Japan av emule ed2k in Title/Summary

eMule LinkCreator
eMule Link Creator is a standalone software to create eD2K links for some files and adds HTTP sources. It is aimed for web programmers. This utility produces links in different formats. It can be helpful to spread some sources or files faster than generally. This application also has been included in eMule program – one of the best file sharing in the Internet programs known today.
- Publisher: emule-project.net
- Home page: www.emule-project.net
- Last updated: March 4th, 2009

ed2k link catch0r
When you browse a webpage containing eDonkey2000 (ed2k) links and click on one, your ed2k client starts downloading the corresponding file. The purpose of the ed2k link catch0r is to catch and save these ed2k links when no ed2k client is running - either because there is no client installed on the PC you are using (e.g. at work), or because you shut the client down.
- Publisher: garandou
- Home page: ed2klinkcatch0r.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: June 14th, 2008

eMule Super Booster
eMule Super Booster is a new add-on for the eMule file sharing program. The latest technology implemented will enable you to download MP3s, movies, and other desired files faster than ever. The program will ensure that your bandwidth is used to its highest capability and, also, the booster will help you find more sources to download.
- Publisher: Boost Your Downloads
- Home page: www.boostyourdownload.com
- Last updated: February 15th, 2016
Japan av emule ed2k in Description

aMule is an eMule-like client for the eD2k and Kademlia networks, supporting multiple platforms. aMule is built upon the wxWidgets (formerly wxWindows) toolkit, which enables it to support multiple platforms. aMule has most features of the eMule client. These include: -eD2k and Kademlia support. -aMule is currently available in 28 languages. -Support for Source Exchange
- Publisher: aMule Project
- Home page: www.amule.org
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

kMule is intended to be the most lightweight eMule compatible client out there. While eMule does a great job, it may contain too much bloat for the everyday user and it is updated not often enough to respond to the users wishes. Features: - Up-to-date libraries. - Autoupdate system. - Automatic ipfilter/mediainfo updating. - Built-in CA leecher and search fake protection.
- Publisher: Wizard
- Last updated: October 16th, 2013

Fast calculator to compute hash, checksum, HMAC values for file, text and hex string. Supports MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RIPEMD160, PANAMA, TIGER, CRC32, ADLER32 algorithms and the hash used in eMule and eDonkey (eDonkey2000, ed2k) tools.
- Publisher: SlavaSoft Inc.
- Last updated: March 6th, 2007

UltraBooster for eMule
UltraBooster for eMule is one of the best download acceleration apps for the eMule client. It behaves as an optimizer for your internet connection settings, prevents traffic jams, and improves the overall performance of the original p2p client.
- Publisher: UltraBoosters
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2013

DreaMule is a eMule version that brings everything configured intelligently. You just have to find what you want and make it download. Unlike eMule, DreaMule automatically connects to the network, so you don't have to stop to inspect the list of servers, or configure the servers.met
- Publisher: DreaMule
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008
Additional Japan av emule ed2k selection

eMule Xtreme
Main Features: - Maella Bandwidthcontrol, caculates the real Overhead - NAFC (network adapter feedback control) - advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed - Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling - improved Xtreme-Creditsystem - Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- Publisher: Xman, Stulle
- Home page: www.xtreme-mod.net
- Last updated: December 20th, 2011

eMule MorphXT
Mule MorphXT is a peer-to-peer file sharing application for Microsoft Windows. The features of eMule include a direct exchange of sources between client nodes, fast recovery of corrupted downloads and the use of a credit system to reward frequent uploaders. eMule also transmits data and control codes in zlib-compressed form to save bandwidth.
- Publisher: Morph team
- Last updated: November 27th, 2012

eMule pHoeniX
eMule pHoenix has an interface unlike other eMule Mods. It’s very striking and the menus are unique. This Mod is also unusual in that it shows the nationality of all the users in the download or upload queue with a flag next to the corresponding nick. With eMule pHoenix you can also correct mistakes; for instance you can now put your contact list in order.
- Publisher: The Phoenix Team
- Home page: emulephoenix.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: December 18th, 2009

Ring2Phone Japan
Ring2Phone Japan is a calling card of Sadiatec. This software is easy, convenient to use, from any phone in Japan. Using International Access service you can dial from Japan on economical 24-hour flat rates. With this program, you can talk to your family or friends with the best quality offered by Sadiatec lines.
- Publisher: Ring2Phone Japan
- Last updated: June 12th, 2008

eMule ScarAngel
eMule works with all Windows versions after Windows 95. Many functions in eMule are accessible by the context menu. This is a menu that opens on a right mouse button click on many different objects. It is important to understand that the actual downloading in eMule is not affected by the choice of the network.
- Publisher: Stulle
- Home page: scarangel.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: June 29th, 2011

Japan Theme Pack
Japan Theme Pack lets you give your Windows 7 desktop a Japanese look. This pack contains six high-quality photographs of Japanese natural beauty, such as cherry blossoms or a mountain waterfall, and cultural monuments, such as the outline of the gate of Miyajima.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: July 31st, 2023

eMule Turbo Accelerator
eMule Turbo Accelerator can improve the download speed of eMule P2P file sharing program. It has a simple interface where you can start and stop the download acceleration with single clicks. You can also select the network interface, the number of downloads to speed up, and the time period to repeat checking of downloads.
- Publisher: Web Speeders
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022

eMule Applejuice
eMule Applejuice is the eMule P2P client with Applejuice 3.12 added. The program can be installed and run in 9 different languages. Applejuice Community claims to give their components more speed and security through advanced Community Features.
- Publisher: emule-project.net
- Last updated: January 24th, 2013

Free 3D Japan Screensaver
Free 3D Japan Screensaver is a lovely screensaver depicting a traditional Japanese landscape with different structures and buildings. You will see the scene from different perspectives and views, which will give you the impression that you are walking around the place
- Publisher: 3Dsavers
- Home page: 3d-savers.com
- Last updated: May 8th, 2009

Astra Jigsaw Japan
Astra Jigsaw Japan is a game for those who love the challenge of jigsaw puzzles. Developed by Lena Games, the game presents a series of stunning pictures that you have to recreate by putting the pieces together. This edition of the game contains photographs from Japan.
- Publisher: Lena Pankratova
- Last updated: June 21st, 2013