Kannada firefox toolbar in Title/Summary

SeeToo.com Firefox Toolbar
The SeeToo.com Firefox Toolbar is mandatory for the service. SeeToo offers one cool feature that I hadn't seen before. It allows you to share videos with your friends and family in real-time. I have seen services that allowed you to e-mail videos or upload videos.
- Publisher: Linqee Ltd.
- Last updated: November 28th, 2008

SeeToo for Justin.tv Firefox Toolbar
SeeToo for Justin.tv Community Toolbar — stay connected and get so much more. Its one of the coolest toolbar out there with lots of great features for you to enjoy from your browser. It has features like email notifier,Share your videos,games to play online and much more.
- Publisher: SeeToo, Inc.
- Last updated: February 27th, 2012

Mobily Messaging Firefox Toolbar
To send SMS messages, you can download Mobily Toolbar, which will be connected to your Internet Explorer or Firefox. The toolbar appears once you open the Internet Explorer to enable you to send a quick online SMS message to any number you like. While browsing the web, you may remember to send an important message from the website
- Publisher: Mobily.ws
- Last updated: May 31st, 2012
Kannada firefox toolbar in Description

Aurora Password Manager
Aurora Password Manager is a full-featured solution for storing website and e-mail access passwords, credit card numbers and other sensitive data. Multi-user and privilege management support makes it an ideal solution for both corporate and individual users
- Publisher: Animabilis Software
- Home page: www.animabilis.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Free Kannada Astrology Software
Professional Free Kannada Astrology Software from Astro-Vision now also provides Free Horoscope Matching feature. Also available in English, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi and Hindi. Contains both calculations as well as predictions.
- Publisher: Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt. Ltd.
- Last updated: August 30th, 2013

Anvi Slim Toolbar
Anvi Slim Toolbar is an easy-to-use but all-in-one software which enables you to manage, delete toolbars and repair browser home page. Protect your PC from any malicious threats.
- Publisher: Anvisoft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Winamp Toolbar for Firefox
Winamp toolbar is a handy tool with which you can manage your music from within your web browser. The toolbar features instant access to AIM and AOL search engines, controls for playback, pause etc. You can listen to shoutcast radios and access free audio and music videos.
- Publisher: Winamp
- Home page: www.winamp.com
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008

KK Dictionary
KK Dictionary is an Kannada - Kannada, English - Kannada dictionary containing more than 50000 words. This version includes bug fixes, performance enhancements and functional enhancements. Main features: - Manage Dictionary. - Print feature. - Import/Export. - Help files.
- Publisher: kannadakasturi
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008
Additional Kannada firefox toolbar selection

Amazon Toolbar
Amazon Toolbar is a handy and user-friendly application that will make shopping at Amazon.com very easy and fast. The toolbar includes different categories that help you find exactly what you are looking for more quickly. You can also type the product that you want and the program shows all the things available that match your keyword.
- Publisher: Berm
- Home page: www.berm.co.nz
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2011

ZenOK Security Toolbar
ZenOK Security Toolbar -- Make your web browsing Safe and secure.ZenOK Security Toolbar allows you to choose from various free apps for your browser, you can get the latest announcements and news, you can use it no matter where you navigate and much more
- Publisher: ZenOK Security
- Last updated: July 16th, 2013

bab.la Toolbar
The Firefox toolbar lets you look up translations straight from your browser by choosing the desired dictionary from the drop-down menu (see screenshot). You can start searching from any website without having to load the bab.la website. In addition, the toolbar provides search fields to Wikipedia and Google as further information resources.
- Publisher: bab.la GmbH
- Last updated: April 6th, 2012

AutoSMS is a toolbar designed for the Firefox web browser and a set of API's to allow developers to build SMS capabilities into their own applications. To use the AutoSMS toolber, you must be running Firefox. API News - crossdomain.xml Has been added for Flash based API clients.
- Publisher: watacrackaz
- Last updated: December 12th, 2010

Crawler Toolbar
Crawler Toolbar is a handy browser tool which gives you direct access to dozens of useful websites, whether you intend to play a game, listen to your favorite song or look for what's new on the Internet. The toolbar does display one noticeable restriction, though, namely the fact that it is only compatible with Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.
- Publisher: Crawler, com.
- Last updated: July 11th, 2012

Foxit Toolbar
Foxit Toolbar is a handy add-on for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox that allows you to improve your Internet search experience with several tools and gadgets. In the tab Foxit messages you will find the latest information about Foxit announcements and upgrades. It includes its own search box powered by Google.com that enables you to surf the net easier and faster.
- Publisher: Foxit Software Company
- Home page: foxit.ourtoolbar.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2011

Firefox is the most popular open-source web browser, with a multi-tabbed interface. It can be installed on your Windows, iOS, and Linux based computers. Firefox View lets you synchronize your open tabs, browsing history, bookmarks, and other settings across devices.
- Publisher: Mozilla
- Home page: www.mozilla.org
- Last updated: December 15th, 2024

Vuze Toolbar
Vuze Toolbar is a free browsing utility that allows you to stay in close contact with the Vuze Community. Using the Vuze Toolbar you can access various types of websites, all sorts of contents, from games, music and movies to anime, books and TV shows, with just a few clicks.
- Publisher: Conduit Toolbar
- Last updated: July 31st, 2022

Horoscopes Daily Toolbar
Horoscopes Daily Community Toolbar — stay connected and get so much more. Horoscopes Daily Community Toolbar allows you to get the latest news and announcements instantly, search the Web and get a wide choice of useful search engines , get free applications for your browser and much more
- Publisher: Horoscopes Daily
- Last updated: July 31st, 2022

SHOUTcast Radio Toolbar
SHOUTcast Radio Toolbar is a handy application that allows you to explore SHOUTcast and listen to radio stations from all over the world. You can search for stations by keyword or simply search by music genres included in the toolbar such as Rock, European, Dance, Pop and Hip hop.
- Publisher: AOL,LLC
- Last updated: September 13th, 2008