L-dali loytec in Title/Summary

LOYTEC L-Vis Configurator
L-VIS is an extremely flexible graphical user interface with an unprecedented range of functions. Any data point can be displayed on or controlled by the high-resolution touch display, surrounded by an an anodized frame. All L-VIS Touch Panels are configurd using the same configuration tool - the L-VIS Configurator.
- Publisher: LOYTEC electronics GmbH
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

LOYTEC L-Web Visualization
LWEB Visualization is the graphical user interface in the L-WEB System and provides monitoring and operator functions via Web technologies in building automation. LWEB displays customized graphic pages with dynamic content on Windows PCs or Windows Mobile devices. The graphical projects are hosted by distributed L-INX Automation Server with integrated OPC XML-DA server or L-ROC Room
- Publisher: LOYTEC L-Web
- Home page: www.loytec.com
- Last updated: December 18th, 2010
Additional L-dali loytec selection

L-VIS/L-WEB Configurator
L-VIS/L-WEB Configurator is a program that enables you to configure the L-VIS Touch Panel and to build graphical pages for L-VIS Touch Panels or LWEB-800/802/803 pages for L-WEB system on PC or handhelds. Within the setup process, a library is being installed containing color icons of various sizes and demo projects.
- Publisher: LOYTEC electronics GmbH
- Home page: www.loytec.com
- Last updated: March 27th, 2015