Korg pa series songbook editor in Title/Summary

KORG Pa-Series SongBook Editor
KORG Pa-Series SongBook Editor allows you to view and edit Korg Pa-Series SongBook files on your PC. You can create SongBook entries, import multiple Standard MIDI Files and MP3 files, edit most entry parameters in multiple entries at once, rename entries and edit parameters faster by using the PC’s keyboard, add lyrics as TXT files linked to the entries, and more.
- Publisher: KORG
- Home page: www.korg.com
- Last updated: June 29th, 2012

KORG R3 Sound Editor
KORG R3 Sound Editor is a stand-alone editor/librarian software tool to conveniently edit sounds, using the enhanced graphics that the computer provides. You can connect the R3 to your computer via its USB connector, to then edit, create, save, and store programs to the R3 or to your computer.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Home page: i.korg.com
- Last updated: October 15th, 2008

KORG RADIAS Sound Editor
KORG RADIAS Sound Editor is a software application for the RADIAS Synthesizer / Vocoder.RADIAS Sound Editor software is a handful tool for editing, managing and archiving your RADIAS settings on your computer, it is easy to install and has a friendly user interface
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Last updated: November 10th, 2009
Korg pa series songbook editor in Description

i3 File Editor
Korg-i File Editor helps a KORG i-Series IMW User organize his or her Arrangements, Styles and Programs inside standard KORG i-Series file Sets. The i3 File Editor is devoted to KORG i-Series IMW with Product Id = 39H, including i2, i3, i4S. Korg-i File Editor is not a full Librarian/Editor: e.g. it is not intended to edit Program parameters or Style patterns.
- Publisher: alain fraysse
- Home page: alain.fraysse.free.fr
- Last updated: October 5th, 2011

i30 File Editor
Korg-i File Editor is the generic name of a family of programs that run on Windows™ 7, Vista, XP, NT4, 2000, 95/98/ME platforms with 8 Mbytes RAM available and at least an 800x600 pixels screen. Korg-i File Editor helps a KORG™ i-Series Interactive Music Workstation User organize his/her Arrangements, Styles, KBD Sets, Backing Sequences etc. files.
- Publisher: Al's software
- Home page: alain.fraysse.free.fr
- Last updated: February 21st, 2010

KORG KAOSSILATOR PRO+ Editor is a program that lets you use your computer to store data that you've saved on the KAOSSILATOR PRO+ keyboard. The program also allows you to edit the parameters of the keyboard and to load WAV or AIFF audio files from your computer.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Home page: www.korg.com
- Last updated: April 14th, 2015

You can use the editor to organize and edit 05w data without the 05w connected - to enable this option select "OFF-LINE" from the main editor window menu. In this mode, data will not be requested from 05w, instead it will be loaded from hard drive files. The "Write" program or the combi function will save to the disk instead of 05W.
- Publisher: SoundTower Software
- Last updated: June 15th, 2010

KORG M50 Editor
KORG M50 Editor is a brilliant new synthesizer distilling the sonic essence and functionality of the M3 series into a seriously portable and affordable new instrument.Features: - Rich and vivid sound using the same "EDS" (Enhanced Definition Synthesis) tone generator found on the upper-end M3
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Last updated: August 8th, 2012
Additional Korg pa series songbook editor selection

Today, the KAOSSILATOR continues to be enormously popular. Retaining these revolutionary features – while adding a wide variety of new ones as well – is the new KAOSSILATOR PRO.The KAOSSILATOR PRO is packed with features that make it ideal for both live performance and premium productions.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Home page: www.korg.com
- Last updated: August 6th, 2010

KORG microSTATION Editor
Designed to satisfy the beginning musician or the accomplished keyboardist, the microSTATION offers unprecedented portability, the stunning sound of Korg's EDS-i synth engine, phenomenal effects, plus easy-to-use sequencing tools. Audition riffs make finding just the right sound a breeze.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Last updated: August 18th, 2011

KORG padKONTROL Editor Librarian
The Editor Librarian software lets you save the sixteen scenes stored in the padKONTROL as a "set" on your computer, and manage these sets, as well as edit individual scenes.KORG padKONTROL Editor Librarian is a free and easy to install software developed by Korg Inc.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Home page: www.korg.com
- Last updated: June 21st, 2008

Advance Wars Series Map Editor
This map editor was made by Roma_emu so people could share their Advance Wars series' maps through the Internet. It's designed for PCs using Windows and Linux. This program will not help with the online gaming of the Advance Wars, it is the most mapmaker-friendly editor to be released this far.
- Publisher: Joao Pedro S. Francese (Roma_emu)
- Last updated: June 8th, 2010

KORG microX Editor
KORG microX Editor allows you to edit the microX in a stand-alone operation, or it can run as a plug-in editor in an AU, VST or RTAS environment. Features: - The microX/X50 Editor and microX/X50 Plug-In Editor are applications that let you edit microX/X50 programs, combinations, multi sets, drum kits, arpeggios, and global settings from your Macintosh or Windows computer.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Home page: i.korg.com
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012

KORG microSAMPLER Editor/Librarian
The microSAMPLER Editor/Librarian enables you to edit microSAMPLER sample data and effect parameters and transfer them between your microSAMPLER and a computer. The Editor/Librarian also allows you to import WAV or AIFF format audio files and Standard MIDI files from a computer’s hard disk
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Last updated: December 21st, 2009

KORG KROSS Editor is an application for Mac or Windows computers that allows you to edit the KROSS programs, combinations, songs, favorites, drum kits, arpeggio patterns, effects, and global settings. It is not possible to open and run multiple instances of KROSS Editor, this means that it is not possible to edit more than one KROSS synthesizer simultaneously.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Last updated: May 29th, 2014

PCG Tools
PCG Tools is a free application designed for Korg Music workstations and synthesizers. The program is capable of handling mainly PCG files. These files are used for programs, combis and set lists, global information and more. It is mostly a librarian, but it also has some editor functions.
- Publisher: Michel Keijzers, MiKeSoft
- Last updated: July 27th, 2015

KORG RK-100S Sound Editor
RK-100S Sound Editor is software that takes advantage of your computer’s large screen to let you edit and manage the RK-100S’s programs and global data with ease and convenience. On the Program page you can select a program to edit, transmit and receive programs to or from the RK-100S, edit the program name or comment, and copy or rearrange programs.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Home page: www.korg.com
- Last updated: October 28th, 2016

KORG microKORG SoundEditor
KORG microKORG SoundEditor allows you to organize and edit audio files in your microKORG / microKORG S Synthesizer/Vocoder. This program displays all of the parameters and their values on your screen; the envelope parameters are displayed graphically, and you can edit them by clicking and dragging.
- Publisher: Korg Inc.
- Home page: www.korg.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2018