Java webstart crud grid sql in Title/Summary

jPDFNotes WebStart Demo
jPDFNotes is a Java bean that integrates into your java application or can be deployed on the web in an applet or using java web start. With jPDFNotes you can display PDF documents and forms and you can allow your users to annotate the documents and fill the forms.
- Publisher: Qoppa Software, LLC

Hades applet permissions editor webstart
Unlike most traditional circuit simulators, Hades does not need separate edit-compile-simulate-analyze phases. Instead, it provides a fully interactive simulation environment: - you can edit your circuit while the simulation is running. - you can pause and continue, or stop and restart the simulation at any time.
- Publisher: Univ. Hamburg, Computer Science Dept.
- Home page:

jPDFImages WebStart Demo
jPDFImages is a Java library that exports images from PDF files and imports images into PDF files. With this program you can create images from pages in a PDF document and export them as JPEG, TIFF or PNG images. With this tool, you can also return the image of any page in the document to the host Java application as a Buffered Image for further processing or to save in different formats.
- Publisher: Qoppa Software, LLC
Java webstart crud grid sql in Description

GStreamer WinBuilds SDK (GPL)
Current work is focused on updating to the latest GStreamer releases and providing Java webstart packages. The latest release is available in the downloads section and once the Java packages are ready, a release will be made available for download. Harnessing GStreamer in your Java application in a cross-platform manner will become as easy as adding the line
- Publisher: OSSBuild
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 8th, 2012

Baud Rate Tool
This Java program calculates the SPBRG value for a given baud rate (Baudrate) and clock frequency. It comes with a graphical interface and a simple value interpretation guide. Easy to use, and also with a simple interface . A Java Webstart file (.jnlp) is provided.
- Publisher: mhohm
- Last updated: June 8th, 2012

iGeoDesktop is a modular and platform independent desktop GIS. It is implemented in Java and licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). iGeoDesktop may be used as stand-alone desktop application or in a network environment with multi-user support via Java WebStart. The application is highly configurable and customizable.
- Publisher: lat/lon GmbH.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 24th, 2011

GStreamer WinBuilds (GPL)
OSSBuild provides a build system that is compatible with the autotools and MS Visual Studio build environments. It is mainly to support GStreamer and its plugins for Windows (XP/Vista/7) and Linux environments. Current work is focused on updating to the latest GStreamer releases and providing Java webstart packages.
- Publisher: OSSBuild
- Last updated: May 15th, 2011

JNeta is a Java WebStart client that can easily run light server and client components like HTTP, FTP, DHCP servers and so on. It aims to be a complete extensible plaftorm on server and client side thanks to its plug-in architecture. It is a very easy to use application.
- Publisher: JNeta Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011
Additional Java webstart crud grid sql selection

SQL generator
Automatic SQL Generator is an easy to use, Java based application designed to help you create unique SQL strings. This tool basically will allow you to click, enter and export string. Features: -New Setup Tutorial -Smooth Interface -Advanced features, removed from basic interface
- Publisher: Tim Holmen Nielsen
- Last updated: April 12th, 2012

HyperImage Editor
The HyperImage Editor is a server-based software environment that enables authors, or a group of authors, to work on images in a common project before the project is exported from the Editor to be published. The Editor can be used as a Java webstart application regardless of the respective operating system used for the work.
- Publisher: hgkuper, jmloebel

PingWorld Demo
You must have Java 1.4.0 (or later) installed and Java WebStart 1.0 (or later) configured to run this demo. (Java WebStart is installed as part of Java 1.4 so a separate download is not required). For best results you currently also need a screen set to 1280x1024 resolution .
- Publisher: SLAC
- Home page:

jPCT - BlueThunder Demo
jPCT is a powerful solution for bringing 3D into the Java world. You want to write a browser based game that needs to run in a Java 1.1 compatible VM? No problem, jPCT offers a fast software renderer that is fully compatible with all Java 1.1 VMs like the "famous" Microsoft VM and even the old Netscape 4 VM.
- Publisher: jPCT
- Home page:

Red5 ScreenShare
Red5 ScreenShare is a Java Webstart application that can be run from a web site without installing any desktop software and will publish your desktop screen as an RTMP video stream to a Red5 server using a standalone RTMP client and the Screen Video Codec.
- Publisher: Dele Olajide
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 28th, 2012

SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical SQL client written in Java that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc. It is a nice and easy to install program. Try it now! You will never regreate.
- Publisher: Colin Bell, Gerd Wagner

MyDoggy - TutorialSet
Using this application you can learn how to use the api provided by MyDoggy. In every step, pay attention to the code in green that highlights the new code introduced in that step. The program is using the java webstart application and it provides a nice gui for watching the tutorials contained.
- Publisher: mydoggy
- Home page:

Elder Brain
Elder brain can now be played online via the permanent link to the right. There isn't a lot of gameplay yet, but you can at least give some of the features a try. After clicking some dialogs java webstart will start downloading the components you need. When asked to accept a certificate, do so. Afterwards Elder Brain pops up showing the menu. Click 'G' to awaken the brain and start playing!
- Publisher: mostlyoriginal

jalada Textual
Jalada Textual is a code editor program that enables to create and edit script files that are text based. It supports multiple programming languages, such as HTML, XML, PHP, Javascript, etc. It integrates a rich text format environment with syntax highlighting being very useful to keep away from mistakes in the coding process.
- Publisher: jalada GmbH
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

zApp is an programming environment for quickly developing user-customizeable and scriptable applications. Applications developed using zApp can be freely distributed without any royalty requirements. Any end user can run your binary application created by zApp. If a end user also had a developer's copy of zApp, they may customize your application to futher suit their needs.
- Publisher: Zugg Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 12th, 2016