Java visual interface in Title/Summary

Open Visual Traceroute
Open Visual Traceroute is an open source cross-platform (Windows/Linux/Mac) Java Visual Traceroute and packet sniffer. The routes and packets are displayed in a 3D or a 2D map component. The application helps you copy and paste of the route to Clipboard and Gantt view of maps.
- Publisher: Leo Lewis
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2022

Super Simple Java Editor
This is a Super Simple Java Editor written entirely in Java. It allows you to compile and run java programs in an mdi interface with syntax highlighting and easy commenting. Currently in suspended development. Available as a jar and an msi. Grate interface.
- Publisher: ghostbust555
- Last updated: January 26th, 2012

Visual Browser
Visual Browser is a Java application that can visualise the data in RDF scheme. The main principle of the visualisation is that:- the triple (resource, resource, resource) is represented by two nodes connected by an edge - the triple (resource, resource, literal) is represented by a hint (small window appearing on mouse over the subject node)
- Publisher: Visual Browser
- Home page:
Java visual interface in Description

Active File Compare
Active File Compare is an advanced utility for the comparison and synchronization of any text files in visual mode. Use this tool to compare two versions of the same file or to correct the source code versions.
- Publisher: Formula Software, Inc.
- Last updated: July 16th, 2010

Easysoft JDBC-Access Gateway
The Easysoft JDBC-Access Gateway is a type 2 JDBC driver for MDB format Microsoft Access databases. The Easysoft JDBC-Access Gateway provides JDBC access from Java applications, application servers and servlets to MDB files. If you configure your Java security policy to allow the Easysoft JDBC-Access Gateway to load its native component, the driver can also be used with Java applets.
- Publisher: Easysoft Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 16th, 2016

MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004
There are 28 Tag Designers for almost every HTML tag, a Power Toolbar that contains almost all HTML tags, Built-In Image Browser / Viewer with GIF Optimize function and ability to convert images to WBMP image format which is used by WAP-compatible mobile phones, Built-In JavaScript Beauty Scripts, Built-In Support for HTML TIDY, Internal Preview using Internet Explorer and Mozilla and much more.
- Publisher: Marko Njezic / MAX Interactive corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

All in one SCADA software including visual interface, data acquisition, process supervision, storing, industrial automation applications development and advanced customizable reports for quality management.
- Publisher: LCDS
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 8th, 2016

Notepad2 is a code editor program and a replacement for Windows Notepad. It supports different programming languages, such as HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, Javascript, etc. and integrates rich text format with syntax highlighting (which is very useful to avoid mistakes in the coding process).
- Publisher: Florian Balmer
- Last updated: November 11th, 2011
Additional Java visual interface selection

Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser
The Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser is an Adobe AIR application that lets you preview and configure widgets using a visual interface. The Widget Browser solves the problem of having to work with confusing or obscure CSS and JavaScript by providing designers with a tool for editing widget properties to suit their needs.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: June 24th, 2020

ConTEXT is a powerful text editor to serve the needs of software developers and normal users. It has many features, which makes it better than other editors in its group. It is supported on Windows family operating systems. It supports many programming languages to serve the needs of programmers.
- Publisher: ConTEXT Project Ltd
- Last updated: August 4th, 2010

Stylus Studio
Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition is an advanced XML IDE. Stylus Studio 2006 adds powerful new features, again pushing the innovation envelope that helped establish Stylus Studio as the premier XML Editor.
- Publisher: Stylus Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 27th, 2012

Adobe Soundbooth CS3
Adobe® Soundbooth™ CS3 software lets you take command of your audio in film, video, and Adobe Flash® software projects. Use on-clip controls to make fast edits and intuitive, task-based tools to clean up recordings, polish voice-overs, customize music, modify sound effects, apply high-quality filters, and much more.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: January 15th, 2009

SeismoSignal constitutes an easy and efficient way to process strong-motion data, featuring a user-friendly visual interface and being capable of deriving a number of strong-motion parameters often required by engineer seismologists and earthquake engineers.
- Publisher: SeismoSoft Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2016

Music Mixer
Music Mixer is a powerful and versatile recording and mixing software for musicians with a variety of features. Recording a number of tracks from different instruments and then laying them down as a song with proper looping and adjustable tempos is simple enough with this software. A variety of effects which can be edited to the user’s taste facilitates a proper enriched sound.
- Publisher: CCLA Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 15th, 2008

VidSplitter is a useful tool for converting large video files into smaller fragments in various formats. It is supported by Windows Vista/XP/2000/2003 operating systems. A large video file in formats like AVI, mpeg, WMV, ASF can be easily cut and converted into various formats at high speeds. The size of the converted fragments can be customized.
- Publisher: GeoVid
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

EMCO MoveOnBoot
With EMCO MoveOnBoot you can resolve any problems with locked files and folders with no headache or difficulties. Every time, when you get error message when, for example, you try to delete locked file or folder, you can launch EMCO MoveOnBoot and drag locked resource to it or, alternatively, choose locked file or folder using file system picker.
- Publisher: EMCO Software
- Last updated: December 8th, 2015

Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer
Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer the most powerful authoring tool available. If you are looking at creating games, multimedia and applications, and require the most features at a competative price then this is the product to use. Using the same visual interface as TGF2 and MMF2, if you decide to upgrade from one of these products, you can dive straight in without any delay.
- Publisher: Clickteam
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022

With PersonalBrain you're never more than a few seconds away from any piece of digital information. Web pages, documents, images, notes... From people and projects to ideas and task lists, it's all there in an instant. Take control by visualizing all your open loops, tasks, and ideas in your PersonalBrain.
- Publisher: TheBrain Technologies Corp.
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012