Italian frequency dictionary in Title/Summary

Gaberoff Koral Italian Free Dictionary
The present version contains Italian-Bulgarian resources comprising 40 000 words in entries and phrases taken from the best-selling dictionary compiled by Sava Slavchev and Bulgarian-Italian resources comprising 40 000 words in entries and phrases by Sava Slavchev.
- Publisher: KoralSoft
- Last updated: August 7th, 2008

Italian & Armenian Dictionary
This is an dictionary with over 70,000 words with full Italian and Armenian translation which help everyone who is interested in Italian and Armenian words and also will be useful for teachers, students, researchers and also translators. It is able to change into small size to help you to use it anywhere on your desktop and near your other programs.
- Publisher: Armenian Dictionary Software Inc.
- Last updated: January 8th, 2010

BEIKS English-Italian-English Dictionary for BlackBerry
BEIKS English-Italian-English Dictionary for BlackBerry is designed to cover the needs of the English speaker challenged with colloquial Italian in the field. Whether student from beginner to advanced level, professional or business user who need it at work, this dictionary a handy and useful addition to communication.
- Publisher: BEIKS LLC
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Italian frequency dictionary in Description

SlovoEd Compact English-Italian
English-Italian and Italian-English Slovoed dictionary software for Windows lets you easily find appropriate translation of any word and express yourself most precisely thanks to high translation rate, detailed and up-to-date dictionary bases and easy-to-use interface.
- Publisher: Paragon Software
- Last updated: September 28th, 2008

SlovoEd Deluxe Italian-Spanish
Italian-Spanish and Spanish-Italian Slovoed dictionary software for Windows lets you easily find appropriate translation of any word and express yourself most precisely thanks to high translation rate, detailed and up-to-date dictionary bases and easy-to-use interface.
- Publisher: Paragon Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Italian-Spanish translation dictionary
Ideal for students and businesses, this Spanish-Italian dictionary lets you translate words and phrases and conjugate verbs in an instant. So many more features than your average Spanish to Italian dictionary. this dictionary software provides on-screen translation that tells you the type of word, gender (male or female in Spanish, for example), verb conjugation, and some common usages of the word
- Publisher: IdiomaX
- Last updated: June 15th, 2010

LingoPad is a very useful and compact offline dictionary for Windows operating system. The dictionary contains a German to English dictionary which is very useful in German for English and English to German translations. Some other dictionary options include support for Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Kurdish, Norwegian or Arabic languages.
- Publisher: Lingo4you
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

JlearnIt is a multilingual dictionary sorted by categories that helps you learn vocabulary of another language progressively (each word has a level of use).Many languages are available including English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German and Italian.
- Publisher: Japplis
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Italian frequency dictionary selection
- Publisher: ProLingo Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 4th, 2011 Italian-English Collins Dictionary
The dictionary is ideal for language study, and contains the unique EasyLex function. With this function you only have to point with the mouse at the unknown word and its translation appears immediately. EasyLex works with Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Office, Open Office, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Notepad,etc.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 7th, 2011

SlovoEd Deluxe Italian-Russian
Italian-Russian and Russian-Italian Slovoed dictionary software for Windows lets you easily find appropriate translation of any word and express yourself most precisely thanks to high translation rate, detailed and up-to-date dictionary bases and easy-to-use interface.
- Publisher: Paragon Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

SlovoEd Classic Italian-Russian
Italian-Russian and Russian-Italian Slovoed dictionary software for Windows lets you easily find appropriate translation of any word and express yourself most precisely thanks to high translation rate, detailed and up-to-date dictionary bases and easy-to-use interface
- Publisher: Paragon Software
- Home page:

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English-Italian for Windows
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2014 English Italian for Windows offers instant bilingual translations that can be voiced aloud using the latest TTS (text-to-speech) functionality. It provides accuracy you can depend to make learning and using another language simple and easy.
- Publisher: LingvoSoft
- Last updated: May 15th, 2014

Declan's Korean Dictionary
Features and Benefits: -Fully searchable 23,000 word Korean-English dictionary; -Mark words & create wordlists for import into Declan's Flashcards ; -Includes over 15,000 examples and hanja characters.; -Hundreds of examples and common verb conjugations.
- Publisher: Declan Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader
Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader offers 34 languages. It enables Adobe Reader users to perform spell checks on items such as form fields and comments and to add and edit custom words in their user dictionaries for future reference. A selection of spelling dictionaries used can be customized as per the order in which these are needed.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: May 26th, 2014

Shipra's Dictionary
It has a great image of popularity among Indians. The reason behind its popularity is its bilingual capability. Yes, its very well know English to Hindi dictionary. You can find the Hindi meaning of any commonly used word of English from its large database of more then 22600 English words with Multiple Hindi meanings.
- Publisher: Shipra Compulogies
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 5th, 2011

Hooshyar Dictionary
Hooshyar dictionary is produced with many years of hard work at CD Center company with efforts of software engineers and linguists. The first version of this product was published in 1996 and newer versions are being released with reengineering and revision since then.
- Publisher: Lohe Feshorde Co.
- Last updated: December 15th, 2008

Nar Dictionary
Nar Dictionary is a simple, easy to-use and very practical application that will help you to translate any word into more than 6 languages. You can translate any word with the traditional method of copying and pasting it, but this program includes another innovative way of translating; by moving the cursor over a word in any application and holding down the Ctrl key.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 12th, 2009