Jorge luque lifbase in Title/Summary

LIFBASE is a free program designed to chart the spectroscopy of diatomic molecules. The program features an absolute rovibrational emission and absorption coefficients, variation of transition probabilities taking into account rovibrational wavefunctions and electronic transition moments.
- Publisher: Jorge Luque
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 4th, 2022

Vocalizer Expressive Jorge Premium High
Vocalizer Expressive Jorge Premium High is a Spanish Castilian male voice pack for use with JAWS 15, JAWS 16, JAWS 17, and MAGic 13.1. It offers many benefits, including pitch adjustment, improved performance, especially in the areas of latency and speech quality.
- Publisher: Freedom Scientific
- Last updated: March 11th, 2017
Jorge luque lifbase in Description

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
The first thing Dreamweaver CS5 had to do was make it simpler to start designing websites, and it makes a good start. Previously, you had to jump through a number of hoops to define a site; now, you need only set a name and directory to begin work. When you're ready to move on to the next stage - say, setting up a test server - Dreamweaver will prompt you for the additional information.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: October 4th, 2011
Additional Jorge luque lifbase selection

FB Like Button Generator
FB Like Button Generator is an application that you will hopefully find useful. With it, you can generate the HTML code that you can paste on your profiles, webpages, and forum threads, provided you are allowed to do so. FB Like Button Generator is a freeware.
- Publisher: Jorge Joaquin Pareja
- Last updated: January 27th, 2012

Free Backgammon
Free Backgammon is a free board game for Windows users. Backgammon is a game of skill, strategy and luck and it's one of the world's classic parlour games, played for recreation and as a gambling game. The game features: 3D HD graphics, three difficulty levels and multicore processors support.
- Publisher: Jorge Pardo Serrano
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 24th, 2015

gTrans is a multilingual translation interface. A powerful, non-invasive and easy to use assistant that can be configured to translate phrases or words in any combination of the 58 languages offered. In addition, gTrans can be minimized to the screen border or tray icon and easily restored by pressing .
- Publisher: David Jorge Aguirre Grazio
- Last updated: April 18th, 2012

Lemony Pro
Lemony Pro is a suite of professional subtitling tools. It enables video professionals, content developers, translators, authoring facilities, and subtitling service bureaus to create, check, convert and output subtitles. Lemony Pro is sold exclusively through Sonic Solutions.
- Publisher: Jorge Morones, Sweden 2008
- Last updated: June 5th, 2012

ArrangeVistaSidebar is a program that arranges the gadgets in the Windows Vista Sidebar. It was built as a workaround for a bug that puts gadgets in a random order, apparently after installing Vista SP2. It's developed in plain C compiled originally with VC6. After I decided migrate to VS2005 due to its MSI-based setup tool.
- Publisher: Jorge Ramos
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011