Javier jamie s in Title/Summary

Vocalizer Javier from Claro Software
Vocalizer Javier is high-quality human-sounding Spanish/Mexican voice for ClaroRead program. ClaroRead is a text to speech application that has support for more than 30 lanaguages. It helps you to read, write, study, and increases your confidence. You can read any on-screen text out loud and improve your writing in Microsoft Word.
- Publisher: Claro Software
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2014

Jamie.B Audio - Delay VST
Jamie.B Audio - Delay VST is a simple delay effect with the key features you need for a smooth and elegant result. The program allows you to change the parameters for the Delay, Decay, Pre-Gain and Post-Gain in order to get the best sound quality for your music tracks.
- Publisher: Jamie.B Audio
- Last updated: March 20th, 2014

NextUp-ScanSoft Javier Mexican Spanish Voice
NextUp-ScanSoft Javier Mexican Spanish Voice is a voice addon for the TextAloud text to speech software. It is one of the most natural-sounding Text to Speech voice available, with spanish accent. Text to Speech software for the Windows PC converts your text from MS Word Documents, Emails, Web Pages and PDF Files into natural-sounding speech.
- Publisher: NextUp Technologies, LLC
- Home page: www.nextup.com
- Last updated: August 19th, 2008
Additional Javier jamie s selection

Desktop Restore
Desktop Restore is a Windows program that provides you with a quick solution for changing the arrangement of your desktop icons. The utility brings you easy-to-configure settings, immediately applies the needed changes, and uses minimum CPU resources while operating on your PC.
- Publisher: Jamie O'Connell
- Home page: www.midiox.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

FileOptimizer can perform lossless file-size reduction of various formats including photos, videos, songs, documents, archives, web pages, and databases. It compresses already compressed files further without changing the file format, and being totally compatible.
- Publisher: Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro
- Home page: nikkhokkho.sourceforge.io
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

USS Nimitz USS Eisenhower v2 FSX P3D
USS Nimitz & USS Eisenhower FSX & P3D is an add-on designed to work with the FSX and P3D simulators that brings you the warships aircraft carrier fleet. The add-on features steam effects on all catapults, sound for catapult launch and jet blast deflectors and additional catapult crew.
- Publisher: Javier Fernandez, Sylvain Parouty
- Home page: www.rikoooo.com
- Last updated: September 25th, 2014
- Publisher: Javier Polo
- Home page: www.clubrem.es
- Last updated: June 16th, 2010

Parametric Equalizer
Parametric Equalizer is a powerful, precise and fully parametric plugin equalizer with 10 available bands. The plugin allows you to change the frequencies of the parametric bands, ranging from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, in order to suit the music that you are listening at that certain point.
- Publisher: Jamie.B Audio
- Last updated: February 10th, 2014

MIDletPascal is a Pascal language dialect specifically suited for development of mobile applications in the J2ME environment. MIDletPascal compiler translates Pascal code into Java™ micro edition (J2ME) bytecode. Programs written in MIDletPascal can be executed on any mobile device (such as mobile phones) supporting MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0 platform.
- Publisher: Javier Santo Domingo
- Home page: midletpascal.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: October 12th, 2010

TICO is a tool for the design and execution of interactive communication boards. TICO is composed of two different applications: the Editor and the Interpreter. With the Editor you can design boards containing cell-items. Once designed, a TICO project can be executed (interpreted) with the Interpreter.
- Publisher: Carolina Palacio, Javier Fabra, Joaquin Ezpeleta
- Last updated: December 5th, 2009
- Publisher: Javier Polo
- Home page: www.clubrem.es
- Last updated: October 24th, 2009
- Publisher: Javier Polo
- Home page: www.clubrem.es
- Last updated: January 2nd, 2010

Zeus PDB Viewer
Zeus PDB Viewer is a molecular visualization program. It supports various industry & academic standard file formats including Brookhaven PDB, Mol, Mol2/SYBYL, and XYZ. Using its easy to use interface, you can rotate, translate and zoom into the molecular model.
- Publisher: Jamie Al-Nasir
- Home page: www.al-nasir.com
- Last updated: August 27th, 2015