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Launcher dock in Title/Summary

Launcher Dock

Launcher Dock

This application automatically starts programs and docks them exactly where you want. You can manage the way you launch and dock your programs on a single or multiple screens. For example, if you always open up a particular document in notepad, then add the file location in the Parameters field.

Rocket Dock

Rocket Dock

Features: - Minimize windows to the dock - Real-time window previews in Vista - Running application indicators - Simple drag-n-drop interface - Multi-monitor support - Supports alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons - Icons zoom and transition smoothly - Auto-hide and Popup on mouse over - Positioning and layering options - Fully customizable

  • Publisher: Rocket
  • Home page: rocketdock.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2010
SSuite Mac Dock

SSuite Mac Dock

Mac Dock is a program that simulates the Mac OS X dock on your Windows desktop.

Launcher dock in Description



YzDock is an application and document launcher for Windows platforms. This application is still in its early days, so it has a lot of bugs and some functionality is not yet available. But I like where this particular app is getting to. I've tried other applications that try to replicate the Mac OS X dock by imitating its looks.

  • Publisher: Y'z@Home
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
RK Launcher iVista Leopard

RK Launcher iVista Leopard

RK Launcher iVista Leopard is a handy and attractive application launcher that is the perfect replacement for your taskbar. The program has the ability to show your minimized windows as icons on the dock, thus allowing for more productivity and better accessibility.

Magic Dock

Magic Dock

Magic Dock is a free and simple way of installing a replica of the stylish Mac dock in your Windows system. It offers a wide arrange of attractive icons complete with the popular scroll-through effect, and enough customization capabilities to meet the most demanding preferences. It can live perfectly with your Windows task bar, and will add a Mac-like attractive look to your Windows desktop.

  • Publisher: Kipesoft .INC
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020


MyDock is a replacement utility for Windows' start menu. It is actually a copy of the Dock you see in Mac OS X machines, but slightly less powerful, and not nearly as good-looking. The Dock is the way to go for starting applications and switching between them in Mac. The user wants to recreate this. The Dock is by default filled with applications on your computer.

  • Publisher: EzhLand
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2008


SliderDock is an application launcher. It takes the form of rings composed by icons, that you click on to open the desired application. You can also create key combinations to access applications through the keyboard. It is highly customizable; you can create new rings, add new icons, or change the size and color.

Additional Launcher dock selection



RocketDock 1.3 - simple application that installs itself by default on the middle of the upper part of our desktop. From this tray bar, it's possible to enter My PC, My Net places, My documents, My music, My images, the Control Panel, the Recycle WasteBasket, as well as the configuration itself and the developer web site (Punk SOftware).

  • Publisher: Punk Software
  • Home page: punklabs.com
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2020
Dell Dock

Dell Dock

Dell Dock

  • Publisher: Stardock Corporation
  • Home page: www.stardock.com
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2011
Epic Games Launcher

Epic Games Launcher

Use the Epic Games Launcher to start playing amazing games. You can check platform compatibility for individual titles by referring to the "Specifications" section of any product page. Epic Games Store gives you a free game every week by using this launcher.

  • Publisher: Epic Games
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2024


ObjectDock is an animated dock for Windows that enables you to quickly access and launch your favorite applications, files and shortcuts. ObjectDock can also automatically hide itself when not in use and will reappear when you move your mouse to its position.

  • Publisher: Stardock Systems
  • Home page: www.stardock.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024
Game Launcher

Game Launcher

Game Launcher is the perfect solution for organizing all of your PC games in one centralized location. Instead of having icons spread across your desktop or buried in your Start menu, you can access all of them in one easy to manage program. Game Launcher allows you to use life-size cover art images of your games to identify each one.

Bamboo Dock

Bamboo Dock

Bamboo Dock is a software application developed by Wacom Europe GmbH, Europark Fichtenhain A9, 47807 Krefeld, Germany (hereinafter "Wacom") for the free use of owners of Wacom products. Bamboo Dock facilitates the simple selection, downloading, installation, access and use of and to Bamboo Minis.

  • Publisher: WACOM
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2012
Nexon Launcher

Nexon Launcher

Nexon Launcher is a game downloader and launcher app for nexon.net MMORPG titles. You can play games such as Atlantica Online, Combat Arms, Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies, Dirty Bomb, First Assault, LawBreakers, Mabinogi, MapleStory, Riders of Icarus, Vindictus, War Rock.

  • Publisher: Nexon
  • Home page: www.nexon.net
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2013
Blackboard Collaborate Launcher

Blackboard Collaborate Launcher

The Blackboard Collaborate Launcher provides a convenient and reliable way for you to launch your Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing sessions and recordings. When you click Join Room on the Room Details page or a recording link in the Recordings table, Blackboard Collaborate checks to see if you have the launcher installed.

  • Publisher: Blackboard Inc.
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2016
ICCup Launcher

ICCup Launcher

The International CyberCup (ICCup) "Anti-Hack" launcher is a third-party launcher program for Starcraft: Brood War. The program does not prevent hacks from being used in the game, but rather detects and warns other players if a hack is being used by their opponent. The ICCup launcher is free for download and use from ICCup's website.

  • Publisher: ICCup, Inc.
  • Home page: www.iccup.com
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2012
NCsoft Launcher

NCsoft Launcher

NCsoft Launcher can be used to download and launch Aion and Lineage II games. It simplifies the process of installing, launching and updating your games. It links directly to the developer site and gets you special offers and support for these games.

  • Publisher: NCSoft
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2015