Java phone myanmar keyboard using in Title/Summary

Ayar Myanmar Unicode Keyboard with Fonts
Ayar IME is special build for Ayar Unicode based on KeyMagic Project. With Ayar Myanmar Unicode you can sort the Ayar Myanmar Unicode letters systematically, search the Ayar Myanmar Unicode letter systematically, type faster, type phares easily with shortcuts and much more.
- Publisher: Ayar Myanmar Unicode Group
- Last updated: January 20th, 2014

KTBs English Myanmar Typing Tutor
Typing Tutor is a highly customizable typing program for computer beginners or students. It provides the best practice lessons and user interfaces for all typing learners. Each lesson begins with a typing tip or piece of trivia from the history of typing. It includes many features especially multi user, help & guidence, 3 multimedia based trainings and knowledgable typing lessons.
- Publisher: Mountmandalay
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

Bluetooth Mouse - Keyboard
This service represents a freeware program that will allow your phone device to control your PC mouse and keyboard. You will install the program on the Windows target machine and it requires the previous installation of the .Net framework 4.5. After you have succesfully installed Windows App, pair your Windows Phone Device with your Windows System (desktop, laptop or tablet).
- Publisher: LDIT Ssolutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 26th, 2015
Java phone myanmar keyboard using in Description

Infinimote lets you control your Windows PC using your smartphone. It lest you control the mouse, applications, and keyboard. You can write text on your computer with your phone's keyboard; support for emoji’s and special language characters are present.
- Publisher: Infinimote
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 31st, 2017

SanMyanmar allows you to type Myanmar characters in Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Coreldraw, Google Talk, Skype and mush more. With SanMyanmar you can sort the Myanmar letters systematically, search the Myanmar letter systematically, type Myanmar faster, type Myanmar phares easily with shortcuts and much more.
- Publisher: SanMyanmar
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2010

Ekaya uses Windows Advanced Text Services Framework to provide a Smart Input method (keyboard) suitable for typing languages using Complex Scripts such as Myanmar (Burmese). This means that it can do context sensitive reordering and substitution of characters as you type.
- Publisher: ThanLwinSoft
- Last updated: April 13th, 2011

MB Free Burmese Astrology
MB Free Burmese Astrology is an excellent sun sigh interpretation software. The program is advanced yet handy that lets you determine your Burmese Zodiac Sign based on your date of birth.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2008

Myanmar3 is a new Unicode 5.1 font that is used in Myanmar3 Office and it is released by Myanmar Unicode and NLP Research Center, a non-profit organization by Myanmar Computer Federation. Download and install the font inside FONTS folder which resides in Windows directory.
- Publisher: nwehtarkhin22
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2012
Additional Java phone myanmar keyboard using selection

BlackBerry JDE
BlackBerry JDE is a Java application development tool for BlackBerry mobile phones. This program is no longer under active development. If you are new to BlackBerry Java development it is recommended that you use the BlackBerry Plug-in for Eclipse. Applications built using the BlackBerry JDE are forward-compatible with newer BlackBerry Java OS versions.
- Publisher: Research In Motion
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 1st, 2011

WAP Upload
WAP Upload software helps people whose mobile phones do not have IrDA, cable, or Bluetooth interfaces to make their phones special. It allows you to upload games, music, MIDI, MP3, graphics, video and themes to the phone via WAP.
- Publisher: AGG Software
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2008

Softick jApploaderSE
Softick jApploader SE allow you to upload Java applications and games (J2ME) to your Samsung phone using USB data cable. This wizard-styled application will guide you through this previously tricky process, giving you detailed instructions and automates establishing network and usb connections, making JAD files and so on.
- Publisher: Softick software
- Last updated: June 10th, 2009

Polyphonic Wizard
The Wizard is a software program for your PC that allows you to add a ringtone, picture (wallpaper) or Java Midlets (game) to your phone without any additional cables or sms services.
- Publisher: The Coding Workshop Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 10th, 2008

Quickly make quizzes for the web, worksheets, for phones, iPod iQuiz, palms, and pcs.Write a quiz and have the results sent through SMS to your phone. Write a quiz and have the results sent by email to your email account.
- Publisher: Mindwarrior

mobileFX Studio
mobileFX Studio is an Integrated Development Environment and a powerful Rapid Prototyping Tool for developing native mobile applications and 2D Games for Java MIDP/CLDC mobile phones, and WebKit HTML5/CSS3 On Device Portals for iPhone and Android devices.
- Publisher: mobileFX
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 5th, 2013

Phone Screen Sharing
Phone Screen Sharing is a free program that allows you to share your Android phone screen on your desktop computer. You can write a word document on the PC, get a text message, jump to the phone screen (on your computer), view and reply to the text message using you computer keyboard and mouse.
- Publisher: RSupport
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 4th, 2013

Hot Keyboard Pro
Using Hot Keyboard, you can record or play keystrokes, mouse actions; launch applications; paste text; open documents and create other types of macros. Execute macros by hot keys, text shorcuts, scheduler, window popups and system startup.
- Publisher: Imposant
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022

Phone Remote Control
Phone Remote Control is a true universal remote control. It allows the user to modify the current behaviour as well as add support for new applications. You can add support by writing Java or VB scripts, defining key maps and file actions. With key maps the user can very easy and fast define application actions and link them to any buttons on the mobile phone.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: June 7th, 2009

RDM+ (Remote Desktop for Mobiles) allows you to access remotely your desktop or laptop computer from Java powered phones and Symbian mobiles. You can send and receive emails, surf web, edit documents in word processor, copy, cut, paste files or folders, and do hundreds other things that you typically do sitting in front of your home or office computer.
- Publisher: SHAPE Services
- Last updated: June 29th, 2012