Language switcher windows me in Title/Summary

Plugins Language Switcher
Language Switcher is a plugin that changes the WordPress back-end language according to user selection. This plugin shows in the language selection drop down list all languages which you have in blog wp-content/languages and wp-content/plugins directories.
- Publisher: Vladimir Garagulya
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 27th, 2015

Boot Switcher
Boot Switcher is a program designed to boot Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP Operating Systems on the fly,Eliminates the need to manually select the desired operating system on boot up ,Works with any dual/triple/quadruple/quintuple boot setup, Offers three different boot timeout intervals, Provides logoff/restart/shutdown options for all versions.
- Publisher: Boot Switcher
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2008

Win Eight Metro UI Switcher
Win Eight Metro UI Switcher is a small utility that lets you disable the Start screen of Windows Eight and to return the Windows 7 styled Start menu. The tweaker also gives back the classic Task Manager that can show CPU utilization history per processor/core.
- Publisher: Software
- Last updated: April 17th, 2012
Language switcher windows me in Description

RT Server Customizer
Disable or adjust system services, Enable or disable registry tweaks, Change power configuration, Set control panel view and other component tweaks. You can Integrate windows updates like security updates, hotfixes Integrate drivers Integrate language packs and Integrate 3rd party applications. Create bootable ISO image, Burn image, Split image, Export images, Give CD-Label, Bootable USB, etc.
- Publisher: RT Server Customizer,Rockers Team
- Last updated: May 27th, 2011

WinBatch automates PCs with simple scripting and pre-built sample solutions. It manipulates PCs including: Windows APIs, third party software, networking (MS and Novell), Internet communications (FTP, email, etc.), and SQL databases.
- Publisher: Wilson WindowWare, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Language Control Centre
The Language Control Centre is available to download free of charge from the Board’s website, facilitates the use of Welsh in bilingual households and workplaces by offering a language choice to all. It allows users choose the either Welsh or English as interface language for Windows XP and Office 2003.
- Publisher: Draig Technology Ltd
- Last updated: August 10th, 2011

XPicture is a simple picture browser that enables the user to view and associate images just by double clicking on the image or opening a picture folder. It works on various versions of Microsoft windows like Windows 95, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, etc. It is similar to the Microsoft XP picture browser.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

EPSON TX300F Series Printer
The package will install the necessary files for the Epson TX300 printer. The driver is also multi-language which means it supports many language-based Windows variants.
- Publisher: SEIKO EPSON Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 7th, 2016
Additional Language switcher windows me selection

Lua for Windows
Lua for Windows (LfW) combines Lua binaries, Lua libraries with a Lua-capable editor in a single install package for the Microsoft Windows operating system. LfW contains everything you need to write, run and debug Lua scripts on Windows. A wide variety of libraries and examples are included that are ready to use with Microsoft Windows.
- Publisher: The Lua for Windows Project and Lua and Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 12th, 2012

Auto C
Auto C is used to create user interfaces in the C programming language. Create the skeleton for a generic SDK C Windows application by drawing controls on a form. Use a toolbox, properties box and property pages in a visual-style WYSIWYG environment.
- Publisher: Wade Schuette
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2015

Grammar Slammer
English grammar help + reference that answers the questions the grammar checker cannot. Get Answers not Questions and real grammar help for Windows. Handy + Easy. Use as tutor, too.
- Publisher: English Plus+
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

SwiftForth brings the fast, powerful, ANS Forth programming language to Windows, Linux, and macOS. No need for an external compiler, assembler, or linker. Easy access to all system functions and dynamic libraries. Includes SWOOP™, a powerful object-oriented Forth programming system. Command window provides an interactive development environment.
- Publisher: FORTH, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 8th, 2018

Qlarity Foundry
Qlarity Foundry is a free PC-based software tool (Windows® 2000, XP, Vista) to assist in developing screens and applications for graphic operator interface and mobile data terminals based on the Qlarity language. This Windows® design environment allows you to use objects to create screens, simulate, debug and download applications to your Qlarity-based terminal.
- Publisher: QSI Corporation
- Last updated: October 10th, 2011

Hytran is a Windows software package for analyzing HYdraulic TRAN sients or water hammer in pipelines and is written in the object oriented C language for Windows environment. Intuitive Windows graphics enable a pipeline to be drawn, input data, edited and ready for analysis in minutes.
- Publisher: Hytran Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 31st, 2015

TIRHUTA Typing Tool
Tirhuta Typing Tool is a tool designed to help you create documents in Tirhuta language. With this tool, you will be able to type in Windows based applications such as Notepad, WordPad, MS Office 2016 with any language pack (Indian language), Libre Office, etc. It supports Unicode, so the created documents will be easily viewed properly on any Unicode enabled operating system such as Windows 10.
- Publisher: C-DAC
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 13th, 2017

PrettyMay Call Recorder for Skype - Business
PrettyMay Call Recorder for Skype - Business is a powerful Skype add on. This software will allow you to record skype calls on Windows easily, saving them as MP3 or WAV files in a separate channel. Call recording duration for each conversation is unlimited.
- Publisher: PrettyMay Team
- Last updated: November 21st, 2011

Brutus2D is a BASIC-style game programming language for Windows.Brutus2D provides all the familiar BASIC commands like “For-Next”, “If-Then”, and etc. Additionally, simple commands manipulate graphics, sounds, and inputs. It is targeted towards the hobbyist who enjoys programming a game now and then.Brutus2D can create fast and small stand-alone executables.
- Publisher: Pewter Software
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Poly/ML is an implementation of Standard ML for Windows, Linux, and MAC. Poly/ML gets its name because the original implementation was written in a language called Poly. This IDE allows programmers to create Windows applications. You also get a source level debugger.
- Publisher: Poly/ML
- Last updated: October 31st, 2016