Ivona 1.6.51 in Title/Summary

IVONA Reader
IVONA Reader allows your computer to read any text aloud to you. It can read documents, news, RSS, books, web pages and emails. It is also an advanced program for reading and listening to texts, books and documents with SAPI5 voices. It provides many additional functions, e.g. save as Mp3, audiobook production, RSS reader, film voice-over.
- Publisher: IVO Software
- Last updated: November 30th, 2014

IVONA MiniReader
Whenever you may need a small, easy to use tool that enables your computer to read any text aloud to you, this application it could prove suitable for the job. This is the light version, of the IVONA Reader, a complex feature stripped version. To say that the interface is intuitive and easy to use, it is an understatement.
- Publisher: IVONA Software
- Last updated: November 30th, 2014

Ivona 2 is a text-to-speech utility, meaning that it will read any given digital text to those who are either visually impaired or simply prefer to rest their eyes while going through a certain piece of information. The digital voices resemble human ones, because they do not sound artificial in the manner in which other synthesized voices do.
- Publisher: IVONA Software Sp. z o.o.
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022
Ivona 1.6.51 in Description

Expressivo is a text-to-speech program capable of reading aloud all types of texts and documents. The program offers a friendly interface along with a number of functions to convert written text into spoken words, allowing us to give a rest to our eyes.
- Publisher: IVO Software
- Last updated: December 6th, 2009

VisionAid British English Ivona Voice Pack
VisionAid British English Ivona Voice Pack is a British English language pack designed for text-to-speech applications. The pack includes two female voices, Amy and Emma, and a male voice, Brian. It can be used with the Readit, Lex, and ReadEasy range of products.
- Publisher: VisionAid International
- Last updated: February 6th, 2017

VisionAid Turkish Ivona Voice Pack
VisionAid Turkish Ivona Voice Pack can convert written text into speech. This Turkish speech add-on can be used along with Readit, Lex, and ReadEasy range of document scanners, which scan and save files into editable text formats. It will also work with any SAPI 5 (Microsoft Speech API) application.
- Publisher: VisionAid International
- Last updated: February 13th, 2018
Additional Ivona 1.6.51 selection

DynFX MailServer
Powerfull SMTP, ESMTP- and POP3-Server for Windows NT, 2000, XP, and Server 2003. Supports multiple domains, aliases, and filters. A good solution for ISPs and small businesses due to its slim and resourcesaving architecture.
- Publisher: Daniel Weber & Monika Zeevaert-Senger GbR