Islamic diary cover page example in Title/Summary

Islamic Diary
Islamic Diary the software that is being used by over 6,000 momineen all over the world. This program is absolutely FREE. Please use it yourself and give it to other momineen. In this version, the Azaan icon appears in the Icon Tray on your desktop. You can either double click this icon or right mouse click and select "Configure" to open the configuration window.
- Publisher: Dawood Bohra Jamaat
- Last updated: April 8th, 2008

Islamic Portal Pro
Advanced Islamic prayer times, calendar, Full version - Totally free - Prayer times for any place in the world, without having to enter any coordination. As the application contains all cities and villages of the world - Continuously reminds you with the prayer until you actually do it - Displays a "meter" (progress bar) on the screen all the time to show the best time to perform the prayers
- Publisher: Al-Qalam Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 11th, 2008

Modern Islamic Theme for Windows 8
Modern Islamic Theme for Windows 8 is a program that enables you to enhance the layout of your desktop computer. The app allows you to change your Windows 8 theme. This application provides new icons (256, 128 pixels), a new startup bar, task bar, desktop icons, and many more.
- Publisher: TheWhiteLight production
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 26th, 2015
Islamic diary cover page example in Description

Kingsoft Writer Professional 2012
Writer Professional 2012 allows users to handle Microsoft Word Features:automatic a spell checker, a PDF converter; a multiple tabs New functions: a new section tab, a cover page option, a VBA macro function and a new 2012 interface
- Publisher: Kingsoft Office
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Kingsoft Writer Standard
Kingsoft Writer Standard 2012 is both highly compatible with MS Word and possesses a similar interface to it. It includes a paragraph adjustment tool, a cover page option, table adjustment feature, a spell checker, a PDF converter and more.
- Publisher: Kingsoft Software
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

FLIP Flash Album Deluxe
FLIP Flash Album Deluxe aims to be the easiest to use and most powerful tool in this category. You may find many sorts of templates all ready. Just add your photos and select the appropriate template, an attractive flash photo album can be made so easy.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2011

FaxMind Server
FaxMind Server is a powerful Email to Fax and Fax to Email fax server software for Windows. The web interface allows users to send and receive fax from any Web Browser in any operating system all over the world.
- Publisher: SunKing software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Fax Voip Windows Fax Service Provider
Enables Microsoft Fax and Windows Fax and Scan, which are built right into Windows, to send and receive T.38 and audio (over G.711 codec) faxes using VoIP (SIP or H.323). Mail to Fax. Fax Routing: E-mail, Store in folder, Print, Custom.
- Publisher: FaxVoip Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 14th, 2024
Additional Islamic diary cover page example selection

Ashampoo Cover Studio 2017
Ashampoo Cover Studio offers a wide range of tools to create labels for CD or DVD discs and cases. You can import your own artwork, scan existing covers, choose from a variety of templates, and personalize them by picking a background color and adding and organizing the text information.
- Publisher: ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2016

eBook Cover Maker Pro
eBook Cover Maker Pro is program that quickly makes eBook Cover Images. It is very easy to go make a cover – simply use the tabs at the top of the program to go through the eBook Cover making process. Once all the steps are complete, simply save the image as a JPEG, TIF, or PNG and then upload it to the store.
- Publisher: GatorData, Inc.
- Last updated: November 14th, 2013

Clarity Legal Viewer
Clarity Viewer is a transcript viewer application that opens Clarity Legal Transcript files. You can exchange a transcript file with another user that might not own the full version of DepoSmart, TrialSmart, or DocSmart. Also it has print options for margins, font size, condensed font size, index font size, cover page titles, full, condensed and index printing options.
- Publisher: Clarity Legal Software LLC
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018

aXmag Professional
Creates e-books and e-magazines with page flip effect from PDF files. If you need to convert you PDF file into a Flash e-book that you can publish on your website, or you simply want to read it in an animated way, you can use aXmag Professional to achieve it. This is an easy-to-use software tool that basically converts any PDF file into a SWF Flash animation and embeds it on a blank web page.
- Publisher: aXmag
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 6th, 2014

Blasting Fax Server
Blasting Fax Server is a cost-effective and reliable high-volume Fax Broadcasting software, has the Web Management interface. It sends bulk Faxes via regular fax modems and also over T.38/G.711 VoIP networks, fully scalable up to 512 lines.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Word Report Builder
Word Report Builder is a report generator that outputs reports in Microsoft Word document format. The program is a powerful, easy to use and flexible tool that enables Microsoft Word to be powerful reporting generator.
- Publisher: Report Merge

DVD-Cover Printmaster
DVD-Cover Printmaster is very light and easy-to-use software program created for designing, previewing, and printing covers for your CD and DVD boxes with ease and comfort, and with a professional layout. The program counts on a very friendly interface, which contains all the commands and options necessary to make the cover designing task really easy and fun.
- Publisher: Thomas Trick
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Easy Cover Print
Easy Cover Print 3.0 is a very easy-to-use application that allows you to print your covers in a very short amount of time. Using this friendly software, you will be able to print any picture to use it as a CD or DVD cover. The program will automatically set the picture's right size and all you will have to do is to click on the print button.
- Publisher: Maanlyzo
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Momento allows you to design photo books, calendars, recipe books, greeting cards, diaries, gift vouchers, and notebooks using your digital images. After designing, you can order print copies from the developer. Delivery is available in Australia and New Zealand only.
- Publisher: Momento Pro Pty Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 18th, 2017

Quick 3D Cover
Designing your own covers for e-books, DVDs, jewel cases, etc. might come a bit expensive, especially if you turn to a professional graphic designer or choose to acquire efficient applications. One solution might be Quick 3D Cover, a program that brings you a complete set of templates and configurations to help you create the covers you need.
- Publisher: Nervepreserve
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009