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Japan vocabulary worksheet in Title/Summary

Vocabulary Worksheet Factory

Vocabulary Worksheet Factory

Vocabulary Worksheet Factory helps you improve and reinforce the vocabulary skills. The app is designed for educators as a resource to support classroom instruction, but ideal for anyone interested in making word searches, crosswords, word jumbles, and other vocabulary puzzles and activities.

  • Publisher: Schoolhouse Technologies Inc.
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2020
Vocabulary Worksheet Factory Evaluation

Vocabulary Worksheet Factory Evaluation

Improve and reinforce the vocabulary skills of your students with challenging and motivating worksheet activities created with Vocabulary Worksheet Factory. It is the ideal resource for spelling, language arts, ESL instruction, and vocabulary enrichment in any subject.

ActivityMaker Vocabulary Suite

ActivityMaker Vocabulary Suite

ActivityMaker Vocabulary Suite is an all-in-one vocabulary worksheet and puzzle creator, making over three dozen different types of worksheets from your words and definitions. You enter a list of words and definitions (or use lists from Vocab Arcade), then follow the simple steps to create various quizzes, crossword puzzles, shaped word searches, and more.

  • Publisher: Gepeto Software
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2010

Japan vocabulary worksheet in Description



ActivityMaker is an all-in-one vocabulary worksheet and puzzle creator, making over a dozen different types of worksheets from your words and definitions! Instant quizzes, crossword puzzles, shaped word searches, and much more with just a few clicks!

  • Publisher: Gepeto Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
RocketReader Vocab

RocketReader Vocab

RocketReader Vocab is a specialized vocabulary trainer that helps you develop a broad and powerful vocabulary. Organized into 37 lessons, each word is drilled and explained in context for clear, accurate and fast understanding. Create lessons quickly with the built-in editor.

Microsoft Math Worksheet Generator

Microsoft Math Worksheet Generator

Microsoft Math Worksheet Generator is a very small and simple tool designed to help you generate and print worksheets with math problems and math exercises. Though very neat, lightweight and small, it comes with plenty of advantages and handy features.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Education Labs
  • Home page: www.pil-network.com
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2013


Teachmaster is a foreign language vocabulary building tool. It provides the framework for people who want to acquire vocabulary learning skills. Basically, the application itself is no good for building vocabulary. Actually, it contains no vocabulary, as It is the end-user who creates vocabulary lists that are then used.

  • Publisher: Teachmaster
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2009
Astra Jigsaw Japan

Astra Jigsaw Japan

Astra Jigsaw Japan is a game for those who love the challenge of jigsaw puzzles. Developed by Lena Games, the game presents a series of stunning pictures that you have to recreate by putting the pieces together. This edition of the game contains photographs from Japan.

  • Publisher: Lena Pankratova
  • Last updated: June 21st, 2013

Additional Japan vocabulary worksheet selection

Vocabulary Wizard

Vocabulary Wizard

Vocabulary Wizard serves as an effective tool for the preparation of English vocabulary related exams. A built-in dictionary is set up with the examination point of view which is easy to use and an effective tool for a user to prepare for the examinations. This dictionary serves as a user friendly interface. The existing data can be edited and one can add his/her own data in the dictionary.

Ultimate Vocabulary

Ultimate Vocabulary

Improve Your Vocabulary And Success. Mony Back Guarantee. Ultimate Vocabulary Is the only vocabulary building technology that gives you 7 easy strategies to boost your vocabulary by 1000 words or more in as little as 10 minutes per day.

Declan's Japanese Dictionary

Declan's Japanese Dictionary

Declan's Japanese Dictionary is a shareware Japanese-English dictionary. This application includes over 100,000 words. When searching for a word, we can enter a Kangi or its Romaji (Roman character) pronunciation. We can click the Kangi to view its ON pronunciation and its KUN pronunciation, plus its meaning, number of strokes, radical number, radical, and radical name/meaning.

WorkSheet Maker

WorkSheet Maker

iKodeko Worksheet Maker Software is a tool to create various exercise sheets (e.g. in a workbook). This tool is for parents, teachers who have a student learning the fundamentals of mathematics. You can create worksheets involving addition to division of numbers. It can also generate worksheets involving fractions and word problems.

  • Publisher: Kodeko Digital Enterprise
  • Last updated: May 9th, 2008
Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher

Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher

Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher has been designed to make life easier, and instruction more efficient, for those who teach English or English as a Second or Foreign Language. In a matter of minutes and with a few mouse-clicks, teachers can create gap-fill exercises to introduce, review/reinforce and test vocabulary.

  • Publisher: Gerry Luton / Martin Holmes / Creative Technology
  • Home page: www.cpr4esl.com
  • Last updated: September 20th, 2011
Ring2Phone Japan

Ring2Phone Japan

Ring2Phone Japan is a calling card of Sadiatec. This software is easy, convenient to use, from any phone in Japan. Using International Access service you can dial from Japan on economical 24-hour flat rates. With this program, you can talk to your family or friends with the best quality offered by Sadiatec lines.

  • Publisher: Ring2Phone Japan
  • Last updated: June 12th, 2008
Japan Theme Pack

Japan Theme Pack

Japan Theme Pack lets you give your Windows 7 desktop a Japanese look. This pack contains six high-quality photographs of Japanese natural beauty, such as cherry blossoms or a mountain waterfall, and cultural monuments, such as the outline of the gate of Miyajima.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2023
Grey Olltwit's Maths Worksheet - Addition

Grey Olltwit's Maths Worksheet - Addition

Grey Olltwit's Maths Worksheet - Addition is a simple application which can help to develop your kids' math skills. Choose from 3 levels of addition sums from single digits to three figure problems. Each sum is randomly produced one at a time on a blackboard style interface.

  • Publisher: Grey Olltwit Educational Software
  • Home page: www.greyolltwit.com
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2013
Free 3D Japan Screensaver

Free 3D Japan Screensaver

Free 3D Japan Screensaver is a lovely screensaver depicting a traditional Japanese landscape with different structures and buildings. You will see the scene from different perspectives and views, which will give you the impression that you are walking around the place

  • Publisher: 3Dsavers
  • Home page: 3d-savers.com
  • Last updated: May 8th, 2009
Excel Worksheet Protection Remover

Excel Worksheet Protection Remover

Excel Worksheet Protection Remover is a neat tool designed to unlock a password protected Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 worksheet if you have forgotten the password. It is very easy to use and intuitive: just select the desired protected Excel file and click the "Remove Protection" button.