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Karen dreams in Title/Summary

Karen's Directory Printer

Karen's Directory Printer

Karen's Directory Printer can print the name of every file on a drive, along with the file's size, date and time of last modification, and attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System and Archive)! And now, the list of files can be sorted by name, size, date created, date last modified, or date of last access.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020
Karen's Calculator

Karen's Calculator

Karen’s Calculator is a high performance calculator that has extremely high precision and is capable of handling operands containing thousands of digits and still giving very accurate and reliable results, thereby distinguishing itself from the rest.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2008
Karen's WhoIs

Karen's WhoIs

Karen’s WhoIs is a particular application, which gives information about all the Internet sites by querying all the top domain registries along with the Regional Internet Registries all over the world. Information about the owner’s mailing address and domain name is also provided by this application as well.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2017

Karen dreams in Description

Karen's Hasher

Karen's Hasher

Karen’s Hasher is able to compute MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 hashing values of a string of text or of disk files or a group of files. It also gives you the option to save Hash result to a disk file which you can later use to compare files with other files or to verify saved hash files.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: karenware.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Karen's Show Stopper

Karen's Show Stopper

Karen’s Show stopper can help you to save time and electricity by providing various shortcuts of shutdown types. By using Karen’s Show Stopper you can create shutdown shortcut icon on your desktop. So it means you does not require to click on Start button and then on turn off computer and then turn off.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: karenware.com
  • Last updated: June 6th, 2017
Karen's LAN Monitor

Karen's LAN Monitor

Karen’s LAN Monitor was designed to provide users with detailed information regarding their network cards, network connections, and many other parameters. It also shows traffic information and IP/TCP statistics. Karen’s LAN Monitor requires a very small amount of system resources, and it is open source.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2012
Karen's Computer Profiler

Karen's Computer Profiler

Karen’s Computer Profiler is an interesting software for those who are interested in discovering the specifics of their computer. It gives even minor information about memory, CPU, and operating system of the computer. The power source of the computer is also displayed. All these information can be copied down to the clipboard and for a permanent storage it can be pasted in form of a document.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: June 1st, 2017
Karen's Countdown Timer II

Karen's Countdown Timer II

Karen’s countdown timer II can save your time, because it can work as your personal assistant. A personal assistant keeps remember you about all important events on time. And even if you need to do your work on time. So Karen’s countdown timer II informs you about all your important affairs and business.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: karenware.com
  • Last updated: June 1st, 2017

Additional Karen dreams selection

Karen's Replicator

Karen's Replicator

Make backups of your important data is always necessary, but not always simple. Make successful can take you a lot of time. But now with Kare's Replicator, this process could be done almost automatically and save a lot of time. This great application gives the possibility to make backups of your important files in other disk or directory within your own PC, or other PCs using your LAN.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020
Speed Dreams

Speed Dreams

Speed Dreams is an open-source racing game that comes with 3D graphics and plenty of cool options and features. This neat racing simulator features an accurate physics engine which makes racing as much realistic as possible. Speed Dreams sports numerous improvements and additional advantages.

  • Publisher: The Speed Dreams Team
  • Home page: www.speed-dreams.org
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016
Karen's Time Sync

Karen's Time Sync

Karen's Time Sync allows you to automatically synchronize your computer's clock to any of the ultra-precise Internet time servers. Now you can synchronize your computer's clock to one of the many ultra-precise time servers available on the Internet. You can schedule periodic automatic updates, or adjust your clock on demand any time you choose.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2009
Amulet of Dreams

Amulet of Dreams

You are a brave boy that has to defeat the evil and save Alison’s life while she is sick and needs health care. Main features: - 40 magical locations - 16 original puzzles - Travel between the edges of reality - A Goblin friend to help in difficult situations

Karen's Cookie Viewer

Karen's Cookie Viewer

Cookie Viewer is a much needed powerhouse software. It automatically scans the system for cookies. On completion, it lists all the cookies and the user can see the information or data stored within them. It also identifies the unwanted cookies that are stored within the system, hence they can easily be removed. The advanced user can perform the task manually.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2008
Karen's Font Explorer

Karen's Font Explorer

Users who want to be able to design their font reports, and who are bored of the usual uncustomizable monotonous fonts, Font Explorer is a good option, which comes with many interesting features, such as printing each font sample up to four times and adding many font effects, etc.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: March 21st, 2016
Karen's Clipboard Viewer

Karen's Clipboard Viewer

Karen's Clipboard Viewer is a simple tool that will help you view your clipboard activity with a single click. If you are not sure about what you copied to your clipboard and wants to view it before pasting, then this is the best application for this purpose.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2008
Foreign Dreams

Foreign Dreams

This is a hidden-object adventure game that invites you to explore the world of the dreams. A friend of yours, Victor, is suffering from recurring nightmares and needs your help. As a person with paranormal abilities, you decide to explore Victor's dreams to gather information and try to figure out what is going in his head.

  • Publisher: GFi
  • Last updated: July 12th, 2011
Kronville - Stolen Dreams

Kronville - Stolen Dreams

Kronville: Stolen Dreams is a hidden-object game for Windows users. When 12 children vanish from the once peaceful town of Kronville, a school teacher named Astrid becomes wrapped up in a mystery beyond her comprehension. You must guide her as she investigates the disappearances and uncover an evil plot involving an ancient artifact that can grant immortality.

Karen's Alarm Clock

Karen's Alarm Clock

This simple utility allows you to set five different alarm times and you can write description for each setter time as well. This desktop utility, with just simple right or left click on the time or description option ,will display all the edit features.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2008