Jukebox arcade reviews in Title/Summary

Jukebox Arcade
Jukebox Arcade - A MAME Arcade Cabinet Music Juke box and mp3 player. This software is a Jukebox front-end that is designed to work on the MAME machine. It allows customizable control via keyboard, supports album art for a unique song selection experience.
- Publisher: ExtraStrength Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Arcade Music Box
This is a simple Virtual Jukebox, Music Video and a Karaoke player with your digital music collection for your game room. Features: -Arcade Music Box is fully skinable. -Arcade Music Box act like a MS Explorer. -Arcade Music Box support both Horizontal and vertical. -Arcade Music Box are Inspirated by MAMEWAH. -Arcade Music Box only need 3 inputs to operate.
- Publisher: Space Fractal
- Last updated: May 28th, 2012

PartyTime Jukebox
PartyTime Jukebox is a visual jukebox type application for PCs intended for home, commercial or business use. Its interface was meticulously designed to be of utmost ease of operation for users of all ages and can even be set-up on a touch screen monitor. The perfect assistant for any DJs, it will also manage very well on its own as a stand alone virtual jukebox unit in any business environment.
- Publisher: A.Aylestock
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2008
Jukebox arcade reviews in Description

Ultimate Jukebox
Turn your PC into the Ultimate PC Jukebox using this affordable one of kind software package. Ultimate Jukebox has support for most popular media file formats formats for the Ultimate flexibility and the Ultimate home jukebox audio experience. Ultimate Jukebox was created with a Home Theater PC/Jukebox interface in mind.
- Publisher: T and K Software
- Home page: ultimatejukebox.murphnet.net
- Last updated: February 9th, 2011

DAM JukeBox
DAM JukeBox is not just another MP3 player (there are already 1000's of these on the net!!) The sole purpose of DAM JukeBox is to simulate the features of a real JukeBox and give the whole feeling of using one. DAM JukeBox is intended to be used in a MAME cabinet to give the real experience.
- Publisher: DAM Soft
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

Virtual Music Jukebox
A digital music solution to manage your music library. Its professional looking interface gives you the look and feel of a modern, Internet-ready, bar-style jukebox right on your PC or custom jukebox cabinet. Virtual Music Jukebox was designed for those wanting more than just a media player. It has the ability to display high-resolution album art along with full track listings.
- Publisher: Digital Innovations, LLC
- Last updated: February 14th, 2009

Moderal Jukebox
Moderal Jukebox is a MP3 Organizer and MP3 Player software designed for music fans. It designed to help people in their everyday repetitive tasks. Once installed, Moderal Jukebox turns you PC into an audio shop with well-organized music catalogs
- Publisher: 3E Soft Entertainment.
- Home page: www.mp3towav.org
- Last updated: January 18th, 2010

Media Jukebox
My music collection was a mess. Many of my tunes had the wrong ID3 tags and they were stored in unsuitable locations. Media Jukebox helped me solve this issue by providing me with all the tools I needed in order to get my music sorted. It helped me organize my large music collection in a short time and in an easy way.
- Publisher: J. River, Inc.
- Home page: www.jriver.com
- Last updated: August 27th, 2010
Additional Jukebox arcade reviews selection

GameSpy Arcade
GameSpy Arcade 2.05 is an online gaming service. It allows to play online with another players, supports matchmaking and text and voice chats. Features game news and downloadable demos. When you install GameSpy Arcade 2.05, the program seeks for supported installed games in your computer, in order to allow you to play them online. If it finds nothing, it will later help you to find some.
- Publisher: IGN Entertainment, Inc.
- Home page: www.gamespyarcade.com
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

Around the World in 80 Days
Around the World in 80 Days is an entertaining puzzle game that will let you wanting more as you keep advancing from level to level. You will play at different stages, each stage is a different country. The game has got a nice storyline. You will be able to read the story from a book that will let you know what has happened and what will happen with the characters of the game.
- Publisher: GameHouse
- Home page: www.playrix.com
- Last updated: November 10th, 2011

Arcade Lines
Arcade Lines is a fun and interesting game in which you need to match rows of five balls of the same color. The goal is to make as many matches as possible before the board gets completely filled. Although it may sound easy, the game is rather challenging. If you like puzzle and strategy games, then you may want to give a try to this one.
- Publisher: Lobstersoft
- Home page: www.lobstersoft.com
- Last updated: December 6th, 2009

concept/design Video Jukebox
You love music channels on TV, but you hate to wait for the songs you like? You want to see and hear your favorite songs only instead of music you don't like? You want to see and play for favorite songs on your next party, but you miss the music videos? You just need the Video Jukebox!
- Publisher: concept/design GmbH
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2012

Jenkat Games Arcade
Jenkat Games Arcade is a handy multimedia browser that will help you find your favorite games and check the new releases from Jenkat Games homepage. By default, this browser integrates a built-in toolbar with an efficient search engine that will assist you in finding your favorite games.
- Publisher: Jenkat Media, Inc.
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2012

FireArc Arcade
FireArc Arcade is a quite unique application that lets you play games with your Skype friends. All you need for this is the Skype desktop client and this app. Furthermore, FireArc Arcade is completely free, clean of any adware, and a really lightweight, neat, and resource-friendly app that won't slow down your system or cause any unwanted problems.
- Publisher: firearc
- Last updated: February 5th, 2015

TV Jukebox
TV Jukebox uses the terrestrial TV technology to take you into a new digital TV frontier. It provides the useful functions for you to enjoy the high definition of the digital TV, for example: schedule recording, EPG (Electronic Program Guide), time-shift playing and remote controller.
- Publisher: Meta Media, Inc.
- Last updated: August 16th, 2009

DJ Jukebox
DJ Jukebox is an essential tool for managing a song library and generating playlists. Each song can be rated so that favorites are played more often. Also supports remote control, repetition prevention, global search and replace, and much more!
- Publisher: Gammadyne Corporation
- Home page: www.gammadyne.com
- Last updated: January 24th, 2025

Arcade Race
Arcade Race is a simple racing game in 3D. Like in all racing games, the objective is to win the races to continue the game. The game offers two modes: Tournament and Single Race. Both modes offer three difficulty levels to choose from according to your skills.
- Publisher: ArcadeStudio.com
- Home page: arcadestudio.com
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008

Arcade Tribe
Arcade Tribe is a mutiplayer online game portal with 2D/3D graphics. You can play pool, snooker, chess, poker, darts or other fun games in one program. By competing with real players all over the world or chat with them, you can easily make a lot of friends.
- Publisher: Etiumsoft, Inc.
- Home page: www.arcadetribe.com
- Last updated: May 20th, 2013