Karaoke magic pro full apk in Title/Summary

Visual Magic Pro
Visual Magic Pro, a flagship software product of Datacomp, is targeted at insurance agents of Life Insurance Corporation. It is an end-to-end business management tool which encompasses all aspects of the agents’ business. Thereby it enables him to provide the best quality service to his customers. With its array of powerful illustrations and presentation tools.
- Publisher: Datacomp Web Technologies
- Home page: www.datacompwebtech.com
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022

Filename Magic Pro
Filename Magic is designed to allow users to rename multiple files with a single operation. This file-renaming tool has several rename, extended, attribute, CD audio and filter settings. You can preview actions before renaming, and help is included.
- Publisher: L5 Software Group, LLC
- Home page: archive.org
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008

Room Magic Pro
Room Magic Pro will generate an initial design based on room dimensions, number of guests, type of tables, and the spacing requirements between tables. You can then easily drag and drop other items onto the floor plan as needed, such as dance floor, buffet tables, plants, pianos, restrooms, speakers, lights, obstructions, etc.
- Publisher: FrogWare
- Last updated: March 25th, 2010
Karaoke magic pro full apk in Description

Audio Edit Magic
Audio Edit Magic is a powerful visual audio editing and recording software solution, which supports many advanced and powerful operations with audio data. Audio Edit Magic is full-featured digital audio editing software that provides you with a variety of audio recording, mixing, editing, analyzing and effects processing possibilities.
- Publisher: AudioEditMagic Soft Development Inc.
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008

Event Magic Pro
Event Magic Pro is the software of choice for professional consultants. Easily manage your clients and the many events on your calendar. Save time invoicing, tracking event details with checklists and bringing more to the table for your client. Event Magic Pro lets you stand out above the rest and have customers returning to you again and again for all their planning needs.
- Publisher: FrogWare
- Last updated: January 12th, 2011

AttributeMagic Pro
Change file date, time and rename files with AttributeMagic Pro utility! Attribute Magic Pro is an advanced date-time and metadata manipulation utility for Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/2003/XP. This utility can change file date/time stamps created, modified, accessed. You can set new date-time, relatively change date or time, copy one date-time stamp to another (created date=modified date).
- Publisher: Elwinsoft
- Last updated: June 25th, 2012

123 Video Magic Pro
123 Video Magic Pro is an easy to employ software program that enables you to edit and customize videos/images. It helps in making supreme, professional videos quickly and easily. Green background of images and videos can be replaced with videos & images of your own choice
- Publisher: Softwaredepotonline, Inc.
- Last updated: June 13th, 2012

SMS Recovery Pro
SMS Recovery Pro vigorously scans both internal and external phone memories of the device to recognize the deleted and lost smartphone data including the Android application package file i.e. (APK) file and recovers or restores then in a safe and secure location which can be reused easily. It supports all Android devices and is compatible with almost all versions of Windows.
- Publisher: LionSea SoftWare
- Last updated: November 18th, 2013
Additional Karaoke magic pro full apk selection

VirtualDJ PRO Full
This is an audio player with controls used by DJs. It lets you mix your songs, by playing two or more tracks at the same time, adjust their relative speed so that their tempo will match, apply effects like loops etc, and crossfade from one side to the other. It also lets you scratch your songs, set and recall cues, and all the other regular features DJs expect to find.
- Publisher: Atomix Productions
- Home page: www.virtualdj.com
- Last updated: June 19th, 2014

General Cadd Pro - FULL
General CADD is a Windows OS based computer program that allows you to easily and accurately draw anything you might normally draw with a pencil and paper using your Windows computer instead. General CADD Pro (GCP) is based on a easily understood and remembered 2 letter command structure and includes a powerful Macro language for user customization and program automation.
- Publisher: General CADD Products, Inc.
- Last updated: July 16th, 2012

Spy Extractor Pro Full
Spy Extractor Pro is a completely free anti-spyware/adware/malware remover computer software program. SPY EXTRACTOR ANTISPYWARE PRO will detect and remove SPYWARE, ADWARE, MALWARE, PESTS and other THREATS. Computer software program for Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, ME, 98, 95
- Publisher: Gear Box Computers
- Last updated: May 25th, 2009

Word Magic Pro Translation/Grammar & Syntax Pack
PRO English-Spanish Translation package, with a translator suitable for school texts, memos, notices… it even pronounces words and whole documents! Plus: Images, English definitions, Spanish definitions, and Usage Examples Add-ons, and a dictionary (also pronounces words) to complement the translation function.
- Publisher: Word Magic Software Inc.

Website APK Builder Pro
Powerful set of tools that allows you to customize everything and create stunning apps out of your website. You NEVER need to learn coding, complete process is automated, you are a few clicks away from your app. Special JavaScript functions that allows you to interact with native android functions via your Web Applications.
- Publisher: Goyal Softech Pvt. Ltd.
- Last updated: February 12th, 2018

VirtualDJ LE
VirtualDJ LE is a limited version of VirtualDJ that is included in the box of many hardware controllers (Hercules, Numark, Denon, Vestax, Gemini, ...). It has been tailored to the controller it ships with, and though lacking some of the advanced features of VirtualDJ Pro Full, VirtualDJ LE is still packed with enough features to allow you to enjoy your new controller out of the box.
- Publisher: Atomix Productions
- Home page: www.virtualdj.com
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2014

Magic Interlacer Pro 100
Magic Interlacer Pro 100 is the "Premier" digital interlacing program designed and developed by two of the world's leading lenticular artists. Interlace up to 100 images for 3D, Animation, Motion, Morphs, Flips and more. Built in database to save pitch info (LPI) on differnt lens used. User-defined lens materials, lens pitch, output device and print resolution.
- Publisher: ProMagic Software
- Last updated: January 1st, 2010

MagicPDF Pro
Turn your graphics and electronic documents to Adobe PDF with professional quality. With MagicPDF Pro you are getting more functionalities and better control over your PDF. Useful features, such as encryption, compression, font embedding,append,terminal server compatibility, RGB, sRGB,active hyperlink, CMYK color space conversion, automation options,
- Publisher: Magic Document Solutions
- Home page: www.magicpdf.com
- Last updated: November 12th, 2009

MathMagic Pro for InDesign
MathMagic Pro Edition for Adobe InDesign is an equation editor mainly for use with Adobe InDesign software in editing any mathematical expressions and symbols with WYSIWYG interface and various powerful features. The equations can be verified and tested.
- Publisher: InfoLogic, Inc.
- Home page: www.mathmagic.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

AutoMagic Pro Photo Effects Gen1
AutoMagic Pro Photo Effects Gen1 is a program that provides 43 Photoshop Filters and Plugins. It allows you to create digital art out of digital photos at the touch of a button. It contains a large collection of digital photo artistic effects ranging from pencil sketch and oil painting to pen and ink and charcoal drawing.
- Publisher: Auto FX Software
- Last updated: January 28th, 2015