Jasmin 3d color changer in Title/Summary

JaSMiN 3D Color Changer
The 3D color changer 4 is very useful and powerful software for users who have become tired of watching the regular default look of their Windows operating system. The 3D Color Changer software provides the user a power and capability to alter and customize the User Interface of Windows easily and quickly.
- Publisher: JaSMiN Co.
- Home page: 3dcc.jote.eu
- Last updated: February 4th, 2013

Windows© 7 Color Changer
Windows 7 Color Changer can assign an unique color for each of your wallpaper. It also can rotate wallpapers just as default theme manager do. Simply you can create as many themes as you whant and change them automatically at a certain time period. If you like your desktop dynamic and ever changing this small application will help you do just that without much truble.
- Publisher: keller
- Last updated: June 19th, 2011

GiMeSpace Win8.x Color Changer
Windows 8 and 8.1 has only one option to change your colors. All colors in your template are calculated from this one color. This free program is developed to bring a bit more color variation back to the programs that are running in the Windows desktop.
- Publisher: GiMeSpace
- Home page: www.gimespace.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Jasmin 3d color changer in Description

Folder Colorizer 2
Folder Colorizer 2 introduces a color-changer option in the Context Menu which allows you to simply right click on a folder to change its color.
- Publisher: Softorino
- Home page: softorino.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Folder Colorizer Pro
Folder Colorizer 2 introduces a color-changer option in the Context Menu which allows you to simply right click on a folder to change its color.
- Publisher: Softorino
- Home page: softorino.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

QA-CAD 12 is an essential tool in the engineering design process. If you are still plotting drawings and adding numbered stamps and revisions by hand, then QA-CAD 12 is for you! Save your valuable time and resources with our QA stamping software that overlays drawings with auto-numbered stamps and markup notes and corrections (text, sketches, boxes, lines and arrows).
- Publisher: Guthrie CAD/GIS Software Pty Ltd
- Last updated: June 26th, 2014

Changer XP
Changer XP will enable you to put your favorite images and pictures as your boot screen IE skin and desktop wallpaper. You can organize the programs of your screen saver and run them in the order that you wish. Whenever you boot up, a very unique special windows is just clicks away.
- Publisher: Nihuo Software
- Home page: www.nihuo.com
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008

CoreDownload Free Wallpaper Changer
CoreDownload Free Wallpaper Changer is a free wallpaper changer and sequencer that will allow you to customize your desktop with a few clicks. You can make a play list with your favorite pictures and play it all day long.
- Publisher: CoreDownload
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Jasmin 3d color changer selection

FolderHighlight is a simple and effective tool that lets you customize the icons of your directories by changing their colors. So if you're rather tired of the ubiquitous yellow folders available in all editions of Windows, you can give this tool a try and change their colors as you like. This will also help easier distinguish among folders, as now you can assign different colors to any of them.
- Publisher: eRiverSoft
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Wallpaper Changer
Wallpaper Changer is a FREEWARE Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP wallpaper manager that can change your background images on every startup, once a day or at regular intervals. It features JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP support. Several options are provided, including the ability to change your images in random order.
- Publisher: Frank Pleitz
- Home page: www.aivsoft.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009

BioniX Wallpaper Changer
BioniX Wallpaper Changer can get hundreds of background images from the Internet and switch your desktop wallpaper at specified intervals. Using this program, you can easily create thematic playlists, filter unwanted images, sort wallpapers by file size/resolution/name/rating, rename or delete wallpapers directly from playlist, edit wallpapers, etc.
- Publisher: Bionix Wallpaper
- Last updated: November 7th, 2018

Adolix Wallpaper Changer
Adolix WallPaper Changer is a simple free application that lets you use images in your hard drive as wallpapers. It supports formats that include JPG, GIF, PNG, and BMP. It presents a control panel to customize your desktop wallpaper, a screen capture tool, and more.
- Publisher: Adolix
- Home page: www.adolix.com
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

12noon Display Changer
Display Changer changes the display resolution, runs a program, then restores the original settings. It can also change the resolution permanently and rearrange the monitors in a multiple-monitor setup. This is useful for games and home theater computers.
- Publisher: 12noon
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2008

Folder Changer
You can change the folder icons easily using this program. A simple drag-and drop to the required picture of the folder is enough. The program can create icons from the photos you specify. Since you can change the folder icons using Windows Explorer itself, buying the program is unnecessary, unless you find it difficult to convert a photo to icon.
- Publisher: Folder Changer
- Home page: www.folderchanger.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Active Wallpaper Changer
Active Wallpaper Changer is a handy application that allows you to automatically change your wallpaper. The program offers a great deal of customization options and allows you to select exactly the images you want to include as wallpaper, selecting the style (center, tile, stretch, etc.) and background color.
- Publisher: ABF software, Inc.
- Home page: www.multiwallpaper.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Folder Background Changer
Folder Background Changer is a handy, easy to use tool designed to enable you to change the explorer / folder backgrounds. Folder Background Changer, you can also change the color of the text and show shadows under the text to help make your file and sub-folder names stand out! You can even apply the same background to all the sub-folders!
- Publisher: PC4Viet.com
- Last updated: April 4th, 2010

Viscom Store Voice Changer
Viscom Store Voice Changer is a free tool that allows you to capture audio from microphones or other audio devices and changes the voice to old man or child. The result is saved to WAV, WMA, or MP3 audio file. Features: - Supports changing the pitch in real time. - Supports setting the waveform color. - Supports adjusting the bitrate of MP3 file. - Supports adjusting the WMA profile.
- Publisher: Viscom Software
- Last updated: April 18th, 2014

Color Desker
Color Desker is a simple application that includes hundreds of wallpapers to choose from. The included images look gorgeous and you will find landscapes, monuments, and other attractions from all over the world. The program allows you to schedule when you wish to change your wallpaper: every hour, every 15 minutes, every 10 minutes or every 5 minutes, and you can also set it to change it manually.
- Publisher: Color Desker
- Home page: colordesker.com
- Last updated: February 20th, 2012