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Java program to create timesheet in Title/Summary

Label Program

Label Program

The Cataloging Label Program lets users of OCLC cataloging products easily print labels for library materials.The free Windows software manages the creation, display, editing and printing of pocket and spine cataloging labels.The Cataloging Label Program integrates seamlessly with displayed bibliographic records in OCLC Connexion browser and CatExpress.

  • Publisher: Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2010
Esti-mate Program

Esti-mate Program

Esti-mate is an estimating and post-contract software designed for the Construction Industry. The program includes facilities for estimating, quotations, bill of quantities, materials inquiries, subcontractor inquiries and comparisons, post-contract valuations and job costing.

  • Publisher: Estimate Software Ltd
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2017
Excel Timesheet Template Software

Excel Timesheet Template Software

Excel Timesheet Template Software is a program that will create an Excel time sheet for employees, with the number of shits that a given employee will work in a day, the desired time period, the Company Name, Address (2 fields),City, State, Zip Code, Employee Name, Manager Name, Week Starting and Ending, and boxes for the Employee and Manager signatures.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2008

Java program to create timesheet in Description



Jar2Exe is a tool to wrap jar files into binary files for Windows, Linux and Mac. It supports 32 bits and 64 bits, generates 3 types of exe files(console, windows and service), class files protection, wrap depended jar files into a single exe file.

  • Publisher: RegExLab.com
  • Home page: RegExLab.com
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023


JBook is a Java-based free ebook reader specially made for reading books distributed by Project Gutenberg. Using this program on Linux, Mac or PC, the users will be able to retrieve, read and bookmark electronic books, not only the ones from the Project Gutenberg, but from other sources, too.

  • Publisher: Andy Oliver
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2011
MiG Calendar

MiG Calendar

MiG Calendar is a Swing-based Java Calendar application that can be used in any Java program. The application has a very good interface. It can be customized in IDE such as NetBeans or Eclipse. The Getting Started documents and API JavaDocs will make development easy.

  • Publisher: MiG InfoCom AB
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2013


JSudokuCreator is a Java program for creating and solving Sudoku's. With JSudokuCreator you can create, solve and printout Sudoku's. The game can also save Sudoku's in files an load them from different files. This game works perfectly on Windows XP and Windows Vista.

  • Publisher: SourceForge.net
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2009


Crystal Installer is a free, easy to use and handy Java program ( based on InstallGuru ), that was made to help you deploy your software. It creates an executable jar file. This installer can run on any operating system with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

  • Publisher: Bogdan Stanca
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2008

Additional Java program to create timesheet selection



A free Java Development Environment designed for beginners, used by millions worldwide. BlueJ is a development environment that allows you to develop Java programs quickly and easily. BlueJ has a deliberately smaller and simpler interface than professional environments like NetBeans or Eclipse. This allows beginners to get started more quickly, and without being overwhelmed.

  • Publisher: BlueJ
  • Home page: www.bluej.org
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2024
EAGLE by CadSoft Computer GmbH

EAGLE by CadSoft Computer GmbH

EAGLE is a PCB design software with a schematic editor. It lets you draw the circuit schematic and shift to PCB design easily; real-time design synchronization between both makes it easy to incorporate changes. With its Routing Engine, you can draw complex board layouts quickly.

  • Publisher: CadSoft Computer GmbH
  • Home page: www.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2022


Greenfoot teaches object orientation with Java. Create 'actors' which live in 'worlds' to build games, simulations, and other graphical programs. The actors are programmed in standard textual Java code, providing a combination of programming experience in a traditional text-based language with visual execution.

  • Publisher: University of Kent
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2016
HTML Executable

HTML Executable

HTML Executable can help you distribute websites as e-books. The tool supports generating three types of publications. If you are a proficient user, you can take advantage of the program's advanced features. These include customizing the publication's splash screen, the table of contents and the search engine.

  • Publisher: G.D.G. Software
  • Home page: www.htmlexe.com
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020


JCreator is a powerful IDE for Java. It allows building both web-based and Applet Java applications in an easy and effective manner as it comes packed with a lot of handy features and functions. JCreator is truly comprehensive and doesn’t lack any basic feature or editing functionality.

  • Publisher: Xinox Software
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2018
PDF reDirect

PDF reDirect

PDF reDirect installs on your system as a virtual printer and lets you create PDF documents from any printable file. As long as you will be able to print a file, you will also be able to convert it to a PDF document, only by using this application. The average users that only want to quickly convert certain files to PDF documents will surely appreciate its simplicity.

Bolt PDF Printer

Bolt PDF Printer

Bolt PDF Printer can convert any type of printable document into PDF. As other programs of the same type, it works by creating a virtual printer, which can be accessed through the Print command of any other application. Its main interface is very simple; after all, all it does is to let you change the default output folder, set Bolt as the default printer and uninstall its driver.



jAlbum creates photo album websites from your images and videos. Simply drag and drop photos onto jAlbum and press "Make"; your website will be created with built-in animations. This program comes with hundreds of website templates to build your pages quickly.

  • Publisher: JAlbum
  • Home page: www.jalbum.net
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


Mind maps are a great tool for creating plans, flowcharts, processes, and organize various types of information in a visual manner. This program allows you to create mind maps easily. It has a colorful and intuitive interface which makes it easier to create exactly the type of mind map you need.

  • Publisher: ThinkBuzan
  • Last updated: July 9th, 2018
Thinix WiFi Hotspot

Thinix WiFi Hotspot

Thinix WiFi Hotspot allows you to share your Internet connection. In this regard, the tool can create a virtual access point that can substitute expensive network hardware. This way, you can easily link various types of devices, including PCs, laptops, smartphones and tablets, which makes it ideal for home use.

  • Publisher: Thinix
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2017