Java based animated wallpapers in Title/Summary

jscicalc2 - Java Scientific Calculator - A java-based scientific calculator
This is a simple scientific calculator programmed in Java. You can use it to calculate trigonometric and inverse-trigonometric values, permutations & combinations, logarithms & exponents, and many other functions. It is also capable of working with complex numbers, and Binary, Hexadecimal and Octal numbers.
- Publisher: John D Lamb
- Last updated: July 23rd, 2015

Animated Wallpaper Maker
Animated Wallpaper Maker could not have a more descriptive name. As you could have guessed, this tool is intended to make your computer desktop livelier by using an animated wallpaper. The program certainly has a lot of features that require some time to explore; however, it will not be long until you are creating your own wallpaper.
- Publisher: DesktopPaints LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Java Device Manager
Java Device Manager is a Java based network management program that visualizes the network topology map and equipment. Java Device Manager makes complex configurations very easy by allowing the user to point and click to change one or many configuration parameters that otherwise requires many command line entries.
- Publisher: Avaya Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012
Java based animated wallpapers in Description

Animated Wallpaper - Snowy Desktop 3D
This animated wallpaper and screensaver combo lets you have a winter image in your desktop regardless of the actual season of the year. It shows snowflakes falling from above and covering your desktop's wallpaper. If you use the screensaver function, you can choose among 10 different background images over which the animated effect will show.
- Publisher: PUSH Entertainment
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 30th, 2017

Clown Loach Aquarium
The Clown Loach Aquarium animated wallpapers and screen savers features a couple different species of Clown Loach like the Yoyo Loach, Zebra Loach, leopard Loach together with Red Tail Shark and Rain Bow Shark.
- Publisher: MAC N PC Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2016

Blue Face Angels Wallpaper
The Blue Face Angels animated wallpapers and screen savers features mostly of Blue face Angels including Queen Angel, Moorish Idol, Regal Tang, Black Clown, Orange Clown, Green Clown, Pink Clown in crystal clear water under the tropical ocean
- Publisher: MAC N PC Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2016

Arowana Deluxe Aquarium
Arowana Deluxe Aquarium animated wallpapers and screen savers features different species of Arowana fish and also known as (Dragon fish).
- Publisher: MAC N PC Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 5th, 2016

Dory N Friends Wallpaper
Dory and Friends wallpaper features Regal Blue Tang (Dory), Yelow Tang, Purple Tang, Moorish Idol (Gill), Black
- Publisher: MAC N PC Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2016
Additional Java based animated wallpapers selection

JavaFX provides a powerful Java-based UI platform capable of handling large-scale data-driven business applications. With JavaFX, developers can preserve existing investments by reusing Java libraries in their applications. JavaFX provides a rich set of UI controls, graphics and media API with high-performance hardware-accelerated graphics and media engines.
- Publisher: Oracle
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 4th, 2013

Java 3D
Java 3D 1.5 is used to create and manipulate high quality 3-Dimensional graphics and geometry for applications and applets based on Java technology. This rich, platform-independent and scalable graphics can be incorporated within Java based applications and applets. It runs on JDK v1.5 and higher and is also supported by other operating environments like; Windows, Linux, Solaris and MacOS X.
- Publisher: Oracle
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Surfer is a powerful 3D modeling tool that embeds various features and which can be used in extensive fields, from bathymetric modeling, surface analysis, contour mapping, to 3D surface mapping or terrain modeling. This utility provides the tools to visualize all types of data and comes with a wide variety of maps customizations.
- Publisher: Golden Software, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

DP Animation Maker
DP Animation Maker can help you design your own animated wallpapers, screensavers, and banners. The program has a straightforward interface so it is unlikely you have any difficulty to use it even if it is your first time. Yet, if you want to exploit all its features, it is a good idea to consult its online help documentation. Moreover, it is great that it comes with various examples.
- Publisher: DesktopPaints
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

thinkDesktop is the premiere, feature-rich, downloadable software platform. This is the one you've probably heard about. The one that made everyone thinkorswim. Live, streaming CNBC plus. It's instant replay for the financial markets - except better and Forex (FX) currency trading
- Publisher: TD AMERITRADE IP Company, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 14th, 2008

DeskScapes allows you to animate and customize the wallpaper on your Windows desktop. It comes with a huge library of images and animations that can be applied to your desktop. You can also add your own images and video clips to this list. Using a simple slider DeskScapes helps you apply new colors to backgrounds.
- Publisher: Stardock Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

EarthView is a dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver, which displays views of the earth with daylight and night shadows. It produces high resolution images for every screen resolution - even beyond 3840x2160. This program supports map and globe views, urban areas, city lights, atmospheric effects, clouds, weather information, and local time display.
- Publisher: DeskSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

UOffice is an open-source, Java-ased alternative to MS Office suite. Being an independent project, currently only Techdigm calc is available. This is the equivalent of MS Excel and has pretty much of the same functions of its Microsoft parent program.
- Publisher: TCT
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008
- Publisher: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Last updated: July 12th, 2012

Protege is a free, open-source platform that provides a growing user community with a suite of tools to construct domain models and knowledge-based applications with ontologies. At its core, Protege implements a rich set of knowledge-modeling structures and actions that support the creation, visualization, and manipulation of ontologies in various representation formats.
- Publisher: Stanford Medical Informatics
- Last updated: November 10th, 2011