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Knife distance cfg in Title/Summary

FSX CFG Editor

FSX CFG Editor

FSX CFG Editor is a free program that enables you to edit the FSX.CFG file. The program automatically detects the file from your FSX flight simulator folder, it allows you to view the content of the file and to change the sections, keys and values that the file contains.

  • Publisher: TweakFS
  • Home page: www.tweakfs.com
  • Last updated: February 16th, 2015
CFG Illustration Software

CFG Illustration Software

CFG Illustration Software is an insurance policy program that enables you to generate insurance calculation for your customers. It provides support for caring solutions, MDO whole life, guaranteed issue WL, flagship and century classic whole life insurances. You can also generate full reports based on the information you enter for your customer.

  • Publisher: Columbian Financial Group
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2014
CFG Generator

CFG Generator

A utility for creating various Server.cfg files. Also creates Mani-Admin-Plugin Clients.txt and mani-server.cfg. Allows saving of cfg files too, for later editing or for large deployments. CFG Generator is a simple, easy to use utility specially designed to enable users to create various Server.cfg files

  • Publisher: CFG Generator
  • Last updated: July 4th, 2010

Knife distance cfg in Description



This program does not yet allow to automatically set all the option that MRTG has. Furthermore, it has been written specifically to facilitate the creation of CFG files for network traffic, it deals especially with network interfaces. Some limited support for other OIDs.

  • Publisher: Claridion Inc.
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2008
FLV Knife

FLV Knife

FLV Knife is a free and simple tool to split, cut, and trim your Macromedia Flash Video files. Besides, FLV Knife is a metadata editor, allowing you to embed tagged information into your FLV files. The metadata can later be printed in either XML or YAML format. As a bonus, this application includes a convenient Flash player.

  • Publisher: Sönke Rohde
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2008


This is a simple to use Counter-Strike: Source tweak program. Every command has a description and the program offers a preview of the .cfg and can create it itself. I update this program rather often until there's nothing to update. Oh and if you're hardcore, you can always create a .cfg yourself with the help of thread in Steam forums.

  • Publisher: UDF
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2009


CFG Resume Blast offers a convenient and easy way to target multiple recruiters in a given state, or collection of cities with just a few mouse clicks. Your resume is emailed to each selected recruiter individually and directly (no cc or bcc required).

  • Publisher: ContractsForGeeks
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2011
Dungeon Rider

Dungeon Rider

Dungeon Rider 1.1 is a dungeon game, where you need to avoid enemies an go through rooms. While you walk through the different rooms, you will have to collect some items to enhance your score, get extra lives or obtain a weapon. For example, you can get a knife that can be used ONCE against a monster.

  • Publisher: Media Contact LLC
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Additional Knife distance cfg selection

Netpas Distance

Netpas Distance

Netpas Distance is a Port Distance Table providing 12,000 ports and 0.1 billion distance data with (S)ECA, weather forecast, and piracy alerts. You can get distance from Coordinates to Coordinates / Coordinates to Port using its database. It also calculates Alternative Routes for you.

  • Publisher: Seafuture Inc.
  • Home page: www.netpas.net
  • Last updated: June 9th, 2018


XIII it is a action quest game developed by Ubisoft Entertainment. The memory sequences and the story narrated at the beginning of the game are displayed in small frames as though you were reading a comic book. At the beginning of the game, you wake up yourself in a desolated bungalow on a beach next to a young beautiful lady in a swimsuit.

  • Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
  • Home page: www.ubi.com
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008


Distance is a program for design and analysis of distance sampling surveys of wildlife populations. The program can analyze several forms of distance sampling data: line transect, point transect (variable circular plot) and cue-counts. It takes two forms: a Windows-based program and a suite of packages for the statistical programming language R.

  • Publisher: Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment, University of St Andrews
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2014
CLEA Exercise - The Hubble Redshift-Distance Relation

CLEA Exercise - The Hubble Redshift-Distance Relation

Purpose: To illustrate how the velocities of galaxies are measured using a photon-counting spectrograph. To show how this information, along with estimates of galaxy distances (from their integrated apparent magnitudes) yields the classic Hubble redshift- distance relation. To determine the value of the Hubble parameter and the expansion age of the universe.

  • Publisher: Project CLEA - Gettysburg College
  • Home page: www3.gettysburg.edu
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Voyage Distance

Voyage Distance

Display FFA routes on world map and Routes description in the same time. Display multi-voyage activities on world map simultaneously. When click on the vessel logo on the voyage, shipping detail status will be displayed. Export voyage information to other user. Voyage definition (.voy) files can be transferred between users.

  • Publisher: BoLooMo
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2010
OptiXL Distance and Time Calculator

OptiXL Distance and Time Calculator

The OptiXL Distance and Time Calculator is an add-in for Microsoft MapPoint that will automate the calculation of driving distance and time between many locations and export the result to a Microsoft Excel workbook or a Microsoft Access database. in the new version you can save in HTML or CSV formats.

  • Publisher: Opti XL
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2012
Jack! The Knife

Jack! The Knife

Jack! The Knife is not a simple one cd Ripper but a really complete tool to create and manage the music on our PC.In fact besides to allow us to extract the tracks give ours cd audio preferred in our audio format audio files, thanks to his innumerable functions allows us, to edit, convert, normalize, cut, stick and analyse ours audio files with a simplicity of really elementary use.

  • Publisher: Oviri Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
RSO Distance Tool

RSO Distance Tool

The RSO (Route per State Overflown) Distance Tool is an application that allows airspace users to estimate the charges for the flights operated throughout EUROCONTROL charging area. With this application airspace users can calculate the chargeable distance of a flight plan and can obtain an estimate of the charges they will incur when operating flights within the EUROCONTROL charging area.

  • Publisher: Eurocontrol
  • Last updated: June 1st, 2011
Distance Calculation

Distance Calculation

Distance Calculation is a simple widget which can be used to check the distance between some points. To add points, you may simply click on the map. Map will be automatically centered over your current location. If you'd like to calculate distance to some points far away you can use location search located on a status bar.

  • Publisher: Opera widgets
  • Home page: widgets.opera.com
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2012
Find Distance Between Multiple Latitude and Longitude Coordinates Software

Find Distance Between Multiple Latitude and Longitude Coordinates Software

This software offers a solution for users who want to find the distance between one or more latitude and longitude coordinates. Coordinates can be added one at a time or loaded from a text file.