Java happy cube solver in Title/Summary

Happy Cube Solver
Happy Cube Solver is an interactive environment based on OpenGL for designing and building cubes and formations from the Happy Cube 3D puzzles. It integrates a graphic engine for creating and viewing formations and a powerful AI engine for solving them.
- Publisher: Shy Shalom
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Arcus - Rubik's Cube Simulator
Arcus is a Rubik's Cube Simulator written in Java. Arcus (which is a standalone Java application) has an applet version called Arcus Applet, that can be embedded in a HTML page providing a nice view port of a Rubik's Cube. It provide 3D display of the cube, including animated rotations and layer turns.
- Publisher: Peter Szilagyi
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

Gabbasoft Cube Demo
Gabbasoft Cube Demo 0.03.0007 Alpha is a 3D Rubik´s Cube puzzle game. In Gabbasoft Cube Demo you will play with a Rubik´s Cube, twisting a cube slice by left clicking over the cube and moving to the desired direction. You can move the whole cube by holding the right mouse button. You can also zoom in or out, using the cursor movement keys.
- Publisher: GabbaSoft, Inc.
- Last updated: March 24th, 2010
Java happy cube solver in Description

Anfy Java
Anfy Java is a tool that delivers 52 applets for web pages, blogs, or screensaver. This tool contains: cube menu, morph menu, tree menu, wheel menu, flozoids, IFS fractals, fireworks, hue rotator, lake, lens, snow, water, ZoomRotator, Galaxy, tmap cube 3d, tunnel 3d, book flip, CrossFade banner, mosaic banner, Anfy chat, Anfy cam, Anfy paint, fire, flag, text scroller, etc.
- Publisher: Anfy Team
- Last updated: April 10th, 2012

3D Virtual Cube
This free program is an animated 3D version of Rubik's cube. You can turn the cube and spin the cube's slices using the mouse. Also, you can customize the program by changing the colors of the cube's faces. Also, it includes three variations of traditional Rubik's cube, namely OddzOn, Arxon and Bicolor. A must for Rubik's cube fans.
- Publisher: NIERSOFT
- Last updated: April 4th, 2008

Universal tool for small and medium business network. It automatically turnes selected server into a router/internet gateway with a set of over 80 functions, including Unified Threat Management, VoIP PBX, email, antivirus, antispam and more.
- Publisher: A-Real Consulting
- Last updated: July 12th, 2018

kiki the nanobot
Kiki the nanobot is a 3D puzzle game that combines Sokoban with Kula World. The action occurs within a sort of 3D cube called the Nano world, where you control kiki, a small android which has to perform a series of tasks in order to save its world from destruction.
- Publisher: monsterkodi
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

3Doku is an innovative Sudoku game for Windows computers. It is still a Sudoku game, in which you have to solve a mathematical puzzle on a sheet with 9 by 9 grid so that you use each number from 1 to 10 only one time in each row, column, and smaller grid. 3Doku, however, brings this to a new level by rendering several Sudoku puzzles in a cube in three dimensions.
- Publisher: Simone Tellini, Francesco Mariani
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 24th, 2008
Additional Java happy cube solver selection

Virtual Rubix Cube
This is a simple virtual rubix cube game, programmed to help novice cubers solve their first cube - it has hints and an in-game tutorial. The application is programmed with Visual Studio and Microsoft XNA Game Studio. You can save and load the position of cubes, get hints on next step, etc.
- Publisher: deathgorepain
- Last updated: August 13th, 2014

Calculus Problem Solver
Solve any calculus differentiation problem with this calculus tutorial software. Calculus differentiation and calculus tutorialCalculus Problem Solver can solve differentiation of any arbitrary equation and output the result. It can provide detailed step-by-step solutions to given differentiation problems in a tutorial-like format. On top of these, it can also initiate an interactive quiz in which you can solve differentiation while the computer corrects your solutions. This software is useful for beginner calculus students and can be used to learn differentiation and even practice differentiation by using the interactive quiz. Key Features Differentiation of input equations that can be solved by the following rules: Constant Rule: d(C) = 0 Sum Rule: d(E1+E2)=d(E1)+d(E2) Factor Rule: C*d(X) Multiplication Rule: d(E1*E2)=d(E1)*E2+E1*d(E2) Division Rule: d(E1/E2)=(d(E1)*E2-E1*d(E2))/(E2^2) Power Rule: d(X^N)=N*X^(N-1)*d(X) Exponential Rule: d(C^X)=ln(C)*C^X*d(X) Sin Rule: d(sinX)=cosX*d(X) Cos Rule: d(cosX)=-sinX*d(X) Tan Rule: 1/((cosX)^2)*d(X) Arcsin Rule: d(arcsinX)=1/((1-X^2)^0.5)*d(X) Arctan Rule: d(arctanX)=1/(1+X^2)*d(X): Chain Rule Detailed step-by-step solution by using the above formulas; Interactive Quiz with multiple choice and fill-in-blank questions; Save Solutions in Text Format; Print Solutions; Multiplatform (works on any machine that can handle Java Virtual Machine);
- Publisher: Runiter
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 7th, 2008

Java SE Development Kit is an environment designed for building applications, applets and components using the Java programming language. The program provides you useful tools for developing and testing programs written in the Java programming language and running on the Java platform.
- Publisher: Oracle
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 31st, 2017

Happy Cloud Client
Happy Cloud is a seamless and scalable data streaming solution for latency free on demand gaming. Happy Cloud's solution does not require source code integration. Using proprietary algorithms coupled with a bit of performance tuning, Happy Cloud generates a highly efficient and reliable game build fit for lightning speed game play.
- Publisher: Happy Cloud, Inc.
- Last updated: December 6th, 2015

Java 3D
Java 3D 1.5 is used to create and manipulate high quality 3-Dimensional graphics and geometry for applications and applets based on Java technology. This rich, platform-independent and scalable graphics can be incorporated within Java based applications and applets. It runs on JDK v1.5 and higher and is also supported by other operating environments like; Windows, Linux, Solaris and MacOS X.
- Publisher: Oracle
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

DJ Java Decompiler
DJ Java Decompiler v3.9.9.91 is a disassembler and graphical decompiler for Java which is responsible for reconstructing the original source code from the already compiler binary CLASS files that is Java Applets. Besides, it is a fully featured Java editor that uses graphic user interface with syntax coloring. But you do not need to have Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or other Java SDK pre-installed.
- Publisher: Atanas Neshkov
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 20th, 2016

The user must configure each required embedded software thanks to a pinout-conflict solver, a clock-tree setting helper, a power-consumption calculator, and an utility performing MCU peripheral configuration (GPIO, USART, ..) and middleware stacks (USB, TCP/IP, ...).
- Publisher: STMicroelectronics
- Last updated: December 16th, 2017

WordCube Challenge and Solver
WordCube is a Windows program similar to Boggle® and TangleWord. It is an enjoyable solitaire (or group vs. computer) game, and is also useful for finding all the possible solutions to a game board generated elsewhere. WordCube is designed for serious word gamers. It’s greatest strength is in its dictionaries.
- Publisher: Mark Congdon
- Last updated: May 17th, 2008

Math Solver II
MathSolver II is an extremely useful, lightweight, powerful and easy-to-use application. As obvious as it may sound, MathSolver is a specific tool to get the solution of mathematical expressions of any kind. One great advantage of this program over other options alike is that this one keeps things as simple as they can be.
- Publisher: Jan Ivar Goli
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Java Launcher
Java Launcher is one of our advanced programming tools with many unique features. Java Launcher is a powerful Java tool and an easy-to-use software, which contains nine features totally:-Six launching features accessed in windows explorer -Two creating features -And Java Help System
- Publisher: SyncEdit
- Last updated: March 21st, 2008