Killer sudoku solver excel in Title/Summary

Johns Hope's Sudoku Solver
Sudoku Solver is a shareware Windows program that helps solving sudokus. Sudoku Solver requires the .NET Framework 2.0 installed on your computer to run. It is also able to generate new random sudokus and works on Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista.
- Publisher: Johns Hope Software
- Last updated: December 10th, 2009

Killer Sudoku
This is probably the most challenging puzzle game the puzzle world has ever seen. It is sudoku for people who can count. The game has the same look-and feel of sudoku. No No numbers are given as hints. You have to find all the 81 numbers. You are given few clues as sum of cells grouped by dotted lines.
- Publisher: Yoogi Puzzle Syndicate
- Last updated: December 10th, 2011

Sudoku Solver Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to solve Sudoku puzzles by entering a partially completed grid. The user enters the numbers on the left and one click on the button will display the solution on the right.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2010
Killer sudoku solver excel in Description

RedLeg SuDoKu
RedLeg SuDoku offers a complete range from simple sudoku puzzles with hints, errors and alternatives for starters to very difficult sudoku puzzles which can be time limited. You can make personal pencil notes and play different variants such as the abc and singapore version, a math, greek letter or geometric shapes and color version.
- Publisher: RedLeg Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 1st, 2010

Sudoku Soft Book
Sudoku Soft Book is an original sudoku game that offers three game variants. The traditional one, in which you must fill the empty spaces in a way so that each column and row contains the digits from 1-9; the Killer sudoku, in which the squares are grouped by dotted lines and all the digits of the squares must sum the number that appears in one of them;
- Publisher: Yoogi Games
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

Newspaper Puzzle Challenge
Newspaper Puzzle Challenge is the ultimate puzzle test featuring 8 different types of play including; Sudoku, Kakuro, Killer Sudoku, Giant Sudoku, Sudoku X, Mini Sudoku, Crosswords and more!
- Publisher: Encore Inc.
- Last updated: July 29th, 2008

CUDOKU is a simple Sudoku solver, creator and teacher. It can be used to create and print Sudoku puzzles. Game board in any stage can be printed or saved into a vector format file. You may solve puzzle generated by program, or created manually. Three hint levels are available. Beginners may learn following the hints.
- Publisher: AJT
- Last updated: June 17th, 2008

SumoCue is a helper and solver for Killer and Jigsaw Sudokus. If you like the Killer variant, but you're not really into all those calculations, you may find SumoCue a very useful tool. It keeps track of cage sums and digit combinations that are allowed. Candidates are maintained by the program, but you can always intervene.
- Publisher: Ruud
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008
Additional Killer sudoku solver excel selection

Sudoku Solver
This solver not only produces solutions, it allows them to be rapidly eMailed to multiple recipients: useful for those regular Sudoku competitions (such as the daily one The Times is currently running). - Integrated help. - Saving and loading of puzzles and solutions. - Scan of input data for obvious errors. - Very fast solution times.
- Publisher: DeadMan's Handle Ltd
- Last updated: July 4th, 2010

Desktop Sudoku
Desktop Sudoku is a great game that allows you to play three different puzzles: Sudoku, Killer Sudoku and Sudoku X. They are 4 levels of difficulty, from novice to Sudoku veteran. Desktop Sudoku has unlimited puzzles. You can print out puzzles easily, and solve them on paper. It is easy to play, no messy rubbing out if you make a mistake.
- Publisher: Desktop Sudoku
- Last updated: March 29th, 2008

SolverStudio is an Excel add-in that allows you to build and solve optimization and simulation models using tools such as PuLP, AMPL, GMPL, GAMS, Gurobi, and SimPy. You can create and edit your model without leaving Excel and to save your model inside your workbook. You can also easily link data on your spreadsheet to variables of the model.
- Publisher: A Mason
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 6th, 2017

Elite Sudoku
The most popular logic puzzle in Japan. The rules are simple. Each row, column and minibox comprises the numbers 1 through 9. The solver must complete the missing numbers. Sudoku is recommended by some teachers as an exercise in logical reasoning.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: April 21st, 2008

Sudoku XL-Solver
Sudoku is a 9x9 grid. In the newspaper each day, they may fill in 20-30% of the 81 numbers in the grid. Your goal is to fill in the remaining numbers. Each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid must contain each of the digits from 1 through 9 without any digits repeating.
- Publisher: Mike Oldroid
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 4th, 2010

Microsoft Office Excel
Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more. Main features: - Stay organized with a calendar you can customize - Create a budget and keep expenses on track - Create professional looking invoices for your business - Get organized and stay up to date
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 19th, 2023

Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation
The Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation is a unit operation implementation for which the calculations can be entered in Microsoft Excel. It will allow you to create an Excel workbook that defines the equations for calculating a unit operation, and use it in a CAPE-OPEN compliant simulation environment that supports CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 thermodynamics.
- Publisher: AmsterCHEM
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 19th, 2016

Crossword Solver
Crossword Solver is a handy tool that allows you to solve many types of crosswords and puzzles created with the Crossword Compiler online applet, as well as XML puzzle files, ".puz" files. You can donwload puzzles from webpages and open sample puzzles that come with the application including an American, barred, cryptic, Italian and some more.
- Publisher: WordWeb Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2008

Microsoft Office Excel Viewer
If you don’t have Microsoft Excel available in your computer you don’t have to worry, because with Microsoft Excel Viewer you’ll have the possibility to access to all the files created with Excel 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000 and 97. This program is a viewer, so it’ll allow you to see the files and print them, but it won’t allow you to edit the files created by Excel.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: April 9th, 2013

Sudoku Dragon
You can use this program to generate brand new puzzles to solve from the billions of possible Sudoku puzzles. It gives a wide range of types of hints and suggestions on how to solve Sudoku puzzles. It has a range of features for both newcomers and experts.
- Publisher: Silurian Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 21st, 2011