Janus 4.0.18 in Title/Summary

Janus Demo
Janus is a dictionary, a bilingual illustrated reference tool that provides wide coverage of vocabulary of science, arts, medicine, agriculture, industry and everyday usage. Janus Demo contains 15 pages out of 610 that comprise the full version of the dictionary. One page is provided for each chapter.
- Publisher: Janussys, Ltd
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

Janus has all of the standard calculation features expected of a top of the line astrology software program, including natal and transit reports, astro-mapping, Arabic Parts, fixed stars, progressed charts and return charts. It also has specialist modules for Cosmobiology, Uranian Astrology, Horary, Electional and Medieval Astrology.
- Publisher: Astrology House
- Home page: www.astrology-house.com
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Janus ASP.NET Server Controls LICENSED
Add Outlook style interfaces to your .NET Web applications. Janus Web ASP.NET Server Controls Suite is a comprehensive toolkit of controls designed to provide a rich user interface to your ASP.NET applications. Includes Janus Web GridEx, Janus Web UIPanelManager for creating professional layouts, Janus UICallbackManager,
- Publisher: Janus Systems
- Last updated: December 30th, 2009
Janus 4.0.18 in Description

CountryCombo is an ActiveX control to be used on Windows forms in order to select country from provided list. List is based on ISO specification, contains a country code, country name and icon for country flag. Control is build on Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and can be used in Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Access applications (forms).
- Publisher: Point Limited
- Home page: www.pointltd.com
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011
Additional Janus 4.0.18 selection

Windows Forms Controls for Microsoft .NET
Windows Forms Controls for Microsoft .NET is a suite of four individual applications easing the development and maintenance of .NET based software. The GridEX Control supports hierarchical display of data and permits you to create effective "Outlook like" user interfaces while easing development and maintenance time.
- Publisher: Janus Systems
- Last updated: May 19th, 2013

janusSEAL for Outlook
janusSEAL Outlook add-on compels your users to assign a classification to every email and calendar item they send. You can decide the security classifications you wish to use, such as Personal, Public, or Confidential and which message types must use them. Users must choose a security tag depending upon their clearance, or authority, level.
- Publisher: janusNET Pty Limited
- Home page: www.janus.net.au
- Last updated: March 30th, 2017

The run-time kit does not include the Oracle-mode developer tools and documentation. If you all you want is too run a pre-compiled application, the run-time kit is all you need. If you want to develop with oracle-mode Firebird, you need the Fyracle Developer Kit. This kit includes a GUI tool to modifiy database objects and a command line PL/SQL compiler, which can also handle DDL scripts.
- Publisher: Janus Software
- Home page: www.janus-software.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2010

STAR-LITE Lab Safety Training
In an effort to increase safety awareness and motivate students to work safely in the laboratory, STAR-LITE was developed. Keeping our audience in mind, we realize that the most effective methods to teach students are interactive, realistic and engaging.
- Publisher: Janus Research Group, Inc.
- Last updated: December 28th, 2011

Document! X
Document! X automates the process of creating and maintaining documentation for a wide range of solution elements: VB.NET/C#/C++ .NET Projects; ASP.NET Ajax Javascript, VB 6 / VBA Projects; COM Components and Type Libs, Databases, XSD Schemas.
- Publisher: Innovasys

Janus File Strongbox, is a file encryption software and data leakage prevention software that offers protection for your important files, pictures and private data. File StrongBox creates encrypted storages named StrongBox. You can keep your private files in the Strongbox and protect it with a password.
- Publisher: Janusec