Jquery world clock real time in Title/Summary

World Clock 360
Easily find out who is awake and who is sleeping all over the world! An essential purchase for anyone with friends, family or business dealings overseas, World Clock 360 tells you the time in up to 4 locations and graphically illustrates the areas of light and dark across the globe in a choice of three beautiful styles.
- Publisher: Escapist Games Limited
- Home page: www.escapistgames.com
- Last updated: December 10th, 2009

Kybtec World Clock
Kybtec World Clock is an application that shows the time in several locations. It can calculate the current time in several locations around the globe. And you can add as many clocks as you want to your desktop. Those clocks can be small images on your desktop or they can be resized to take the entire screen.
- Publisher: Kybtec Software
- Home page: www.kybtec.com
- Last updated: July 24th, 2018

Tech-Pro World Clock
Tech-Pro World Clock 2 is a Windows desktop accessory that shows the date and time on a world map. It helps you keep track of the time in different parts of the world and gives instant access to international dialing codes.
- Publisher: Tech-Pro Limited
- Home page: www.tech-pro.net
- Last updated: March 15th, 2008
Jquery world clock real time in Description

Solitaire City
Solitaire City is a collection of solitaire card games of the highest quality, played against the clock for points. The faster you complete a solitaire game, the higher your score. Solitaire City automatically downloads the best scores of solitaire players from all around the world for real-time online tournaments.
- Publisher: Digital Smoke
- Home page: www.solitairecity.com
- Last updated: October 2nd, 2011

Auto-Tune EFX VST
Auto-Tune EFX 2 is the quickest, easiest-to-use tool for real-time pitch correction and creating the iconic Auto-Tune Vocal Effect. Designed to make almost everything automatic, Auto-Tune EFX 2 provides two different flavors of the iconic Auto-Tune Vocal Effect as well as Antares' world-renown real-time pitch correction.
- Publisher: Antares Audio Technologies
- Last updated: November 4th, 2011

Sudden Strike II
World War Real Time Strategy. You are on the front line in the center of realistic strategic battles, which will amaze and delight even the shrewdest of strategy experts. You'll have to fight on water , on land and in the air to meet your objectives.
- Publisher: FIreglow
- Home page: www.gametop.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2008

CityTime for Pocket PC
CityTime for Pocket PC is a fast and accurate day/night plot shows where it is day and night across the world in real time. The 'Location' feature allows you to automatically and accurately adjust your Pocket PC's location and timezone when traveling. Today screen plug-in that displays the four primary cities and the home and visiting cities
- Publisher: Code City Limited
- Last updated: March 20th, 2011

WDW CountDown
WDW CountDown - Count down to your next trip to Walt Disney World in real time while enjoying quotes from the man himself... Walt Disney. This little Widget is one of many magical goodies brought to you by the folks at Allthings & WDW... a Disney Fan Site.
- Publisher: Sean Estes
- Last updated: October 10th, 2011
Additional Jquery world clock real time selection

Sharp World Clock
Sharp World Clock provides multiple analog or digital clocks on your Windows desktop. Each clock can be customized with the time of a selected location; this program features a database of more then 23,000 cities in 244 countries. You can also make use of its alarms, calendar, time and date converter, and meeting planner, along with daylight savings.
- Publisher: Johannes Wallroth
- Home page: www.sharpworldclock.com
- Last updated: December 18th, 2020

Crave World Clock Pro
This piece of software allows you to keep track of current time around the world. The time is shown on a world map with several major cities. If you need to find the current time in a different zone or city, just hover your mouse over the desired zone and the program shows you the current time.
- Publisher: Reflection Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
- Last updated: November 14th, 2012

Real-Time Attendance Monitor
TNA Real-time Attendance Monitor is a stand alone program that can be installed on any pc on the network and will monitor, in real time, who has clocked in or out and the times of the clockings.Main Features :- View employee expected arrival & departure times on one screen - Sort & view employees in selected classifications - Employee clockings are immediately updated & seen on screen
- Publisher: CapeSoft Software
- Last updated: November 24th, 2011

Real Time Analyzer
This program is an audio analyzer with FFT and n-th octave frequency analyzers and oscilloscope. With the FFT frequency analyzer you can see the spectrum on a linear scale, which can be useful for harmonics and other analysis tasks. Also on board is a real time oscilloscope which is always useful when analyzing audio signals.
- Publisher: Timo Esser
- Last updated: March 29th, 2009

FS Real Time
"FS Real Time" has been designed to keep Microsoft® Flight Simulators UTC (Zulu/GMT) time and date in sync with the Real World. You can have it maintain either the current Real Time, or an offset (+/-) so you can fly at any variation of time from the Real Time.
- Publisher: 3D Softworks
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022

Anuko World Clock
Anuko World Clock replaces the regular system clock with several time zones of your choosing. You are getting an enhanced clock with many useful features. The most important feature is a display of several time zones right there in taskbar where the system clock is. This improves your productivity when you need to deal with different time zones.
- Publisher: Anuko International Ltd.
- Home page: www.anuko.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

WorldClock is an attractive and easy to use desktop time utility that includes timezone, timesync, calendar, wallpaper and alarm features. Its primary purpose is to get the current local time for any area of the world simply by clicking on a world map. It will automatically determine whether Daylight Savings Time is in effect for the selected area and adjusts the time accordingly.
- Publisher: Fulvio Castelli
- Last updated: April 9th, 2012

Stay Live 2000
Stay Live 2000 keeps your Internet Dial-Up Connection active and on-line by periodically sending a small TCP/IP packet to one of the many Atomic Clocks maintained by the United States Government. Sending these small packets prevents your ISP from dropping your connection due to inactivity.
- Publisher: Gregory Braun
- Home page: www.gregorybraun.com
- Last updated: May 12th, 2013

Simple World Clock
Simple World Clock is a free application that allows you to configure the time zone for major cities of the world. You will get a default view of all the six cities at one go, along with Day Light Saving information. The program also will automatically saved the configured details.
- Publisher: Shubhasoft Mobi Solutions Pvt Ltd
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2011

Real-time Backup Utility
Real-time Backup Utility is a program that enables you to back up your SD card data. You can create backup copies of your documents or family photo/videos with a touch of ease. The program also provides a periodical, automatic e-mail data backup function.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Home page: www.sony.net
- Last updated: March 27th, 2015