Jquery epub ebook widget in Title/Summary

AnyBizSoft EPUB Builder
AnyBizSoft EPUB Builder is a simple and powerful EPUB eBook creator and is designed to provide you a solution to build your own EPUB eBooks. It allows you to create your EPUB eBook from up to 100 files in most popular formats at one time. Also you can customize the book to make your eBook personalized.
- Publisher: AnyBizSoft Software
- Last updated: April 20th, 2011

Ebook to EPUB PDF AZW Converter
The program can convert between eBook formats such as EPUB, PDF, and AZW. You can easily drag and drop a supported file into the interface and click the button for the required format. The application tries to maintain the exact layout of the source file.
- Publisher: EPUBSOFT
- Last updated: July 14th, 2014

Opera Ebook reader
Use this neat little application to browse thousands of eBooks, download the titles you like and read. It features a small bookshelf to manage your books easily. There, you can read, sort, add and remove books stored locally on your computer or those that you have downloaded from the integrated ePub library.
- Publisher: Opera Software
- Home page: widgets.opera.com
- Last updated: June 9th, 2012
Jquery epub ebook widget in Description

EPubsoft EPUB to Kindle Converter
You will solve this problem easily after converting EPUB to Kindle. Ordinary EPUB files (like magazine, cartoon, newspaper etc) also can be made to Kindle Books through this tool, then it will be convenient for you to read them on various Kindle Device. (Kindle, Kindle 2, Kindle 3, Kindle DX, etc).
- Publisher: EPUBSOFT
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2017

PDF ePub DRM Removal
PDF ePub DRM Removal is a lightweight tool intended to eliminate ADEPT digital rights management (DRM) protection from various types of electronic publications, including Adobe Digital Editions, Barnes Noble NOOK and Kobo. The program supports such file extensions as EPUB, PDF, RTF, HTMLZ and TXT.
- Publisher: eBook Converter
- Home page: www.ebook-converter.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

Xilisoft HTML to EPUB Converter
Xilisoft HTML to EPUB Converter is an accurate and fast HTML to EPUB software which helps you to convert HTML file to stable EPUB eBooks to make HTML readable on mobile EPUB compatible devices. It also empowers you with EPUB information editing function.
- Publisher: Xilisoft
- Home page: www.xilisoft.com
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2011

Xilisoft CHM to EPUB Converter
Xilisoft CHM to EPUB Converter is a useful converting tool to help users convert CHM files to EPUB format with ease to view on various mobile devices. It preserves original text, graphics, images, hyperlinks and layout of the original CHM files. Xilisoft CHM to EPUB Converter also allows you to edit information of EPUB files freely, such as name, author and etc.
- Publisher: Xilisoft
- Home page: www.xilisoft.com
- Last updated: June 1st, 2011

VeryDOC HTML to ePub Converter
VeryDOC HTML to EPUB Converter is an accurate and fast HTML to EPUB software which helps you to convert HTML file to stable EPUB eBooks to make HTML readable on mobile EPUB compatible devices. It preserves original text, graphics, images, hyperlinks and layout of the original HTML files.
- Publisher: VeryDOC.com, Inc.
- Home page: www.verydoc.com
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2011
Additional Jquery epub ebook widget selection

Epub Reader for Windows
For those looking for a simple and easy-to-use reading tool for their favorite e-books in the EPUB format, Epub Reader for Windows is an option to consider. This uncomplicated tool not only offers you a straightforward solution to reading your EPUB books on your PC, but also the possibility of converting them into either PDF files or JPEG images with a single click of your mouse.
- Publisher: HANSoft
- Home page: www.epubforwindows.com
- Last updated: November 28th, 2013

Epubor is a program that helps you convert eBooks of MOBI, ePUB, PDF formats. It has integrated a powerful metadata editor tool, you can customize the cover, author, title, publisher, date and some other meta information of a book. You can also convert bunch of files from different formats to one format one-time.
- Publisher: Epubor Inc.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Word to ePub Converter
An ideal Word to ePub Converter that lets you easily convert MS Word Docx, Doc to ePub eBook format for convenient reading and sharing. Compare to almost all online converting program, iStonsoft Word to ePub Converter is a desktop application, which enables you to convert files both online and offline. Meanwhile, there is no quality losing during the whole converting process.
- Publisher: iStonsoft
- Home page: www.istonsoft.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

The powerful and versatile text-to-speech software for Windows users. It’s popular with business people, educators, writers, students, language learners and those with visual or vocal impairment, or learning disabilities. Export text to audio files. Wave Audio files to text.
- Publisher: Lau Han Ching Software
- Last updated: December 27th, 2012

Nook DRM Removal
Nook DRM Removal is a program designed to quickly and easily remove DRM protection from Barnes and Noble epub ebooks. It produces an epub ebook that you can read on other computer or other e-reader device, like Sony Reader, iPad, etc. The user also can print BN ebook without any limitation.
- Publisher: eBook Converter
- Home page: www.ebook-converter.com
- Last updated: April 27th, 2015

ePub DRM Converter
ePub DRM Converter is an application that lets user remove ePub drm easily, with just one click. In this way, user can read new epub without limitation, read on Kindle/iPad/Android and other device. So, if you want to have access to read DRM-protected epub eBook, this tool helps you.
- Publisher: My eBook Software
- Home page: www.myebooksoft.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

ePubPack - A simple GUI utility to write a compliant ePub eBook Zip container from a folder. You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. It's free for both personal and commercial use, thus the perfect choice for those that want an alternative for Desktop Publishing programs.
- Publisher: Art Wallace
- Last updated: December 5th, 2011

Short eBook description: -Plain ASCII text files have the extension .txt -Microsoft Word files have the extension .doc -Adobe acrobat files have the extension .pdf -Gemstar eBook files have the extension .prc -Palm files have the extension .pdb or .prc -Hiebook files have the extension .kml -Html files have the extension .html or .htm
- Publisher: ePubHub
- Last updated: July 24th, 2011

Epubor Ultimate Converter
The program can convert PDF files into the EPUB eBook format. The converted files maintain the layout of the original document. The program is easy to use, with the drag-and-drop support. It is also capable of removing the DRM protection of EPUB files. It can also accept other formats such as AZW, Mobi, and PRC as input.
- Publisher: Epubor Inc.
- Home page: www.epubor.com
- Last updated: August 21st, 2014

EPUB File Reader
EPUB File Reader is a very small and simple application that lets you open and read EPUB e-books. Other e-book formats besides EPUB are not supported. This neat application is very simple, small, and lightweight. It’s in fact so simple that it lacks a lot of additional options and functions.
- Home page: epubfilereader.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020