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Java viewer analyze signals ecg in Title/Summary

Dependency Viewer

Dependency Viewer

Dependency Viewer analyze your program and find out exactly what files it needs to run. Search and download missing OCX or DLL files required.It is ideal for programmers who need to know which files to distribute with their software. It allows file type filtering when searching for dependencies.

  • Publisher: Fox Programming Solutions
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2008
ECG Viewer

ECG Viewer

A Matlab GUI for reviewing, processing, and annotating electrocardiogram (ECG) data files. A new and useful software that you can ge tit for free on your computers.ECG Viewer offers an annotation database, ECG filtering, beat detection using template matching, and inter-beat interval (IBI or RR) filtering. An easy to use software for all users.

  • Publisher: by jramshur
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2012
World Wind Java KML Viewer

World Wind Java KML Viewer

KML Layer and Viewer software written in java for for World Wind. This project has two main pieces: - A Layer that can be used in World Wind Java to display KML files. - An application built on WWJ and the KML layer to view KML files (similar to Google Earth but open source and with open data).

  • Publisher: tgleason
  • Home page: code.google.com
  • Last updated: September 19th, 2012

Java viewer analyze signals ecg in Description

TightVNC Viewer

TightVNC Viewer

TightVNC Java Viewer is a program able to view and control TightVNC and VNC servers. It can be used either as a standalone program, or as an applet embedded in a Web page. Like a normal VNC viewer, it shows the remote desktop and allows to operate with your local mouse and keyboard as if they were directly connected to the remote computer.

  • Publisher: Constantin Kaplinsky
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2018
Acute Logic Analyzer

Acute Logic Analyzer

Acute Logic Analyzer is a program designed to analyze signals. Logic Analyzer will check over the sample rate/sample interval and will trigger its position in the first ten columns. All channels can be used equally and in any combination for triggering purposes. In addition to triggering based on logic levels, the edges or signal patterns can also be used as triggers.

  • Publisher: Acute Technology Inc.
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2016
ADG Aspect

ADG Aspect

ADG Aspect 3D is a program, which lets you from a series of photos quickly and easily generate, edit & publish 3D photo compositions on the Web. ADG 3D can be viewed through ADG Java Viewer that eliminates any plug-in installation and gives a platform independent use on the Internet.



EDFbrowser is an open source, multiplatform, universal viewer and toolbox intended for, but not limited to, timeseries storage files like EEG, EMG, ECG, BioImpedance, etc. Main features: - Supported fileformats: EDF, EDF+, BDF, BDF+. - Nihon Kohden (*.eeg) to EDF+ converter (including annotations). - Unisens to EDF+ converter. - Manscan Microamps (*.mbi/*.mb2) to EDF+ converter.

  • Publisher: Teunis van Beelen
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Easy Arrhythmia

Easy Arrhythmia

More than 30 arrhythmias.Two-dimensional animations of the heart's electrical activity. Real ECG signals extracted from the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database.User-friendly graphical interface that mimics an ECG device.Beat-to-beat display of heart rate and ECG intervals.

  • Publisher: EZCardio Software
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2010

Additional Java viewer analyze signals ecg selection

3D-Tool FreeViewer

3D-Tool FreeViewer

3D-Tool FreeViewer is a free STL and DDD viewer for Windows users. The program includes professional measuring and analysis tools for distance, angle, and radius; volume, surface, and weight; cross section and explode; draft and undercut, and wall thickness.

  • Publisher: 3D-Tool GmbH & Co. KG
  • Home page: www.3d-tool.com
  • Last updated: February 23rd, 2017
Christine-GIS Viewer

Christine-GIS Viewer

Christine-GIS Viewer is a nice and easy to use desktop geographic information system (GIS) software. With this program, you have the possibility to visualize, explore, query and analyze geospatial file formats like ESRI shapefile, tif, jpg, bmp, and dbf (data source catalog).

  • Publisher: Josef Genserek
  • Last updated: July 19th, 2012
Imagix 4D

Imagix 4D

Imagix 4D helps software developers comprehend complex or legacy C, C++ and Java source code. By using Imagix 4D to reverse engineer and analyze your code, you're able to speed your development, enhancement, reuse, and testing. It lets you eliminate bugs due to faulty understanding; get new hires on board faster, spend time engineering, not reading through code.

  • Publisher: Imagix Corporation
  • Home page: www.imagix.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023
GNSS Toolbox

GNSS Toolbox

GNSS Toolbox is a program designed to work with the following devices: - MobileMapper 10 - MobileMapper 100 - ProMark 100 - ProMark 200 You can copy the GNSSToolBox CAB file from your PC to the receiver, using USB the Active Sync connection. It provides features that allow you to capture and analyze GNSS signals.

  • Publisher: Ashtech
  • Last updated: January 28th, 2015


OSRAM DALI Wizard is a program designed for the setup, analysis and diagnostics of DALI ECG installations. The program features: reading/changing all DALI settings or specific parameters (filtering function), offline/online configuration of the DALI installation.

  • Publisher: OSRAM GmbH
  • Home page: www.osram.com
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2015


Jmol is a Java based application and an applet for displaying 3D chemical information. Features include reading a variety of file types, including PyMOL session files and output from quantum chemistry programs, file writing (including JPG, PNG, PNGJ (PNG+ZIP), and ZIP formats), and animation of multi-frame files and computed normal modes from quantum programs, surfaces, translucency and more.

  • Publisher: An OpenScience project
  • Home page: jmol.sourceforge.net
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2019
Analog Arts Instruments

Analog Arts Instruments

Analog Arts Blackboard software is a powerful and user-friendly signal analysis tool. Its features satisfy a wide range of applications, from a novice to a professional. It includes the following instruments: oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, freq/phase meter, data recorder, arbitrary generator, logic analyzer, pattern generator, and more.

  • Publisher: Analog Arts
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2017


The OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language. It has been developed in order to promote the use of JPEG 2000, the new still-image compression standard from the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG). OpenJPEG is an open-source project, so contributions, feedback or advices are welcome.

  • Publisher: OpenJPEG
  • Last updated: September 23rd, 2008
Virtins Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer

Virtins Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer

Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer can turn your PC into a multi-function test and measurement instrument by using its built-in sound card as the ADC and DAC. It can be used to analyze amplitude spectrum, power spectrum, real time, octave, phase spectrum, correlation, frequency response measurement, distortion, noise, harmonics, etc. Additional sensors, transducers, ADC and DAC hardware, computers, etc.

  • Publisher: Virtins Technology
  • Home page: www.virtins.com
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2020
Agilent 89600 Vector Signal Analyzer

Agilent 89600 Vector Signal Analyzer

Agilent 89600 Vector Signal Analyzer is a device assistant tool for Windows OS. This software uses a feed-forward equalizer type, with a blind equalization training technique. This provides a universal equalizer setup that accommodates a wide range of signal types.

  • Publisher: Agilent Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2016