Kerry marie thumbs in Title/Summary

Elect John Kerry Screen Saver
The Presidential campaign may get intense this fall, but here you can share a laugh with John Kerry in this hilarious campaign screensaver. You will enjoy funny one-liners and clever animation as John Kerry campaigns right on your own desktop.During the process of installing this free screensaver, you will be shown 3 or more separate screens.
- Publisher: Acez Software LLC

Batch Thumbs
Batch Thumbs 1.7 is a software graphics program that enables users to convert, copy and rename files, and create thumbnails from their own images. With Batch Thumbs 1.7 users are presented with a Window’s wizard style interface showing preview, helpful hints, and a section for them to input their file selections.
- Publisher: HarmWare
- Last updated: April 21st, 2008

EZ Thumbs
Create web pages with thumbnails easily with EZ Thumbs! With EZ Thumbs you can create high quality thumbnail images from JPG, BMP, or GIF files. This program works great for newcomers to web page development as well as novices.Get EZ Thumbs now and get your web page on the internet in no time.
- Publisher: SkySof Software Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Kerry marie thumbs in Description

XT Typing Tutor
Typing tutor inspired by guitar method. It teaches you how to use ALL YOUR fingers in order to get some true typing speed. It also shows you EXACTLY how to PLACE your FINGERS BEFORE TYPING parts of words (fingers are drawn on a virtual keyboard).
- Publisher: Eugen-Ioan Goriac
- Last updated: July 6th, 2008

Yes & No Tic Tac Toe
Yes & No Tic Tac Toe is a game in which the objective is to get 3 "Thumbs-Up" or "Thumbs-Down" symbols in a row, column, or diagonal on the grid. You will play either against the computer or against a friend. After each turn the opponent will make a move and then you can move again.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: October 13th, 2009

Versailles Virtual Tour
Versailles Virtual Tour is an application that provides beautiful images about this magnificent Palace and its gardens. You can see Louis XIV's bedroom, and Louis XVI's grotto in the gardens, even Marie Antoinette's private rooms where she could escape the constant public gaze.
- Publisher: Olson Software Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 6th, 2011

Voodoo Whisperer - Curse of a Legend
Lillian is a remarkable girl with a strange talent. She can speak to ghosts. Apprenticed to one of the most powerful voodoo priestesses in the world, she is learning to use her abilities. But a dark force has settled over New Orleans and Marie Laveau, the world's most powerful voodoo queen, is missing. Much of the town has been placed under a curse.
- Publisher: Funswitch & Gogii Games
- Last updated: May 9th, 2011

FreeFem++-cs 32
FreeFem++-cs is an integrated environment for FreeFem++ (a C++-like computer language dedicated to the finite element method, developed under the supervision of profs Olivier Pironneau and Frédéric Hecht at the Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory, Pierre and Marie Curie University). FreeFem++-cs provides an intuitive graphical interface to FreeFem++ users.
- Publisher: Antoine Le Hyaric
- Last updated: July 9th, 2012
Additional Kerry marie thumbs selection

Ten Thumbs
Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor is an excellent application that, as its own name suggests, will guide you through fun and practical lessons in order to perfect your typing skills; it doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an expert typist, a child or an adult, with this program for the whole family, everybody will enjoy and learn to type in a faster way.
- Publisher: Runtime Revolution Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009

Free Thumbs.db Remover
Free Thumbs.db Remover is used to delete all thumbs.db files from a specific folder and all its dubfolders. From the Settings tab you can reduce the memory usage during the scanning, play a sound when the scanning is finished and permanently delete files, so they cannot be recovered by specialized file recovery software.
- Publisher: DVDAVITools
- Last updated: March 6th, 2017

Baidu Antivirus
Baidu Antivirus features all-in-one protection against viruses, malware and all other pesky and dangerous files that may damage your PC. It also boasts an integrated Firewall and much more. You will be amazed at the options this exquisite program provides. Moreover, this software is completely free, giving you the same, if not even better, protection then its heavy-weight rivals
- Publisher: Baidu,Inc.
- Last updated: November 20th, 2024

Thumbs Up Image Database
Thumbs Up™ is an image and multimedia database solution, available in single-user, client-server, or web server versions. Powerful tools enable a company or organization to truly reap the benefits of leveraging their image or multimedia assets. A rich feature set significantly heightens productivity and efficiency, whether for sales catalogs, cell research, or criminal apprehension.
- Publisher: Graphic Detail, Inc.

Video Booth
Video Booth is mainly intended to record video and take snapshots from your webcam. Moreover, it records audio together with the video and lets you apply some funny effects. The possibility to save resulting videos and photos in standard formats or upload them to Facebook is available in Pro version only.
- Publisher: Video Booth
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

SageThumbs is a powerful shell extension allowing to preview enormous amount of image formats directly in Windows Explorer by using Pierre-e Gougelet's GFL library (XnView's author). It also supports extended thumbnail image view of Explorer folder, 162 image formats (224 extensions) via GFL Library and more.
- Publisher: Nikolay Raspopov
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 27th, 2012

ThumbsPlus is a highly customizable image database / thumbnails / graphics editor application that makes it easy to catalog, locate, maintain and modify all your digital images, graphics, font, metafile, and multimedia files.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

2 Thumbs Up!
With 2 Thumbs Up! you can browse and organize your directories of images and pictures, add them to projects, generate thumbnails.Main features: -Create thumbnails of all your pictures fast and easy. -Browse the directories on your system and view all the images in the directories as you go.
- Publisher: htmlss

Easy Thumbnails
Easy Thumbnails is an application that creates thumbnails from your pictures. This application is free, but let that not fool you. It creates results of the highest qualities. If you need to create smaller images out of your big pictures, this application will certainly do the trick.
- Publisher: Fookes Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 26th, 2008

UsbDriveFresher help you keep your USB drive clean by removing unwanted files automatically and according to rules you specify. USBDriveFresher key features: Customizable cleanup patterns Predefined patterns Cleanup USB drive with a mouse click Autocleanup USB drive when it is plugged in Folder cleanup
- Publisher:
- Last updated: September 10th, 2011