picture Finder Pro
Picture Finder Pro is a powerful and handy application that allows you to download pictures from multiple websites in just a few seconds. You just have to enter a keyword and the program surfs the net for you searching everything related to that word. All the downloaded content is saved to a particular folder specified for that project and shown as thumbnails.
- Publisher: JKLNSoft Inc.
- Last updated: April 28th, 2008

Form Finder Pro AUTO
f your looking for a quick and easy way to analyse a horses chance of winning, losing or placing in a race, you'll love this Horse Racing Betting Software!!With just a couple of clicks and few seconds this Betting Software scans the Racing Posts OR, TS and RPR ratings and scores each horse based on these.
- Publisher: Form Finder Pro
- Last updated: December 16th, 2010

Plagiarism Finder Pro
Plagiarism Finder Pro is a tool designed to search plagiarism in texts. It includes the simplicity and reliability along with the universal multithreaded plagiarism search engine, which allows you to check several files simultaneously. It is enough just to add all the necessary documents to the list and the application will check them all, saving the report for each tested document.
- Publisher: NBridge
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018
Islam finder pro .rar in Description

Proxy Finder Pro
Automatically search and leech free proxy list server addresses from hundreds of web sites , that provides new fresh proxy list updated daily. Just in 30 seconds, Proxy Finder Pro will give you 6000+ free public proxies servers addresses.
- Publisher: David Wang
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

Windows Product Key Finder Pro
Windows Product Key Finder Pro is a very small but useful application that allows you to recollect the product key of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office installed on your computer regardless of their versions. This is useful because the product key is unique and is required if you need to reinstall the software or migrate to another computer.
- Publisher: Gear Box Computers
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

Masjid Nabawi_1 Screen Saver
Masjid Nabawi_1 Screen Saver will bring the Prophet’s Mosque to your desktop. This unique screen saver will take you on a journey to the origins of Islam. You will be transported to a place called Madinah, where you will be able to see the authentic Prophet’s Mosque called Masjid Al Nabawi. This is the second most important mosque in Islam, being the Grand Mosque number one.
- Publisher: Hua Software(web site:)
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Photo Sorter Pro
Sort Photos easily with Photo Sorter Pro. This powerful photo sorter will sort, organize and rename all your photos, fast and easy. Want your photo collection to be in ideal order? More info and free download at
- Publisher: Photo Sorting, Inc.
- Last updated: December 21st, 2009

WinUtilities Duplicate File Finder
WinUtilities Duplicate File Finder is a utility that identifies duplicate files in one or more paths. scan can be defined by path, file mask(s), and (optionally) with complex filters for size/date/attributes.
- Publisher: YL Computing
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008
Additional Islam finder pro .rar selection

Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder Pro
Fast Duplicate File Finder can find duplicate files on your laptop or desktop computer . The Pro version has this extra features: -Can find similar files -Can use filter -Can use Quick Check/Uncheck -Can export results to XML or CSV -Can disable folders for self-scan -Can use command-line features
- Publisher: MindGems, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Duplicate Finder Pro
Duplicate Finder is a program that will find duplicate files on your hard disk. You can then decide if you want to keep those files, or delete them to regain the space they are occupying in your hard disk. You can adjust the program to look just in a specified disk and path, and indicate it if it should scan subfolders or not. The user can also tell the program to exclude a list of files.
- Publisher: AshiSoft

Hide Private File Pro
Hide Private File Pro allows you to encrypt, compress and hide a file (for example: zip, rar, doc, xls, etc...) in BMP file so that the addition of the message to the container file will not noticeably change the appearance of that file.
- Publisher: Magicrsoft.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 30th, 2009

Duplicate Cleaner Pro
Duplicate Cleaner Pro does exactly what its name implies: removes duplicated files from your PC. The program provides you with a comprehensive help manual, gives you access to a wide variety of scan filters, and takes a small amount of time to complete the search tasks.
- Publisher: DigitalVolcano Software Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

mp3Tag Pro
Keeping a large collection of music files organized is no laughing matter. If you happen to have hundreds or even a few thousands of MP3 and other music file types on your computer, it is always convenient to have them all neatly tagged and organized. mp3Tag Pro offers you all the flexibility and the accuracy you require to add metadata to your music files in an automated and comfortable way.
- Publisher: ManiacTools
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

Free RAR Password Recovery
Free RAR Password Recovery can attempt to recover forgotten passwords of RAR archives. This application features brute-force attack, brute-force with mask attack, etc. You can select the characters (such as digits, symbols, upper-case) to speed-up the recovery process.
- Publisher: KRyLack Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2017

FileSearchy Pro
FileSearchy Pro is a quick, powerful and easy to use utility that helps you search files on your computer. It can search through contents of plain text, office, PDF and other documents. FileSearchy performs quick indexing and maintains a lightweight database of file names on your computer. This enables search by file name in less than a second.
- Publisher: Midlinesoft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2014

FileLocator Pro
Looking for a specific text string or an elusive file name in a disk full of folders and other files may be a tedious and time-consuming task. FileLocator Pro offers you a plethora of features and search options that will help you find that document, e-mail, file, or code line you knew you had stored somewhere but you can’t remember where.
- Publisher: Mythicsoft Ltd.
- Last updated: December 10th, 2023

PC SpeedScan Pro
You can do some quick cleaning now and get rid of those useless files that are causing your PC to slow down. PC SpeedScan Pro is the best one-click error finder you'll ever come across. It's about as simple a process as you'll ever find. See how many errors are slowing down your PC by trying a FREE scan!
- Publisher: Ascentive
- Last updated: November 7th, 2016

Accent RAR Password Recovery
Probably the best recovery of RAR/WinRar passwords (RAR3/RAR5 file format). We offer you a high-speed password search on Intel/AMD CPUs and GPU acceleration. Supports GPU computing on AMD and NVIDIA video cards. Offers effective features.
- Publisher: Passcovery
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023