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Kml coordinate extractor in Title/Summary

KML Feature Extractor

KML Feature Extractor

KML Feature Extractor is a program designed to extract the features of KML/KMZ files (the native format of Google Earth). The program will scan for features, extract them, and convert them to shapefiles. The shapefiles can then be imported into most GIS applications.

  • Publisher: Warp Engine Software
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2010
UTM Coordinate Converter

UTM Coordinate Converter

UTM Coordinate Converter is intended to convert between different types of coordinate formats. In this respect, it supports Universal Tranverse Mercator (UTM), decimal degrees, degree minutes and degree minutes second formats. The program has an easy-to-use interface. There is a map, which you can scroll and zoom to the desired level.

KML Path Measurer

KML Path Measurer

The application will also give you the option to automatically update the path's description with the calculated distance. The path can then be imported back into Google Earth.Features- Measures Google Earth Paths either saved as KML files or copied from clipboard. - Option to automatically update path descriptions with calculated distance

Kml coordinate extractor in Description



GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. Basically it's a tool to let you play with your GPS data after you get home from your trip. Main features: - Saving of data in specified text format, XML format (GPX, KML, KMZ) or sending to GPS receiver. - Interactive 3d display of data. - Inclusion of photo thumbnails in KMZ export.

  • Publisher: Activity Workshop
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2012


Google Earth Cache Manager is a program that handle the cache of the Google Earth (dbCache.dat) and produce a satellite images (in BMP format) from cache extractions. (cache extractor using JPG Extractor from Eugeny Vedernicov -- enved[at]mail.ru --).

  • Publisher: YWTP, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022


IGIplan is an advanced mission planning program that supports over 600 local coordinate systems and all aerial cameras and sensors. It also offers advanced DTM support (automatic leveling, automatic exposure frequency, live GSD classification), and you can import and export Google Earth KML files.

  • Publisher: IGImbH
  • Home page: www.igi.eu
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2014


GeoDLL supports the development of geodetic software on various platforms by providing geodetic functions. GeoDLL contains precise calculations on the themes 2D and 3D coordinate transformation, geodetic datum shift and reference system and more.

  • Publisher: C. Killet Software Ing.-GbR
  • Home page: www.killetsoft.de
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023
KML/KMZ to GPX Converter

KML/KMZ to GPX Converter

Easy way to convert Waypoints from KMZ or KML to GPX file format with the KML/KMZ to GPX Converter free. Easy Steps : - Save your waypoints in KMZ or KML format with google earth - Import that format in the KML/KMZ to GPX Converter free - Then select waypoint you want to convert to GPX format - Export the GPX format - Upload the GPX format in your GPS

  • Publisher: HotelResortClub.com
  • Last updated: February 23rd, 2010

Additional Kml coordinate extractor selection

Universal Extractor

Universal Extractor

Universal Extractor is a program designed to decompress and extract files from any type of archive or installer, such as ZIP or RAR files, self-extracting EXE files, application installers, etc. Universal Extractor is not intended to be a general purpose archiving program. Allows you only to extract files from virtually any type of archive, regardless of source, file format, compression method.

  • Publisher: Jared Breland
  • Home page: legroom.net
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2022
WinZip Self-Extractor

WinZip Self-Extractor

The interface of WinZip Self-Extractor is actually a “wizard” that lets you create a self-extracting ZIP archive while going through all possible options, one-by-one. I personally think that this step-by-step procedure of creating the self-extracting ZIP files is a big plus, as it allows any kind of users, including the inexperienced ones, to easily operate this tool.

  • Publisher: WinZip International LLC
  • Home page: www.winzip.com
  • Last updated: December 1st, 2016
Facebook Password Extractor

Facebook Password Extractor

This application reveals the Facebook passwords stored by common web browsers such as Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox. It is a very simple, small and lightweight tool that can be used by anyone without any problems, including complete beginners.

iPhone Backup Extractor

iPhone Backup Extractor

iPhone Backup Extractor enables you to recover lost or deleted Apple smartphone data directly from your Windows PC. All you need to do is to select an iTunes backup file within your computer, choose which types of files you want to restore, and the program will immediately take care of the rest.

DMG Extractor

DMG Extractor

DMG files usually contain OS X installation packages for software tools designed for Mac, but they may also contain images, videos, or audio and text files that may also be of use on a Windows PC. DMG Extractor is a Windows tool that will allow you to open, explore, view, and extract files from DMG containers, all in a straightforward and simple way.

  • Publisher: Reincubate Ltd.
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023
DVD Audio Extractor

DVD Audio Extractor

Enjoying the audio of a concert DVD or Blu-ray on your car or portable device with audio capabilities, or just extract the audio of a video file in order to edit, correct, and enhance it is no longer an unattainable task with DVD Audio Extractor. This tiny tool can demux your video discs and files and provide you with either an untouched or a transcoded audio file of its soundtrack.

  • Publisher: Computer Application Studio
  • Home page: www.dvdae.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
AoA Audio Extractor

AoA Audio Extractor

As music videos occupy a lot of space on your hard disk, keeping just the songs and not the images could be a more efficient solution. Programs like AoA Audio Extractor are designed to help you with this task. You will be able to extract the audio content from an entire video or just certain sections from the input file.

BlackBerry Backup Extractor

BlackBerry Backup Extractor

The BlackBerry Backup Extractor can open and convert .BBB and .IPD files (inc. v2 .BBB files, encrypted) to retrieve contacts, emails, saved emails, memos, call history, calendar, SMS messages, MMS, BBM, Media files, tasks and much more.

Free RAR Extractor

Free RAR Extractor

Free RAR Extractor is a simple tool to help you extract files from RAR, ZIP, 7z, ISO, JAR, LHA, CAB or TAR easily and quickly. Just choose the archive file you want to extract, and click one button, then all the files will be extracted to your specified folder. Save you a lot of precious time.

  • Publisher: iWesoft Corporation
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2012
WhatsApp Extractor

WhatsApp Extractor

WhatsApp Extractor for iPhone whatsapp recovery lets you easily extract and recover Whatsapp messages, photos, videos, audio notes, location and contacts from your iPhone's backup. It is functionally sophisticated, yet really simple to use. Simply select your iPhone's backup, a folder to extract the data to and hit recover.

  • Publisher: MyPhoneData Softwares
  • Home page: www.myphonedata.com
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2021